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The Super Saiyan Legend

   If you're a Dragon Ball fan you must know what a Saiyan is. This is a legendary race of super warriors with unlimited powers and a huge pride. They lived in a planet called Vegita (until Freezer destroyed it) ruled by King Vegeta (Vegeta's father). They were mercenaries looking for power. They served Freezer in his quest for conquering the Universe; in fact they were Freezer's right hand. He used them to make his dreams come true... He sent the saiyans to a planet to conquer it and kill all habitants, and then Freezer could sell that planet to the best buyer.

Goku Gotenks and Gohan!   You can recognize a saiyan by his tail, hair (kind of SONIC hair color could be black or in super saiyan-jin mode they would turn blond), uniform (mostly on Freezer's soldiers), fighting abilities. A saiyan can transform into a giant Ape when they look at the moon. In this Ape status they only seek for destruction.

   It is known among the Saiyans THE SUPER SAIYAN LEGEND that says: "Every certain time a gifted child is born, that child would never meet limits, he would reach an unimaginable power and he'd be a blooded warrior. But the child isn't born as a SUPER SAIYAN he must reach that level, mainly by training real hard. A SUPER SAIYAN could be recognized easily by his blond hair, his body and muscles grows

   When they get SUPER SAIYAN level their hair turns blond and their body grows, "reaching unreachable power", their eyes turn blue or green. The first Saiyan to ever reach this level in Dragon Ball is Goku, then Vegeta, later Future Trunks, Gohan... and the others.


gokufather.jpg (6227 bytes) Bardock

Goku's father. The only Saiyan who challenged Freezer till the final, a real hero. Freezer killed him with a huge energy ball that then destroyed planet Vegita.

....Now you know where Goku's character came from.
More about him in the Dragon Ball Movies Section and in the DBZ - TV Specials.

King Vegeta

Vegeta's father. King of all the Saiyans, the other Saiyan who challenged Freezer, he was killed on Freezer's spaceship.


Goku's big brother. He came to earth to see if Kakarot had accomplished his mission. He was killed by Piccolo.


The ultimate hero. Main character of Dragon Ball. The first Saiyan on Dragon Ball to ever reach SUPER SAIYAN level. Always looking for an enemy stronger than him to fight. As a child he was naive, he grows up improving a little bit this thing... Chichi cheated him to get married... He didn't even know what was that. Sons: Gohan and Goten.

Trained first by Son Gohan, then Master Roshi, later Kamisama, then Kaiosama, after his fight with Freezer trained by some extraterrestrial beings that taught him teletransportation.

Killed the first time by Piccolo (died with Raditz); second time killed himself with Cell.

SSJ Goku, Click to see at full size
vegeta.jpg (12336 bytes) Vegeta

The proudest Saiyan of them all. That's where his power comes from. He always wants to surpass Goku's powers; he never does it... Prince of all the Saiyans, has a strong personality I don't even know how Bulma convinced to get laid????????. Father of Trunks and Bra.

Killed first time by Freezer and second time killed himself against buu.


Vegeta's body guard. Weaker than Vegeta even though he was bigger. Killed by Vegeta because he was humiliated by Goku.

songohan.jpg (16200 bytes) Gohan

A hybrid Saiyan. Goku's first son. When a child he was overprotected by his mother (Chichi) who wanted his son to spend all his time studying. He finally gets more independent after reaching SUPER SAIYAN level. He goes to Medical School and graduates...

He grows up and marries Videl. They had a little girl called Pan.


A hybrid Saiyan. Vegeta & Bulma's son. Purple hair. Weapon: The Z Sword. Uniform: Capsule Corp.

He's another popular saiyan, you can see how many pages are named in his honor. Gohan's disciple. He came from the future to warn and help the Z soldiers to fight against Dr. Gero's creations.

trunks2.jpg (5998 bytes)

A hybrid Saiyan. Goku's youngest son. They are like a drop of water. Look the same... But he's even more naive than his father was.


He's Goku's twin brother. You can look him in: "The Tree of Might". Dragon Ball Z movie.

tharus.jpg (8601 bytes)

Wow, this guy is a beast! He is the most powerful SUPER SAIYANS of them all. He looks kind of an Indian when he's normal.


Songohan's daughter! Appears at the end of Dragon Ball Z and later at Dragon Ball GT. She never appeared as a Super Saiyan.


Vegeta's daughter! Appears at the end of Dragon Ball Z and later at Dragon Ball GT. She also never appeared as a Super Saiyan.

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There are many levels. For example Goku reaches 4 different levels:

    Super Saiyan 1: Against Freezer.

    Super Saiyan 2

    Super Saiyan 3: Has no eyebrows and a real long hair.

    Super Saiyan 4: This is Dragon Ball GT. His tail grows up again and some kind of red hair begins growing over his body. His hair turns black and his eyes turn yellow.

