
      WHAT?? Leaving already?? Why you.......
      ...heh, just kidding. Below are links to other CastleVania sites, and to other sites I decided to link up because a) I like them and b) those people linked me in some way, shape or form. But at least before you go, sign my guestbook on the main page. Oh, and don't bother with putting flames in. I can delete any entries that I don't like. Wouldn't want you to think one up, only to have it deleted as soon as I see it. Anyway, on with the links!

The CastleVania Dungeon-- The ULTIMATE site for the fan of the CV series! There's info, artwork, fanfics, music and just general stuff on every CV game that has been (and some on those that will be coming in the future). Go check it out!
Pijaibros' Symphony of the Night Page--One of the best SotN sites I've ever seen. The main guy who runs the site can't update it anymore, seeing that he went off to college, but it's still the best page to find info on the game. Hey, I got a lot of my ideas from his page. Some of my art and tips is on his site, too.

Konami-- This is Konami's American site. Bop on over there to find out the latest news on the upcoming CV games.

Dracula's Curse--Eric Roman's site on another CV game that kicks all the ass: CV3. Check out his's got a lot of info, and a lot of funny stuff as well. Overall, one cool site!

Pacifis--Blah, shameless plug for my own page. I really need to work on it, but you can browse all my art via archive, so it's not so bad.

Alucard's Domain--A guy E-mails me. He says "link me!". I say "Sure!". So here's his link. Glenn is starting out a very cool site dedicated to Alucard, and the characters that revolve around him. Take a look if you can.

The Catacombs of DeathA very very nice site....this guy put a LOT of effort into his site, and it shows. He has info on everything CV, including upcoming games. He even gave me an award! Definately take a peek.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night - MexicoA site just getting it's feet on the ground...that just happens to be in both english and spanish (mostly spanish). I attempted to navigate the site, but my browser is not from what I've seen, it looks like a decent site. If your browser doesn't like JAVA, then I can't really suggest this one.....this guy is JAVA-happy.

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