Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts

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Guest Book Entries from 1999

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Pauldarian - 12/26/99 23:07:19
Where Are You From?: Souther California
How Did You Find Us?: Wydia Santoso
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Morrigan
Favorite AGSMA Skit: have yet to see one wait till ax200 =-)
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: *thinks* umm wait i know this one
Hey your all k-rad can i be a member 2 =-) please *gets on hands and knees*

Xian Pu - 12/23/99 20:43:35
Where Are You From?: Oceanside, CA........or Amazon Village in China, depends who asking
How Did You Find Us?: Xian Pu forget
Favorite AGSMA Costume: all of them!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: see above
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Xian Pu personally like Xian Pu
Xian Pu love your website, costumes, etc! Perhaps you tell her where you at because she maybe near by. Xian Pu is going to The Anime Expo '00 And will enjoy seeing yous there!! Sayonara!

Agony - 12/21/99 18:41:58
My URL:The Weary Traveler
Where Are You From?: Erna
How Did You Find Us?: I dunno, I was sleep walking, and I woke up here...
Favorite AGSMA Costume: SSJ Trunks! WHEEEEE! Crazy-ness!!!!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: idunno... ::thinks hard:: they're all good... ::hurts head from thinking too much::
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Quatre Raberba Winner
Hehehehe, I'm a bit hyper now because... well... because... hmmmm. I really don't know why. O well ^_^ u should cosplay as some Gundam Wing characters... after Quatre, u should do Duo Maxell (how r u gonna pull off the braid, I'll never know... ^^;;;) Owe l... AAAAAAK! My refrigerator's running away!!!!!! Must... catch... fridge!!!!! NOOOOO! Not my microwave too!

Nitey - 12/20/99 00:36:16
My URL:Nitey's Anime Lair
Where Are You From?: the closet
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Any but the SSJ Trunks ^^;;
Favorite AGSMA Skit: The Cute Vs. the Brute
You mean candy canes aren't medicine? Hmmm... Anyway, what do you mean height envy? What are you, 5'4''? :P Don't worry, I'll put you up on my links page. I owe you that much for letting me bug you for so long ^^

Emmy-chan (eer.. Laura) - 11/21/99 23:51:39
Where Are You From?: Zebiom
How Did You Find Us?: I am omiscient, how did you find out I found out?
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Sou-chan! WAI!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Hmm.. lesse.. any one where Wayne gets smacked around
Oh Wayne.. you underestimated my powers of evilness... Just you wait until that fateful day when we make it to the same con. It'll be Third Impact all over again!

」モ」ヘ」ノ」フ」ナ。ハ」」」ソ鬟」蝪ヒ - 11/16/99 08:18:53
Where Are You From?: Japan
」ネ」鬘ェ」ホ」鬟罐・」」・」ソ螢螢・」」・。・」ノ。ヌ」・ 」モ」ヘ」ノ」フ」ナ。・ 」ノ。ヌ」・」罐皀ソ・」譽」・・ 」ハ」皀」皀ス・ 」ノ。ヌ」・」ア」オ」」螢皀。ヌ」・」・・茖・ 」モ」螢・」」・・」皀逎皀鬟ス・

Heather - 11/16/99 00:31:40
My URL:H-Chan's Retreat
Where Are You From?: A little bit of everywhere ^_-.
How Did You Find Us?: Wayne showed me the light!
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Benimaru
I really like the new CG Cosplay page Wayne! *now I go back to my futile attempts at CG*

MINORU - 10/19/99 16:37:50
My URL:Minoru's World
Where Are You From?: SEOUL KOREA
Favorite AGSMA Costume: sojiro
HI! I'm MINORU from SEOUL KOREA sorry i can't speaking ENGLISH. ニ・ワク・ヌス、、、ソ、鯣ノ、皃゙、ケ、陦シ、ヘ。ゥ(JAPANESE OK。ゥ) チ・゚LINK、ハ、餔K、ヌ、ケ。」(LINK。甍K。ヒ^^;; 、ヌ、篏荀ホ・ロ。シ・爨マエレケク・ネニ・ワク・タ、ア、ヌ、ケ、ホ、ヌ治治 (but治治 my homepage is korean and japanese only) 、ス、・ヌ、筅隍ォ、テ、ソ、餃INK、キ、゙、キ、遉ヲ。」 (if that's fine then lets LINK) ^^;;;;;; see you again ~ bye bye!

