Mediocre Creek Theater 3000

Now Playing at Mediocre Creek Theater 3000

Dear Mediocre Creek fans, I am sorry to tell you that there probably won't be any more updates. I don't have the time or interest anymore. From time to time I may post the stories that people have sent me on the page, only with out "the creekers" critiques. if you have any questions or comments on this you can send me mail at >

This picture was scanned by Karen

Don't get mad Jen. There's a new story!

"Come on guys! We've got to read the stories!!"

The story behind this is that Dawson, Joey, Pacey and Jen are stuck in Saturday detention (again!) and as a punishment Mrs. Tringle is making them read bad fan fiction. It is a take-off of Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Comedy Centeral (A guy is trapped in a spaceship wth robots and is forced to watch horrible movies and make fun of them)

The Edge- This is the first story and it also explains what is going on.

The Edge Part 2- The second part of the edge.

Can't Hardly Wait   

Independence Day by snowgirl-Part one

Good Morning Vietnam by snowgirl-Part 2  

For the Boys-Part 3                  

Lords of Illusion-Part 4                   

Beaches-Part 5 

Dream Angel by snowgirl-Part 6 

When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again by snowgirl-Part 7

DC: A Parody by Mr. Wired  

Joey's Revenge      

A   Fan Fic by Rmsswim15

The Kiss by angel00165

A Trip to the moon by Ashley

True Feelings By Melissa and Tammy

We Belong by HopRom17

Jen's Creek By Angel

The Steps to Manhood

Dawson's Creek Meets South Park- A story so fun I gave it it's own page!

Dream On by Melissa and Tammy

Meeting Jen by MElissa and Tammy

Fan Fic By SweetDukie

Hidden Secrets by Nicole

A story by Jes

Check out my new banner:

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Dawson's Creek fans have been to this site!

Questions? Comments? Email me at

Copyright 1998 by CElizabeth  S. Dawson's Creek and it's characters are copyrighted by Warner Bros.

I have won:

Becky's Dawson Creek Award