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"Something so strong!"

Wow. Wow, Wow, Wow. That's really all I can say after the tremendous response we've received to the first issue of Crowded House Confidential. And it wasn't just the contest entries or the additions to our ever growing lists of CH related information. It was also the fan letters which greeted me every morning. This is really too cool, my friends. Thanks to all of you!

And then there were those of you who wanted to get involved with us too, and help expand CHC. So now we're introducing our own version of the pictures proudly displayed on the refrigerator-- "High Above The Kitchen." This is a place for readers to contribute to the site with their own Crowded House related artwork, fiction, whatever. If you want to be a part of this, drop us a line at

We will keep adding new features, "Apparitions," where we look at Finn appearances in our everyday lives. (My brother especially likes this! :-) We've added a musical beverage guide called "Drowning In Alcohol", a pet column, and a place for readers to submit their reviews of Crowded House cover bands. If you have ideas for other sections, write, write, write!

It's exciting to see so much interest in Crowded House THE BAND, even when the focus of the fans right now is on Neil Finn solo. No matter how brilliant Neil's new music is (and it is REALLY brilliant!), there was a one-of-a-kind chemistry with Crowded House that will never be repeated.

It's this uniqueness that this site hopes to celebrate. The band may not record any new creative works, but why should that stop us from continuing to be creatively inspired by their music?

Keep those emails and ideas coming, folks. And be sure to stop back again and see what else we've been up to.

Take the weather,

Lucy McNab
Editor, CH Confidential

Front Page | Ask Pineapple Head | Recurring Dreams | News Travels Fast | Zen Roxy |
High Above The Kitchen | Separated At Birth | CH Song Sightings | Confidentially Speaking |
Letters to the Editor | Kiss & Tell | Sonja and Neil | Record Review | Hairs On My Shirt |
New Contest
| Drowning In Alcohol | Finn Apparitions | Not The Band They Think They Are? |
Tear The Covers Back
| Neil Finn Art Gallery | Kare Kare Kontest Winner | Links


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