Robert Sinclair - 10/17/99 21:45:07
Where Are You From?: San Francisco
How Did You Find Us?: online
Can you send me a catalog of your school. Robert Sinclair 6004 J St. #131 Sacramento, CA 95819

St. Chicory - 10/15/99 09:47:08
My URL:Hong Kong Cosplay
Where Are You From?: Hong Kong
How Did You Find Us?: my guest book!^^;
Hi!!I`m St. Chi!! Thank you seen my homepage?^^! This page is good!!

Evil Mac Franco - 09/14/99 22:19:11
Where Are You From?: M騙ico
How Did You Find Us?: Iエm a Orochi fan, I can sense Orochi blood
Favorite AGSMA Costume: CHRIS OROCHI!!!
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: mhhh....maybe Vice or Billy Kane, or another of KOF
Come on!!! youエre so identical to Chris... Iエm a fan of all the hakkeshu (Orochi clan) and your role of Chris was so cool that....uhhh, forget it. Good luck!!! Konya! nanni tsukuro kana?

Lita - 09/10/99 01:04:49
My URL:Neo Sailor Jupiter's Crystal Kingdom
Where Are You From?: Missouri
How Did You Find Us?: An SM site
Favorite AGSMA Costume: SAILOR MOON!!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: ?? I dunno
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Sailor Jupiter!!
I like this site, and Anime Expo 2000 is gonna rule!! Sailor Moon rocks, and I can't wait for next year!! Keep up the excellent work!

Rei-Chan - 09/07/99 06:31:39
Where Are You From?: CA
How Did You Find Us?: Anipike
U guys were great at Comic Con, :) congrats too! good luck next year!
Looking for a few good senshi!

Eternal Sailor Moon - 08/16/99 00:12:55
My URL:Sailor Jamboree
Where Are You From?: North Cali. !
How Did You Find Us?: My group and your tied for Best of Anime at the Comic-Con 99!
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Bulleta
Favorite AGSMA Skit: The ComicCon 99 one was kawaii!
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Hmm......maybe a Lin-Lin and Ran-Ran (Ranma 1/2)
Hey, Congrats on winning the best of anime award with Sailor-Jamboree (me) ! Cute skit and nice costumes....... I also liked your Asuka and Shinji C-ya later, Eternal Sailor Moon

Yuriko aka Mikagami - 08/12/99 20:01:45
My URL:Fushigi Yuugi at Sunset
Where Are You From?: NYC
How Did You Find Us?: A friend
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Fushigi Yuugi ^_^
I was at AX99, great costumes everyone! Me and my friends went as characters from Flame of Recca. My friend is working on her AX diary. You have a great page! The possibly future Kenshingumi, are all ealous over here....Hope to see you next year at AX2000! ~Mikagami Tokiya and the rest of Team Hokage~

Kei - 08/11/99 14:36:39
My URL:K's Cosplay Gallery
Where Are You From?: Japan
How Did You Find Us?:Guestbook
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Orochi Chris
Good! very good!

Sometuke - 08/09/99 01:11:33
My URL:Fantasy Palette Villa
Where Are You From?: Taiwan
I've visited your HP^_^ This is my first time visiting Cos HP in English~~ I like your cosplay "Trunks" and "ゥvヲクュヲ" especailly ^0^ Can I link you HP?

