Captain Benjamin Sisko
commanding officer, Deep Space 9

Sisko was previously the first officer of the USS Saratoga during the Borg encounter at Wolf 359. He became a single father to son Jake when his wife Jennifer was killed during the Borg battle. Sisko spent 3 years working at Utopia Planetia shipyards working on anti-Borg weapons, including the Defiant-class starship, when he was assigned to Deep Space 9 and discovered that he was to be the Emissary to the Bajoran people. Sisko rejected the notion of being a religious figure for a long time, but as he slowly understood the Bajorans he grew to respect them and his title. Sisko remarried Kasidy Yates in the heat of the Dominion War, and even sacrificed his life to save the Bajoran people from the Pah Wraiths. Sisko joined the Prophets on a new journey.S