Dammit...just when I've collected EVERY Evangelion Fanfiction known to humanity...THIRD IMPACT!
Oh well...


Please note that this is by no means a definitive archive...and even some of MY favorites are sure to be overlooked from time to time as I don't have them all archived on my computer.  If you have any suggestions on a fanction that should be here in the halls of Shinji Ikari's Honey Study, please e-mail me!  I'll try to get them up if I agree with your selections. Thanks!

MAD-PIMPIN' SERIESES!  If you don't at least take a peep, you won't know what you're missin.  They're big, they're long, and they're here for you.

CHILLIN' CHIBI COLLECTIVES!  When you don't have all night to go through a multi-novel-length fic, turn your eyes to these kick ass little numbers.  It's not the size that matters, and these fics definitely know how to use it.

SWEET N SEXY SOLOS!  As anyone will tell you, some things are best on their own, and there happen to be MANY great one-shots that have Shinji and his Honeys doin the things they do.  Here are some of my faves (of course, not all, as that would be hard to hold on one page!)

Well, that should do for now.  More will always be on the way, but this should be a nice start.  ^_^  Enjoy!!!

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