Ady - 08/08/99 04:31:09
My URL:Seventh World
Wayne: Hi~(^_^) I saw your message in my guestbook.(^0^) My English is not good. I hope you will know my message.(^_^b)
Your homepage is very affluent. Cosplay photos are very wonderful and professional.
I am so happy to visit this HP. And I hope can link your HP. Hope you will say OK~(^_^)

Kado - 08/08/99 03:05:20
My URL:D & K2 Cosplay Club
Where Are You From?: Taiwan
How Did You Find Us?: from my GuestBook
Hi Wayne ^_^ nice site and nice cosplay ^_^
p.s sorry i just know a little English =_=b

Ako-chan - 08/05/99 23:47:29
My URL:Ako's Cosplay Room
Where Are You From?: Georgia (US)
How Did You Find Us?: Links...many links
Favorite AGSMA Costume: oh man! So many to choose from!!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Never seen one! Want to though!!
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?:! How bout El Hazard or Mahou Tsakai Tai?
Wow! Awesome site! So many costumes and they're all so cool! I'll be back frequently and I hope to see more stuff!! Ja Ne!! ~Ako-chan

Andariel, Maiden of Anguish - 08/03/99 13:44:51
Where Are You From?: No where.....
How Did You Find Us?: from the Sou-chan shrine!!
Favorite AGSMA Costume: All of it....
I like the cosplays, the clothes are perfect....demo.....for the innocent face of Chris......I don't like innocence very much......>_< same for Sou-chan >_< But I still like the cosplays ^^

Izuru - 07/29/99 04:29:48
My URL:Grifon Cosplay
Where Are You From?: Tokyo
How Did You Find Us?: My Guestbook
Favorite AGSMA Costume:クリス (Chris)
Favorite AGSMA Skit: ごめんなさい、分からないです・・・
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: 次ですか?う〜ん、太公望とか
Thank you for visiting my website!
うちのHPに遊びにいらして下さってありがとうございます!たくさん写真があって楽しいですね! また良かったら遊びに来てくださいね!

Eric Cavanaugh - 07/28/99 22:17:13
My URL:Space Monkey's Anime Home Page
Where Are You From?: Sacramento
How Did You Find Us?: Anime Turnpike
I think what you guys are doing is pretty cool. unfortunately there really is not any anime conventions in or near Sac so I have not been able to attend one. well I just wanted to praise you on what you guys have done.

Larry Low - 07/27/99 03:37:32
Where Are You From?: San Francisco
How Did You Find Us?: Heard about you guys from Tiffany, Gina, and Mack
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Oh My Goddess
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Oh My Goddess
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Cowboy Bebop or Tenchi Muyo
I first saw the goddesses at Anime Expo 1998. When the three of them sang the ending theme in Japanese, I was amazed. The coordination was incredible and at the time Oh My Goddess was one of my favorite anime titles. At the end, I almost felt like gett ng up and dancing. This is the highest compliment I can give. I started with anime in the 1980's with Robotech. I realize many of you don't even remember this anime series. I took a sabbatical for about 8 to ten years. Then I saw Tenchi Muyo, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, Maison Ikkoku and I was hooked again. Now, I am approaching 30 and my love for the medium is higher than it ever was. Simply put, anime is the best product out there. Everytime, I go to a masquerade I only recognize 5-10% of the characters. I have a lot of videos to watch. Anyway, keep up the good work. I will be watching for you guys at Fanime 2000 and Anime Expo 2000. Sincerely, Larry Low

Megu-chan - 07/26/99 18:42:21
My URL:Cloud Nine Cosplay
Where Are You From?: Georgia
How Did You Find Us?: Links, my friend, links!
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Um . . . Loved the Sakura Taisen ones, they looked great! Plus Wayne, you totally look like Chris!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Ak! I hevn't seen one yet . . . I'm always in the cosplay, but the South Park one looks kickin'!
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Y'all should all do characters from a certain fighting game! Either that or maybe El Hazard?
Love the page Wayne! ^_^ It was so good to meet you and the others, please tell them I said 'Hello.' Anywho, the above is my new cosplay page! Heather did one for herself and that kinda clued me into slowly taking out our page and starting my own. I h pe you like it! Chat w/ you soon! ^_^ Ja ne!

