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by Owen Larson


In the inaugaral installment of "Finn Apparitions" we examine the now infamous likeness of Tim Finn which appeared in a piece of broccoli back in 1995.

The day started like any other for little Norm Hewson of Miami, Florida, and indeed finished like any other. But while he was helping his mum chop vegetables for a big pot of soup, he noticed something unusual in the broccoli- the likeness of a human face.

It was Norm's mum, listening to "Before & After" while cooking the dinner who noticed that the face looked just like that of Tim Finn. "I screamed and jumped in the air," Mrs Hewson told a reporter. "Because there was a spider on my foot. And I got reasonably excited by the apparition too."

Mrs Hewson promptly placed the vegetable in the freezer, and still brings it out for private viewings on request.

We managed to get a photo of the Tim Broccoli, and so here, in a Crowded House Confidential Exclusive we offer it to you, the world!


View the Tim Finn Broccoli


"I find it very appropriate that Tim came to me in broccoli", Mrs Hewson said. "For starters their names both start with the letters "b-r" [Tim's real name is Brian. -Ed.] and also broccoli is the tastiest of its family, just like Tim, and eating it is good for you."

Mrs Hewson first came to public attention way back in 1976, when she claimed Donny Osmand * had appeared to her in a pumpkin, when she was a resident at the Pleasant Valley Rehabilitation Centre in Jackson, Florida.


* Not to be confused with Donny Osmond. Osmand was a failed lounge singer in Tampa Bay, FLA, known on the local club circuit in the early 70's.


Have you got photographic proof of a Neil Finn sticky-bun, a Paul Hester doppelganger in a stain on the sheets, or say, of a yam which resembles part of Nick Seymour? If so please e-mail to us at, and send the details of its discovery, and lay claim to your fifteen minutes of fame!



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