The other Saiyans reach other different levels too...


  • Always happy to fight against more powerful enemies.
  • Never leaves his training.
  • Generally proud of being a Saiyan.
  • It's supposed they're cold-blooded warriors but you know that's not true.
  • Willing to sacrifice them to get his goals.
  • The best defense our planet earth has against enemies.

 Notes Concerning Saiya-jin

  • Pan and Bra have Saiya-jin blood, but they are the only Saiya-jin characters in the series that have not yet gone to Super Saiya-jin level. However, they do have the potential to do so, and the book asks "What form would they take if they went SSJ?"
  • The Saiya-jin race does not have a home planet of their own. Their history is unknown, prior to their arriving on Planet Tsufuru. After taking over Planet Tsufuru, King Vejiita renamed it "Planet Vejiita". Obviously, the Saiya-jin had to come from somewhere, but nothing is known about their Mother Planet at this time.
  • The "Legendary Super Saiya-jin" was supposedly something that only came around once every 1000 years. But, in the manga and TV series, Trunks, Gokuu, Gohan, Goten, and Vejiita can all go to Super Saiya-jin 1. Gokuu and Gotenks (the Fusion of Goten and Trunks) have gone SSJ3. The Perfect File authors (and V-Jump magazine) hint that because so many people have gone SSJ, it can't be the TRUE "Super Saiya-jin" mode described in the legend. And therefore, Brolii from the movies has no claim to the title of "THE Legendary Super Saiya-jin". Instead, Gokuu's success at becoming the strongest Saiya-jin of all, with the Super Gokuu 4 form, makes him arguably the TRUE "Legendary Super Saiya-jin."

Baby   Maybe you didn't know, but once, Planet Vegeta was named Planet Plant. It's inhabitants were the Tsufuru-jin and the Saiyan-jin lived in the the woods. The Tsufuru-jins were a race a lot advanced, but they weren't strong. The Saiyan-jins didn't like the Tsufuru-jins and they were in permanent battle. These ones only were alive thanks to their weapons. One day, the full moon finally arrived and all the Saiyan-Jins turned in to Oozaru stage (giant apes). The destroyed planet Plant and named Planet Vegeta and their leader was King Vegeta.


Notes Concerning Tsufuru-jin

  • Baby is the culmination of Tsufuru science. When the race was about to be killed off by King Vejiita's army, the King of the Tsufuru took some of his genetic material and fired it into space. This material later became known as "Baby".

  • Somehow, Baby was able to create Dr. Myuu (who is an android), and program him to develop Machine Mutant technology. Dr. Myuu believes that he made Baby, but it is in fact the other way around. And, all of the other Machine Mutants are Baby's underlings, created as part of his plan to regain his body, and then take over the galaxy as revenge against the Saiya-jin.

  • When Baby died in episode 40, there were no more Tsufuru-jin in the universe.

  • Planet Plant has a gravity ten times heavier than Earth's. Because of this, the Tsufuru-jin do not grow very tall. Most of them do not get much taller than Gokuu is as a child. (Note that when Baby had Shenlon create planet Tsufuru, the gravity was kept at Earth-normal.)

  • Note that in fact, New Plant is actually called "planet Tsufuru." This can get pretty confusing, with a planet, a race, and everything all given one name.

  • When Baby took over Vejiita's body, he became "the Emperor within the Emperor". Baby was part of the King of the Tsufuru, and Vejiita is the last surviving member of the Saiya-jin royal lineage. So, Vejiita-Baby was the ruler of BOTH the Tsufuru-jin and the Saiya-jin races.

  • Anyone that is turned into a Tsufuru-jin will become loyal to Baby only. If they meet an enemy of Baby's, their eyes will turn red, their face looks evil, and they look like ruffians. Once controlled, the ONLY way to return to normal is to be given the Chou-sui water. There is no other way to turn a Tsufuru-jin back human later on.

Notes About Specific Characters

  • Baby
    To turn into Super Baby 2, Baby took the energy from his Tsufuru-jin followers. At this point, Super Baby 2 is physically becoming closer to his original form, and is dropping Vejiita's features. Baby's ultimate attack is the Fire Revenge Death Ball. The Fire Revenge Death Ball, and the ordinary Revenge Death Ball are both evil variations of Gokuu's Genki Dama. In Ougon Oozaru form, Baby uses Super Gyarikku-hou, and Revenge Death Ball Final. (Gyarikku sounds close to "garlic", but I haven't seen a definition of this word yet.)

Before the big battle!









The Battle is won!

















Ready for battle! The 4 saiyanjin!




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SSj Goku and SSj Vegeta









SSj Goku!!









Androids everywhere!




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SSj Gotenks!









Watch out!