Who are we?

Golden Knight from SXC.HULords of Legend is a FREE Fantasy RPG turn based war game. It also is a multiplayer online game where you compete against thousands of other players. After a short amount of time, you can join a clan and clan mates can teach you different strategies and you can work together to achieve your goals whether they be winning or just meeting people and having some fun.

To participate in the game you need to register an account which is FREE. There is no client to download and you only need a web browser to play. When you register, you will need to choose a race – all have their advantages and disadvantages so don’t worry too much initially – just pick what you think you like! If you really aren’t sure then this link should help you decide.

The main aim of Lords of Legend is to build an army and develop your account into something of power. With your clan mates beside you, you can aim to be the best clan and win, you can enjoy warring hard, have your own interclan competitions or any number of other possibilities. Your clan leader, once you have one, should be able to help you with this. They may well also be able, along with the forum community, to provide you with general guidance on how perhaps to focus your army.

If you’re curious, come in. We’ll be there to assist you if should you need it! Once you have joined the game, the forum contains lots of useful game information and remains the source of the most up to date news on game play. If you get stuck drop into our Apprentice Lords board where someone will be sure to give you guidance and answer your questions.

How old is Lords of Legend?

Books from SXC.HULords of Legend first began back in May 2003 and has come a long way since then, always evolving and adapting – a process which carries on to this day and will likely do so for a number of years to come. It would take considerable time to show all of the improvements that have been made from the early days but to name a few - new buildings, races and the inception of clans into the mix - are the most obvious additions. Various other dynamics have changed game play over time so that all players, both new and old, can join in however often they wish to log in.

Within three months of the game's beginning, it ballooned to over eight thousand players. A few days later, it reached nine thousand and by Christmas of 2003 it had passed twenty-four thousand players. The most recent birthday (May 21st) has been Lords of Legends 5th and we look forward to continuing to provide you all with a family-friendly community as well as a fun game and a forum environment that will help you learn all you need in your quest to build your army.

You’ll meet new people of all ages who live all over the world and are from many walks of life. You’ll learn how to organise your troops, make friends, as well as find out what other people enjoy doing or talking about and many other things besides.

So, if you haven’t already, click the banner below to join us today and see what you’ve been missing!

LoL Banner

21st May 2008Headline

Happy 5th birthday Lords of Legend! The LoL Survival Guide is up and running at last! We've expanded to include a wealth of other information too.
Learn more . . .

Offsite Links

Strategies and statistics are likely to change from round to round and will take time to update as people learn the changes (ourselves included) particularly near the beginning of a round. For up to date gaming statistics, the Lords of Legend forum should likely be the first port of call.