summer and dogs  
pets pets
summer and dogs

Veterinarian advice for Pets

When the seasons change from cold to hot pet owners should remember that their pet will require different needs and the way they care for their pets should change.
Winter and the cold brings enough stress for a dog. A pet that is housed out side in the cold will also be stressed if a dry and heated resting area is not provided.

Stress and pets

In summer and hot weather there are many simple steps dog owners can take to increase their pets comfort level and reduce the pets stress.

Plenty of shaded areas are required for dogs and other pets that are restricted to one area.Confined pets suffer stress from being separated from others of the same species.
Providing shade in the hot weather will reduce the stress of over heating.

Stressed pets and heat

Dogs need plenty of clean and cool drinking water at all times to prevent dehydration. Dehydration can affect a dog as quickly as humans especially dogs with a long or heavy fur.
Make sure your pet has access to water and shade.

A stressed pet will often consume more water than a dog that is not stressed.
If your confined pet is actively chasing birds or barking at shadows or noises it may be stressed through boredom.

Heat stressed dogs

Light haired dogs may require sunscreen on their noses and ears to prevent skin cancer or sunburn.
Sunscreen for dogs should be applied thirty minutes before your pet goes out in the sun. If your pet does receive a bad sunburn a visit to the veterinary clinic may be required.
Pets that are left to their own movements have enough sense to seek shade and water in hot weather.
Dogs that are kept on leads and running chains can become very stressed if exposed to the heat.

Stressed dogs and heat

Pets that are taken for walks around the suburbs or on the beach during hot summer days will need care for their paws. These tend to over heat in summer, especially on a sand or tar surface and can inflict a nasty burn to your dogs paws which may require a visit to the veterinary clinic.
Being unable to escape from the lead will increase the stress level for your pet.

Heat stressed pets

Pets will become very stressed if left in unattended cars.
Do not leave your dog or any pet in an enclosed parked car.
On normal days the temperature in a car can reach up to one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit ( fifty degrees celcius ).
Your pet can become stressed and dehydrate very quickly regardless if the windows of the car are rolled down.
Always remove your pet from a parked vehicle.

Stress and dogs

A sudden change of temperature can raise the stress level of your dog especially when a lightning storm approaches.
The temperature in summer can drop very quickly in stormy weather so your pet will feel the cold at these times and may become stressful.
Some out side pet be found here
A proper shelter should be available for your dog in winter and summer. The pets shelter will need to be dry and warm in winter or cold weather. A heater that can fit into the pets enclosure can help reduce the effects of temperature changes.
A small heater that is reasonable in price and operating cost can be found at The heaters are safe and weather proof.

Stressed pets

Some of the signs of a stressed pet are as followed. The list does not show all of the symptoms of a stressed dog and veterinarian should be consulted if you have a distressed pet.

1.. Salivation
2.. Dry skin
3.. High heart beat rate
4.. Panting
5.. Warm skin
6.. Muscle weakness and collapsing

If your pet is overcome with heat stress immerse it slowly in cool water to lower the body temperature, then notify your vet.

heat stressed dogs

Stressed dogs

Pet health and stressed pets care sheets have been provided free for your personal use.
The pet care sheets for caring for stress dogs and recognizing stress in pets have come from vets and a variety of other professional sources.
They should only be used as a general guide to help you understand your pets health.
They should not be used as a substitute for proper veterinary advice

Copyright 2001-2008 Vet advice for pets.Veterinarian, veterinary, vets and dogs in summer pets.