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We asked the question, "Where have YOU heard a Crowded House or Finn song?" And we got answers!



I have heard "Something So Strong" while in the lockeroom at Balley's Fitness.




Here are some MUZAK bits and stuff:

"Not Even Close"...This one I hear at the local supermarket in my town in Massachusetts. Good Tim song....

"Something So Strong". Heard a muzak version of this in 91 at another supermarket....yuck




About a year ago I was on a quiz show in the U.K. called 'Lucky Numbers' and was asked to sing "It's Only Natural" with it's compere Shane Richie. I didn't win the jackpot, but, fufilled one of my dreams by singing a CH song on national television!!!




A co-worker I turned on to CH was sitting on hold waiting for a technician for our Fuji copy machine one day and there was a Muzak version of "Pineapple Head" playing on their music on hold. I only got to hear the very last bit of it. This has been a year or so ago now but maybe you'd get lucky if you tried calling Fuji's US number and asked for a technician (where you're guaranteed at least a 30 minute wait!) I've been waiting all this time for someone to actually want to know this bit of info. Thanks for the opportunity to share!




1) I was visiting the Statue of Liberty and was browsing through the shop, when a musak "Walking on the Spot" came on. The last place on Earth I'd expect to hear it.

2) When I was visiting my long lost Canadian Sister, Mary Ann, in Akron, Ohio, she took me to Sam Ash music store to look at some Guitars. As we got to the front door, "History Never Repeats" came on.


OK it's not a CH song, but near enough: I heard "Suffer Never" at Coles in New Town one Saturday afternoon whilst engaged in battle with another shopper for the discounted loaves of bread. That's New Town, Hobart, hence my utter surprise at hearing such tasteful music in such an un-tasteful part of town.




I spotted "Something So Strong" on Australian TV - performed by singer Lisa Maxwell on the Roy and HG variety "Channel Nine Show". A live cover, although believe you me, not a good one.




I heard "Pineapple Head" at Mountain Gate Shopping Centre, Ferntree Gully, Melbourne, Victoria. It was playing on the outdoor speakers.




I was struck by your suggestion that people write in and tell the interesting places they heard CH songs. I don't know how interesting my story is, but *I* like it so I'm sending it along to you. I think this story shows how if you get two Finn fans together, you never know what might happen...

I met up in London in 1996 with this guy who I met because he spotted CH and Split Enz in my AOL profile. I had never even seen what the guy looked like before and I lucked out (or maybe not, he's since turned out to be a major wanker) because he was rather cute. So we're hanging out - a Yank and a Northerner in London.... We end up at his friend's house, where the friend is living with a bunch of Aussies and Kiwis. And guess what CD they have on.... Crowded House. Whoo hoo!

This isn't much of a coincidence, but add to that the fact that we heard "Don't Dream It's Over" in the cab going out that night.... *and* we heard "Weather With You" in the bar. He said he never hears that much CH in one day in the UK - and we agreed that it must be what happens when two Finn fans get together. It was quite a magical evening which ended in a good shag and us dating (overseas) for more than a year. All thanks to the magic of Crowded House (and my ever favorite Tim).



We need to know!!!! We need to complile a list of every time a Crowded House or Finn song is heard anywhere but on the radio. Send your 'sightings' to Please let us know if it's okay to use your last name.


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