Allie - 07/23/99 23:44:43
My URL:Utena's Pagoda Treehouse
Where Are You From?: San Francisco, CA
How Did You Find Us?: Don't remember-- Anipike, I think
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Blue Chris!! *glomp*
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Dancing King of Fighters *smirk*
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Fei!! -- after yer break of course!
Waaaai!!! Well I just had to reiterate again how much I adore your webpage-- ( and if the best compliment is mimicry, you may find yourself complimented a lot as I work on re-building mine.. ) Anyways-- I've loved the costumes you all have created, and we d really love to do a skit with ya guys again sometime, ~~ Shermie **

Jaymie - 07/21/99 02:41:43
My URL:Just A Dash O' Magique
Where Are You From?: NoCal
How Did You Find Us?: Shhh, it's my lil secret *wink*
Favorite AGSMA Costume: JIN!!!!!!!!!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Capcom Double Date (AX99)
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Xenogear
Waaaaaaaayne!!! Thanks bunches for letting Lodi and me join your skit. We totally kicked butt. hehe I had so much fun, despite the stressful last minute costume making. :P We definately gotta get together again on another skit. Hopefully my sweetie will be back for the n xt con. Do you have Claudia's email? I'd like to keep in touch with her. And do you know who that guy that interviewed us? I want to know when, where and stuff so hopefully I can see it. And send me pics!! I'll send you copies.
Jin, Morrigan, Chun-Li and Vega...booya!!!

Chris - 07/15/99 10:08:15
My URL:The Milky Way
Where Are You From?: Taiwan
How Did You Find Us?: EIZEN KREUZ's BBS
oh my God.....your SAKURA WARS cosplay.... hey, how about cosplay RENI next time? do you have female members??

Umiu - 07/10/99 17:22:11
Where Are You From?: Japan
How Did You Find Us?: My guestbook
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Ranma 1/2
Thanks for submit message to my guestbook. Enjoy cosplay:-)

Rob Lantz - 07/09/99 19:58:09
Where Are You From?: Planet X
How Did You Find Us?: Duh!

Nataku - 07/06/99 17:25:55
My URL:Natuku-Guyaku!
Where Are You From?: Japan
Hi. nice to meet you Thank you for your message It's cool site. I like it! My friends and I are also enjoying Sakura Taisen Cosplay If you have a fun. Come to my site again. see you.

ARATA(あらた) - 06/13/99 18:42:21
My URL:Sakura Wars News Site
Where Are You From?: JAPAN-TOKYO
How Did You Find Us?: My Guestbook (thanx to access my homepage!)
Favorite AGSMA Costume: SAKURA WARS
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: ...SAKURA WARS 2!
This page is very exiting!
I want to look more pics of SAKURA WARS cosplay...
I want to link to this Homepage from my Homepage...OK?

Marcella AKA Ibuki/Robert - 06/10/99 20:44:11
Where Are You From?: Victoria, TX
How Did You Find Us?: I met you at A-kon 10
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Chris!^_^
Hi, hope you remember me, Ibuki/ Robert Garcia.:) Well, your page looks great and you're cosplaying is great! E-mail me sometime!^_^ Ja ne!

Nahga-chan - 06/10/99 16:47:00
Where Are You From?: Austin, TX
How Did You Find Us?: Cosp Mailing List
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Take a wild guess
Favorite AGSMA Skit: the South Park skit
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: IDK
Hey, you got some great pictures at the con last weekend! Sorry, I didn't get to talk that long. Somebody tell C. She's gorgeous!!!!!!!! Widya has info for you Trunks.

Otaku Dogbert - 06/10/99 10:15:16
My URL:Otaku Dogbert's Trip to AWA 4
Where Are You From?: Atlas City
How Did You Find Us?: COSP ML
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Ryouga!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Haven't seen one, South Wars i guess
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Lost Universe!
Nice site guys, keep up the nice work and the costumes, and next time, dont procrastinate!

