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Have you ever gone to see a 'tribute band' perfoming all the music you love, only to find that their musicianship isn't up to it, their imitations are embarrassing for all concerned, their bottom line is the dollar, and the experience leaves you soured? Meanwhile, your friend is raving about the band she went to see not ten miles down the road!

Well, here at CH Confidential, we're providing a way to separate the brilliant from the banal, the sheep from the goats, the Crowded-wannabes with the Crowded-haven'tgottahopeinhells. If you've seen a Crowded House cover band only to find that the singer doesn't know a rant from a rap, the drummer thinks snares are for catching rabbits, the bassist has long hair and the keyboardist/guitarist talks between songs, we want to know! Conversely, if you're rapt to the eyeballs, we want to know too!

Send your Crowded Cover Band reviews to and we'll put them here so that others are forewarned. We'd like you to include your real name and email address when you write to us so that we know you'er serious in your review, but we're happy to keep your name confidential, just in case you've got a hot date at a Scrabble tournament with the bass player coming up, and you don't want him to know that it was you who said that he should clip and bleach his locks.

Include the date and place where you saw the band, and your comments on the musicianship, enthusiasm, knowledge and general attitude of the band.

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