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Well, we knew that our readers, being fans of the Finns, had exquisite taste and a fine sense of humor. But what we didn't realize is that they would want to be part of the fun as well.

So in this issue, we're introducing a this new feature--a chance for you to submit your Crowded House artworks, stories, poems, whatever. We'll try to use as much stuff as we can. Have an idea? Drop us a line at

This month the fridge belongs to Jessica Mooney who has the inside scoop about what Neil has REALLY been up to since the band broke up. Thanks Jess for sending this to us!



Front Page | Ask Pineapple Head | Recurring Dreams | News Travels Fast | Zen Roxy |
High Above The Kitchen | Separated At Birth | CH Song Sightings | Confidentially Speaking |
Letters to the Editor | Kiss & Tell | Sonja and Neil | Record Review | Hairs On My Shirt |
New Contest
| Drowning In Alcohol | Finn Apparitions | Not The Band They Think They Are? |
Tear The Covers Back
| Neil Finn Art Gallery | Kare Kare Kontest Winner | Links


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