Heather (H-chan) - 05/31/99 18:21:17
My URL:H-chan's Retreat
Where Are You From?: Right now.....Georgia
How Did You Find Us?: Wayne helped me ^_-.
Favorite AGSMA Costume: I like all the KOF costumes!
I really like everything I've seen of your pages so far! A special Thanks to Wayne for helping me with my page, you give good advice ^_^.

Reemt - 05/18/99 14:47:28
My URL:Reemt's Anime and Manga Homepage
Where Are You From?: Germany

Well done! Come and visit my sites and sign the guestbook!

Reemtエs Anime & Manga PagesONE MORE (little) SHIROW PAGE

Ray - 05/03/99 20:34:53
My URL:World of Anime
Where Are You From?: San Francisco, CA
How Did You Find Us?: Guestbook link on the World of Anime homepage
I saw your link on the World of Anime website and though I'd check it out.

Kim Kruse - 05/02/99 16:53:47
Where Are You From?: Bloomington, Ill., USA
How Did You Find Us?: reference from friend
This very interesting, I have never heard of cosplay until now. I think I will try it at a convention.

Paul aka Benimaru - 04/21/99 11:31:34
My URL:Paul's Studio and Homepage
Where Are You From?: City of Industry, California
How Did You Find Us?: You've visited my homepage and signed the guest book too!! Thank you (O_O)
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Definitely Benimaru Nikaido from The King of Fighters
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: you're 5' Ryota Miyagi from Slam Dunk
hey thank you very berry much for signing the guest book i dunno how'd you find me but it was good like that coz i'm here!!!! awesome cosplay two thumbs up *smiles* heh i'd never dress up like anime characters not even halloween!!! y? coz well ... no mone to purchase the costume!!! muahahhahaha ok enough nonsense *silly today such a rare time especially signing the guest book* sigh... i've linked your page man keep up the superb work happy AGSMA joy to AGSMA er....hail to AGSMA ^_^
Paul's Studio (image wouldn't work from TalkCity)

Orochi (Jeff) Lee - 04/20/99 17:26:19
My URL:LeeCreation Studio
Where Are You From?: Singapore
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Chris
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Rugal?
Comments: still wondering what exactly r u doing? u studying in this place or..? thanx 4 signing my guestbook...where u find me from?.... page, i'll definitely be coming back. till then...break a spine...(O)....

Team Yagami - 04/20/99 15:59:38
My URL:Team Yagami's Webpage
Where Are You From?: Somewhere over the rainbow
Just droppin by to check out the page. I dunno remember how i got here, but since I'm here, might as well sign the book. Interesting concept you have going here...heh. well, drop by my page sometime and check it out.

Margoyle - 04/19/99 01:30:58
My URL:The Super-Dee-Duper Leona Shrine!
Where Are You From?: Here. :P
How Did You Find Us?: Through the guestbook on Beyond Forever!
Favorite AGSMA Costume: The Benimaru.... DEFINATELY the Beni :P
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Dunno, but they're all cute ^_^
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Either.... Squall or Leona. =)
Gawd! Cosplay is hard! You guys seem to do a pretty good job with it though... :P

Mel - 04/14/99 01:54:21
My URL:Fanatic Realm
Where Are You From?: Sunny Southern California
How Did You Find Us?: You signed my guestbook ^_^
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Orochi Chris
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Yashiro Nanakase (KOF)
I like your costumes! I've always wanted to do cosplay myself, but just never got around to doing it.... ^_^; Maybe sometime in the near future I'll get around to it ^_^ Thanks for visiting my homepage! Keep up the awesome work!

Yassine - 04/13/99 19:46:37
My URL:Yassine's Iori Page
Where Are You From?: Morocco
Click Here... chris is cool but IORI is the king of all times ... Click Here...

