"Have you ever noticed how insignificant we are in the bigger scheme of things? We are a mere speck of dust in the universe. Yet, some of us are so full of our own importance.

Have you ever wondered what might have been? How our life could change if we had taken that train? Would I be here writing this tonight or would I be out there with you?

Have you ever asked yourself why we are so fortunate compared to someone else in this world? Or have you always lament at your misfortunes?"

Why am I putting up this page?
I reckon coz it needs to be put up. Or perhaps it is part of the grand design of fate to make me ponder and vent out my angst here.

Who am I?
I am but a simple lady who sometimes wonder why people make such a big ado about nothing.
I am but an intrepid traveller who seeks endlessly for the next backpacking adventure, the next mountain to trek, the next sea to snorkel and when I get up enough nerve to do it again, perhaps the next ocean to dive! :D
I am but a red wine lover who can't hold my liquor yet profess endless love for it.
I am but a simple lady who seeks my muse at the oddest of hours!

True heaven is a place on earth ...
Moi - the travel bug
Journey into South Africa 2002
Fly over Victoria Falls 2002
Pole the mokoros in Botswana 2002
Trek up Mount Kinabalu May 2003
A glimpse of Annapurna, Nepal Nov 2003
The Challenge of Mount Kilimanjaro 2004
A small town dudette at heart ...
Circle of life ...
A mountain biker in the making ...
Contact Info:
Name: Leanne