The Martial Arts -
Aikido :: Capoeira :: Fencing :: Judo :: Karate :: Kendo ::
:: Nam Wah Pai :: Pencak Silat :: Taichi :: Taekwon-Do :: Wushu ::

Introduction to CMAD

            Every year, the different martial arts groups in the National University of Singapore will come together and put up a dazzling martial arts display for the students.  The main aim of the Combined Martial Arts Display is to create an awareness of martial arts and to promote them among the student community.

             This year, 11 different martial arts clubs, namely Aikido, Fencing, Karate, Kendo, Nam Wah Pai, Capoeira, Judo, Silat, Taekwondo, Taiji and Wushu are taking part in this Combined Martial Arts Display.  Each individual martial art will showcase their individual fighting style and specialty; throws by Aikido and Judo, weapon displays by Fencing, Kendo and Wushu, kicks and sparring by Karate, Taekwondo, Capoeria and Silat, destruction displays by Nam Wah Pai and the classical Taiji form. 

             The theme for this year is THE WAY. Through this, we hope to demonstrate the individuality of each martial art. At the same time we will also emphasize on the spiritual side of the art rather than the techniques.  It is this training of the body and spirit that unites all martial artists towards a common goal. 

              The Combined Martial Arts Display had received overwhelming response from students during the previous years.  This year, the event is opened to the public.  To accommodate the huge audience, the event will be held at the University Cultural Centre.