HitomiKanzaki - 04/13/99 08:13:31
My URL:Improvise aka Rival Schools HQ
Where Are You From?: Seoul Korea Thank you
How Did You Find Us?: you found me ^_^
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Chris, definately Chris
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Van Fanel from Vision of Escaflowne, or Mai Shiranui. ^_^
Yanno, you'd look good in Mai's costume. ^_^ Just a few balloons and you'll be packed and ready ta go! *cheeky grin* Hey thanks for coming to my page, your page was a hoot, I've always wanted to try cosplay!! I LOVE YOUR "ART!"

The Annoying Cat That Loves Signing Guestbooks - 04/11/99 23:24:20
My URL:Shin Neko No Cafe
Where Are You From?: Cephiro
How Did You Find Us?: From Another Guestbook
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Trunks!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: The SouthPark Wars!
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: .... hmm.. One of those Evangelion Robots!
Thanks for signing my guestbook! You guys were at the San Diego Comic Convention 98? I never saw a Jin costume, though... I didn't go for half the time, either. That was a good costume, though. I remember a Hikaru, and also a Trunks, and some kid dressed up like a KKK guy... but... An way, looking forward to see some kick ass costumes this year, Comic convention 99! I'm a usual attendant when it comes to the SDCC. ... bai bai!

Shermie - 04/10/99 16:43:38
My URL:Shermie's Spiralling Webring
Where Are You From?: France
How Did You Find Us?: I can sense Orochi blood
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Mine
Helloooooo Chris!!! You're soooo cute! Hahahah!!! *pats him on the head*
Gunsmith says: Keep up the good work !!

CBG - 04/08/99 06:01:41
My URL:CBG World
Where Are You From?: Mexico
How Did You Find Us?: =)
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Beni
Hey cool page, so you are a Benimaru fan too? that's great!!
""So Fighting Can't Be Cool? Aesthetics are Indispensable!"" Beni is right!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
I am a Benimaru Fan, I love this character =). Iori is also my fav character =). Check out this pages too Iori Yagami Non Stop, KoF collectable stuff and my benimaru page, well visit them whenever you want =) take care and keep in touch beni fan!

Tina - 04/05/99 06:35:28
Where Are You From?: why? what's it to you?
How Did You Find Us?: *sigh* need I tell you more? the mob, of course.
Favorite AGSMA Costume: the guy with the hair...j/k...jin
Favorite AGSMA Skit: can't decide. the one with the actors?
This is a very great site for us cosplayers out there, wayne. Suddenly, I feel like living again.

Misato-chan - 04/05/99 06:24:17
Where Are You From?: Tokyo3
How Did You Find Us?: The Section 2
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Shinji-kun!!
hmmm....Dear Wayne, hello! how are you? I am at Felished2's house ^_^ I thought it'd be nice to write I did. um...tee hee hee...
I suppose that's it! Sore ja, oyasumi ^.~
love, Misato-chan
p.s. mata asonde ageru wane...

Claris - 04/01/99 18:54:33
My URL:Claris' Personal Homepage
Where Are You From?: Middle Of Nowhere, USA
How Did You Find Us?: Wild guess
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Chris (either)
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Something bishounen!!!
Hey there Ai Kan D! Thanks for visiting MY page, glad you liked the look! I'll add one of your banners soon... PSOC forever!

Laura "Cherry" Feeney - 03/26/99 23:04:31
My URL:Cherry's Cosplay
Where Are You From?: Japones, Terratoo
How Did You Find Us?: Otaru-sama told me n_-
Favorite AGSMA Costume: CHRIS/Orochi Chris!!!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: well, they all sound pretty funny n_n
Figured I couldn't let the comments in my guest book go unanswered n_- Just you wait.. there will be an east coast Chris! Just a matter of -when- u_u;;; See you on the m/l

Gina - 03/24/99 20:41:57
Where Are You From?: Northern Cali baby
How Did You Find Us?: cause Wayne gave me the adress
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Orochi Chris and BENIMARU!!!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Dancing King (of Fighters) *cause i was in it hehe*
Hey Wayne! look! i am writing in your guestbook! hehe, well i checked out the Beni-chan page..well looking good, hehe you had to put my comment in there didn't my friend are the best!!! i can't wait to go to AX and hang with ya some more, y i need ideas for a costume soon....well i'll be checking back A to ya later Gina

