Weatherly Sailing Adventures

Weatherly sailing in Thailand

My Goals

Sailing and Travelling aims

Amalphi Coast (Italy)
Amalphi Coast (Italy)

        My friend Din in his warung (Malaysia)
        My friend Din in his warung

grinning fisherman
Thai fisherman
(first time sailing)

Purpose of voyage

My main goal is to simply enjoy more of the sail/cruising lifestyle - seeing new countries, experiencing different cultures first hand and meeting the challenges of navigating a small yacht across oceans and along coasts of other lands.

I would love to sail to Ulu Deniz in Turkey, and to Amalphi village in Italy where my dream began. If finances and my enthusiasm last, I aim to continue sailing westward across the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Pacific oceans, step by step.(see map on the Route page)

Cruising by sail gives me immense satisfaction.
Every day is different - the weather's moods; the sky; the sea and it's creatures; exploring new countries and trying new foods; returning smiles of locals in a marketplace.

My soul is soothed by the happy sound of water bubbling and splashing along the hull, watching a radiant sunrise or fiery sunset, against spectacular backdrops of exotic shores...

I aim to experience and better understand the countries I travel to; enjoy the company of the people from the places I visit, of my crew and from other yachts.

Other links :

my background
my qualifications

    At outdoor food stalls in Langkawi
  Enjoying local fare
  at Malaysian warungs

sailing freedom
sails against blue sky