B*tches Updates
All future updates will be posted here

August 30th/2000: I have updated the second In Response page, and also added a little on to Kevin's Beautiful Shag. And in case you didn't get that already, this is Alanam, since I am the only one who ever touches this page anymore. And you should be happy I updated! Damn Geocities actually let's me upload pictures now, so if I ever have a few free seconds EVER again (I doubt I will, I move to school next Wednesday) Then I will update! Cheers.

July 27th/2000:
Okay, I added a couple more pisture to that new page, and I liked it up. To go to it, click here. Yeah, I know. It's a Nick page, but I'm sorry you have to be blind to not find the guy attractive lately. (Okay, not right NOW when he has the bowl cut thing going on... but when he spikes it, he looks damn fine!) I have a lot more ideas for sections and stuff too, I just have to wait for Geocities to get it's act together and let me upload pics. So keep coming back, there'll be updates in the future! Cheers!

July 26th/2000:
Alright, this SHOULD be an update, but it isn't! GEOCITIES SUCKS! YOU HEAR ME GEOCITIES. YOU SUCK. Okay. Ahem, now that that's out of my system, I will explain! Last night, I started on a new section. One that needs for me to mainly upload pictures. Well, I started to uploasd them, and after I uploaded the first picture, every other one after that just changd into the first one I uploaded. I was pissed to say the least! And then I came on this morning, and uploaded one other different picture. Then tried to upload a different one, and the same thing kept reacurring. SO! I am really sorry for not updating in like... okay 2 months! I feel really bad about it! But I am trying here now, and will get the new updates done as soon as possible! Cheers and Salutation, Alana.

May 28th/2000:
Nothing major today, but I did update in the about me thingy. (Me being Alana) To go there now, click here.

May 27th/2000:
Don't even start with the yelling... we are really sorry about not having updated in awhile. Sarah and myself(Alana) have been really busy with school, family, and life lately. And well, I don't know what happened to Star!
So anyway, I finally did some updating! (Yay!) There is a new section called "Ever Wondered..." Go check it out. It holds some promise. I hope... Also, I have added a couple of captions to the 3 caption page. To go there now click here.
Well, that's all for now. I MIGHT update some more today... but no promises.

April 15th/2000:
B*tchs quotes updated.

April 14th/2000:
Go take the B*tchs Sanity Test, and find out how crazy you really are!

April 11th/2000:
New Whatever.  New In Response.

March 27th/2000:
Updated sections for Kevin luvin, and for the       
B*tches Hit List. Also re-did the main page a bit, but  nothing extremely noticeble. 
Added new section, "Tarzan Dan", we explain who the bald guy, really is to all those dumb-asses who don't know...