An Astrological Age



Definition: [Astrological Ages] An Astrological Age is defined as: the period of time during which the Vernal Equinox Point can be found in a particular constellation.

The concept of the Astrological Age was most carefully defined by the celebrated psychologist Carl Gustav Jung who in the 1950s popularised the Age of Aquarius. He tells us that, "it refers to the actual constellation of fixed stars, not to ... the zodiac divided into sectors of 30º each." [C G Jung Aion Chapter IV, The Sign of the Fishes, Footnote 84, 1951 AD ].

He tells us of a historical tradition which encompases, "the transition of the Age of Taurus to that of Aries, and then from Aries to Pisces, whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity." And that "We are now nearing that great change which may be expected when the spring-point enters Aquarius." [C G Jung Flying Saucers, Introduction, pp xi - xii, 1959 AD.] [For more on what Jung wrote on this see C G Jung and the Age of Aquarius.]

By spring point, Jung means what we would now call the Vernal Equinox Point.

How Long Does An Astrological Age Last For? This varies, because it is the amount of time taken for the the Vernal Equinox Point to move all the way through a particular "constellation of fixed stars," and the constellations come in a variety of sizes, they are; "not ... sectors of 30º each." Hence, the Astrological Age associated with a large constellation, Virgo, the Maiden, for example, is much longer than that for a small constellation, such as Scorpius, the Scorpion.

How Many Astrological Ages are There? Thirteen. Because the Vernal Equinox Point will pass through thirteen Constellations during the course of a Great Year. [See Real Solar Zodiac for more on the Constellations.]

When Does an Astrological Age Begin or End? An Astrological Age for a particular constellation begins when the Vernal Equinox Point moves into that constellation, as seen from Earth. It ends when the Vernal Equinox Point moves out of that constellation again, as seen from Earth. So it will be the Age of Aquarius when the Vernal Equinox Point moves out of the constellation of Pisces and into the constellation of Aquarius. Similarly, we would now say - follwing Jung - that the Age of Aries ended more than two thousand years ago when the Vernal Equinox Point moved out of the constellation of Aries and into the constellation of Pisces, as seen from Earth.

An Astrological Age...

1:   Astrological Ages: Frequently asked Questions [FAQ] 
3:   An Astrological Age... [A Zodiac Age] 
3a:   Age of Taurus 
3b:  Age of Aries 
3c:  Age of Pisces 
3d:  Age of Aquarius 
3e:  A New Age 

© Dr Shepherd Simpson, Astrological Historian


Historical Astrology

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