Egyptian Desert Subtheme
My Own Creations
Pearson Patrol Car
Amazon Jungle Subtheme
Dino Island Subtheme
Orient Expedition Subtheme
Indiana Jones Theme

My Own Creations
Pearson Patrol Car
The inspiration for this car is the 1x2 Triple 45° Apex Slope used at the front of the engine. This lead to the use of the 2x2 Double 45° Apex Slopes on top. After that the two spare wheels was added. The finishing touch was the third headlight, which a lot vehicles had in the twenties.

Patrolling a village
An officer and a NCO are patrolling a small village in search for members of a rebellious tribe. Notice the suspicious person lurking just around the corner of the house
3/4 Front view
Showing the impressive array of headlights
Left Side
Notice how the spade is stowed away
Top view 
With the car loaded for a long patrol in the desert
Bottom view
The usual differential bulges are clearly visible

Blueprint Technical Specifications
Length 16 Studs
Width 6 Studs
Height 12 Plates
Weight 174 Dots
Cost 65 Pieces
Engine 50 hp Platon
Max. Speed 60 ks/h (KiloStuds per hour)