pets and road salt  
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pets and road salt

Vetinary advice for a Pet

A lot of modern chemicals that are used every day in winter or cold months to prevent the cars radiator from freezing or prevent ice from forming on surfaces are dangerous to pets.
The chemicals that is contained in some of these products is also attractive to the taste of some pets and very poisonous.

Dangerous chemicals and pets

Dangerous chemicals for pets also include what may be harmless to humans but can be very dangerous for some pets.
Chocolate is a treat enjoyed by many humans but if given to a dog in a large amount, chocolate can be poisonous to your pet.

Indoor pets that have not been acclimatized to winter temperatures should not be left outside in the cold for long periods of time.
Take your pet for a vetinary clinic for advice if it is to be exposed to outdoors weather for the first time and your pet is ill, old or it has a lack of fur.

Poison and pets

Salt that is used to remove ice in winter can be a poison for your pet.
The ice will be dangerous for your pet if it accumulates around its paws and the pets grooms itself. Then the salt can become a poison for your pet due to the large quantity it may digest.
In winter a pet that is housed out of doors should be supplied with a warm resting area.
Pets that are housed out side all year around can withstand fairly cold temperatures if they have a shelter from the wind and rain and warm bedding to insulate them from the cold.

Avoid using any electrical heating device that operate directly from the mains power supply. Some dogs and other pets will chew on electrical leads and this will be extremely dangerous for them. A transformer should be used to power a low voltage electrical heater. Heaters that can operate on a transformer or battery can be found at this heating web site.

Out of door pets will need extra food in winter or severe weather to generate and maintain their body heat. They will also need access to water that is not frozen.

Keep your pet's feet clean and dry. Ice or salt that is used to dissolve ice can cause severe irritation for your pets feet. Frost bite is a danger for pets as well as people. Dogs or pets that have been affected by frost bite require emergency treatment. If your pet suffers from severe frostbite a visit to the vet clinic is urgent.

Chemicals and pets

Radiator coolants and anti freeze are toxic chemicals for pets.
Most radiator antifreeze or coolants contain ethylene glycol. It has a sweet taste and will be consumed by most pets if given the opportunity.

Five teaspoons of ethylene glycol is very poisonous and can kill a 10 pound dog and less than that amount of poison will kill a cat. poison and pets
The poisonous chemical is fast acting and will result in kidney failure and possibly death for your pet within eight hours. Urgent veterinarian help should be found for your pet if poisoned by any chemicals.

Poisonous chemicals and pets

New products on the market that contain propylene glycol are generally considered safer but may still be dangerous for your pet.
Dispose of old or used antifreeze containers properly and if a spill should occur while filling your cars radiator clean up the spill area immediately.
Rodent baits are poisonous chemicals for your pet.
Rodent baits that are accidentally consumed by a pet can poison and kill it. The rodent baits can cause severe bleeding, kidney failure, and death. There are no rodent baits that may be safely eaten by pets. Whether out of hunger, boredom, or curiosity, pets will consume these poisonous products. If poison baits are to be used in your home, place them in areas inaccessible to pets and children.
A handy pet site that contains some good information on pets is

Dangerous chemicals and poisons care sheets have been provided free for your personal use.
The pet vetinary sheet has come from a variety of professional sources but they should only be used as a general guide to help you understand your pets health.
They should not be used as a substitute for proper veterinarian advice. Seek proper help immediately for pets that have been poisoned.

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