Mack - 03/23/99 16:33:05
Where Are You From?: Novato CA.
How Did You Find Us?: by the big guy Wayne
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Jin
Favorite AGSMA Skit: Trunks
Sup Wayne i'm at school right now and I'm super bored so I'm gonna put this up for yall oh ya and what up to ur little cousin Tenchi

Jaymie (aka pyxie aka "Chun-Li") - 03/22/99 23:32:28
My URL:Just A Dash O' Magique
Where Are You From?: California
How Did You Find Us?: Wayne, you baboy! *grin*
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Dragon Ball Z
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: Jubei from Ninja Scroll!!! Yea!
Heya Wayne, the AGSMA pages look hella brody. You guys have done a wonerful job with the layout and stuff. Can't wait till the Fanime Masquerade pix come in. I know I know, like Cindarella I split from the party at the stroke of midnight. It's more intrui ing that way. *wink wink* hehe j/k! Had to go home but wished I coulda stayed for the dance. Drat. :(
Hey, thank you for being so nice to me. It's great meeting people like you, s'pecially since it was my frist convention and all. You're costume was shaweeeet! S'pecially love your sword. Too bad your hair split in half during the about a hair cut. *corny joke!* bleh! :P N-E-waaaay, keep in touch -k-? I'm gonna try and make it to the kon in Anaheim. We'll see...Talk to you sooner than later! :D

Claudia - 03/15/99 18:09:23
Where Are You From?: El Paso, TX
How Did You Find Us?: Wayne wrote me
Favorite AGSMA Costume: I do not have a favorite, they are all good!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: South Wars
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: marvel vs capcom ^_^ *hint hint*
Dear wayne (and everyone else!), Konnichiwa! O genki desu ka? Genki desu! Do you know who this is? *service, service*... Misato-chan! tee hee hee I promise that would come here! It is a really great site everyone!! Omeedeto! (I hope that is how you spell it!) well, you will get an e-mail from me soon!! promise! thank you for everything! arigatou ! you have a very well done site, and do keep up the good work!! (geez, I sounded like a teacher) as for everyone else, I hope that you remember me! by the way, I like the marvel vs capcom idea ^_ sore ja!.. love ya lots!!, Claudia aka Misato-chan

Malinda - 03/08/99 18:59:10
Where Are You From?: Houston
How Did You Find Us?: Cosp mailing list
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Trunks!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: the SDCC one
Hi, Wayne! The web page is totally cool, i love the roll over English/Japanese buttons.

Neko-chan - 02/28/99 20:10:30
My URL:Anime Dress Ups
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: how about Seiryu Seishi as robots?
nice page ^_^ wanna be in my costume contest?

JEDI LOS - 02/26/99 01:47:52
My URL:Sabers Plus
Where Are You From?: San Antonio, Texas
How Did You Find Us?: A Guestbook
hi great page i was wondering have you done any jedi stuff or any gatchaman stuff im looking for info on making gatchaman costumes and weapon replicas. well keep up all the good work

Testma 1/2 - 02/24/99 00:20:12
My URL:Benma 1/2's Spring Splash
Where Are You From?: Testing Center on Alpha Centauri
Favorite AGSMA Costume: Ran-chan Baby! Whoooooo!!
Favorite AGSMA Skit: South Wars Episode IV
The Next AGSMA Costume Should Be?: South Wars Prequel...NOT!!
Who's the hottie in the Ranma-chan outfit?

SuperSpy - 02/23/99 19:53:40
My URL:The Zoe Zone
Where Are You From?: Everywhere
How Did You Find Us?: I'm a superspy, I know everything!
Hey, the links on the sidebar are all working.

Wayne - 02/22/99 12:36:49
My URL:Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay
Where Are You From?: California
Just testing out this new Guest Book

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