HaT's Ancient Cavalry

A Preview

The webmaster at HaT ever so kindly sent me these test "shots" of their upcoming Ancient Cavalry packs. Again, I had them before they were released, yet I havn't had the time to finish this until now, when they are already in Europe and about to be released in the States!

You may notice in the pictures below that some of these guys don't have weapons. Rest assured they do in the finished product.

Also some of these pictures arn't that crash hot - I'm still trying to work out the best lighting conditions for our new digital camera at work.

So, on with the show. First up are the Romans...

HaT #8021, Roman Cavalry

HaT #8021 - Roman Cavalry

(Box art copyright Hat - reproduced with kind permision)

HaT #8021 - Roman Cavalry

#8021 Roman Cavalry contains three [identical] sprues with:

  • HaT #8021 - Roman Riders  Four different riders, two in chain mail, and the other two in muscled curiass' (is that how you spell that?!). All have different helmets and round shields. Three with spears, one with a sword.

  • HaT #8021 - Roman Horses  Four horses in two different poses with just saddle cloths (no saddles).

on each sprue. So that'd make 12 cav per box - 4 3Cv elements. Very convienient, those numbers!

Click here to have a look at some painted examples from HaT's site.

And next we have the Celts...

HaT #8022, Celtic Cavalry

HaT #8022 - Celtic Cavalry

(Box art copyright Hat - reproduced with kind permision)

HaT #8022 - Celtic Cavalry

#8022 Celtic Cavalry contains three [identical] sprues with:

  • HaT #8022 - Celtic Riders    Four different riders, three in chain mail, one with just a shirt, and all with different helmets. Three with spears, one with a sword. All have round shields.

  • HaT #8022 - Celtic Horses  Four horses in two different poses, with saddles and more tack than the Romans. In fact, these horses would make good medieval mounts as well.

on each sprue. So that'd make 12 cav per box - 4 3Cv elements.

By the way, click here if you want to see some painted examples from HaT's site.

And last, but by no means least, the Numidians...

HaT #8024, Numidian Cavalry

HaT #8024 - Numidian Cavalry

(Box art copyright Hat - reproduced with kind permision)

HaT #8024 - Numidian Cavalry

#8024 Numidian Cavalry contains three [identical] sprues with:

  • HaT #8024 - Numidian Riders  Four riders, all of them in different poses but with the same tunics, bare heads and feet, and with javelins/light spears. Round shields.

  • HaT #8024 - Numidian Horses  Four horses two different poses, all bare back and no tack - just a rope around their necks. Very Light Horse!

on each sprue. So that'd make 12 cav per box - 6 2LH elements.

Click here to have a look at some painted examples from HaT's site.

Ok, so what can you do with them (in DBA terms)?

Well, where shall I start?!

Actually, to be perfectly honest, you can do diddly squat with them in isolation - even the Sarmation list needs some infantry (one 2Ps)! But, man, when used with other plastic ancient infantry figures, almost anything! Well, ok, not Normans or Mongols, but you get my drift!

For instance:

  • the Romans could really easily pass themselves off as Greeks or Macedonians

  • the Celts, well, just about any classical Barbarian mob, from the Gauls to Germans, even Goths (maybe) - and that's just the "G"'s!

    They are especially useful in conjunction with HaT's Carthaginian Packs, as are all of these cavalry packs.

  • and the Numidians, well, how about Numidians?! In fact, they could do practically any ancient Middle Eastern light horse. Even Ancient British, if you paint more clothes on them - but you may find the horses to be just a little big to pass themselves off as Brit ponies. Still, they're smaller than the Imex Suiox horses that I'm using for the same purpose!

Overall, these figures are nicely moulded (the chain mail coats on the Celts are really well done), and extremly useful. In fact, these packs are what us plastic wargamers have been crying out for for ages! What else can I say, I highly (like highly!) recommend them!

(Also, have a look at HaT's Carthaginians, War Elephants and their Polyibian Romans and Roman Artillery .)


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