

What's in Your Basket
A rock'n'roll lifestyle is not usually a healthy one and former Pogue Shane MacGowan's is no exception.
Shane MacGowan gets the drinks in
He won a scholarship to Westminster and became a rent boy; he topped the charts with The Pogues but ended up broke; he's planning a bank robbery and wants Lynn Barber to drive the getaway car...
BackStage Pass
MacGowan as the modern embodiment of the Irish literary tradition in all its glory and tragedy
Shane MacGowan
It must be Christmas if...Fairytale of New York is on the radio...
I Drink Therefore I Am
Liam Fay calls on Shane MacGowan at home, where over mugs of brandy, the singer cheerfully rationalises his notorious alcohol-intake in the face of widespread concern that he might be drinking himself to an early grave.
HotPress                                                                                                                            27/07/1989
MacGowan smiles in death's face
Ex-Pogues frontman thrives amid excesses
A man of many words and few teeth
'I'm completely Irish' he says in a completely English accent
Hard Luck O'The Irish:
An Interview with Shane MacGowan  by Ian Brennan
Rock vibes at Arts Club and museum
Woulr rock stars turn up? Some of us craned our necks at two separate events this week to watch for the rock 'n' rollers.
Shane MacGowan
Olympia Dublin,                                                                                                                                                       11 Aug 2001
The Pogues
Point Theatre,
Shane MacGowan has revealed one of his main reasons for quitting The Pogues - the band wouldn't let him air his pro-Republican views through his music
                                                                                                                                                                             november 1997
The cream of Ireland's independent rock and dance artists have joined together for the charity album. Among the contributors is Pogues leader
Shane MacGowan                                                                                                                                  06/08/2002
Shane MacGowan & The Popes to play Olympia
Shane MacGowan & The Popes will play Dublin's Olympia Theatre for two nights in September.
....I suspect
Shane MacGowan
is a born-again fruitarian, and that the only liquid that passes his lips is bottled water.
Forum, London                                                                                                                                                            23/12/1999
Singer's fightback fails to disguise his fall from grace
Forum, London
'It all comes down to drink, sex, drugs, fighting and dancing'
Shane MacGowan spills his secrets to Bob Flynn
The Pogues
Manchester Academy
These December dates are billed as the Pogues for one week only, but the band will extend their long-awaited return as surely as Shane will celebrate it in the pub.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Dec 2001
They don't make Irish drunks like they used to...
Wonderful tales are leaking out of Bloom's Hotel, in the heart of Dublin's banking district.
MacGowan 'thrown out of Priory for bad behaviour'.
Is this a record?

The former lead singer of the Pogues, Shane MacGowan, has left a rehabilitation clinic after a "row of sorts" with staff.
Lisa's biggest hit
She broke Shane MacGowan's nose, but he and his then girlfriend Victoria Clarke became friends with the punchy Lisa Stansfield
                                                                                                                                                                             September 2001
Shane MacGowan
The death-defying founder of the Pogues is a king hell drinker, a writer and the last of a vanishing breed.
JUNE 2002
fans' love stories
Shambolic Shane demeans Kenny's Late Late Show
DID Shane MacGowan's shambolic appearance on The Late Late Show last Friday night make for riveting viewing? Of course it did.
Fun Times at Celtic Connections festival, Glasgow, Scotland
"Folk group plays in support of Shane MacGowan from the punk rock group The Pogues. A bit unlikely but things worked out really well for all concerned."
JULY 2002 -
Shane's  press relations
We can't wait for Shane MacGowan to get to town for the Irish Expo 2001 on St. Patrick's Day weekend. The singer, known for his hard-partying ways and no-B.S. approach to life, has apparently lost none of his edge. That famous temper is alive and well, at least according to a story in this week's Sunday World.
                                                                                                                                                                                      March 2001
Sell-out Shane is Tipptop!
SHANE McGOWAN has always claimed his heart is still in Tipperary and next Friday night he's going to prove it.

                                                                                                                                                                                     August 2001
Pogues ReUnion
A re-formed Pogues, briefly together for a Christmas tour, are proving a sell-out attraction In Britain and Ireland...
Double Shot of Celtic Soul
Punk poet Shane MacGowan drinks it all in, then spits it back out
                                                                                                                                                                                      March 2001
Pogues fall a little short
The Pogues, in Marley Park, did not quite deliver although Shane MacGowan was in sparkling form
Shane MacGowan
Shane lived up to expectations. But what's truly remarkable is not that he succeeded in entertaining the crowd, but rather that he lived through the night.
Luther's Blues, Madison,                                                                                                                                             18/05/2002
The only bone I have never broken is my neck
Shane MacGowan is lying on his back in a hospital bed, fast asleep, his mouth open. It's the last place you'd expect to find a rock 'n' roll legend... even one with such a colourful past as MacGowan.
My Gab-Book
Dealing with His Leprechauns
Poet. Entertainer. Pub philosopher. Drunk. These are all the full-time professions of the enigmatic Irish singer / songwriter Shane MacGowan. Although not necessarily in that order.

Interview with Shane MacGowan
Sebastian sets out to show that artists still have a cross to bear
ARTISTS suffering for their art are still all the rage at least if a Dublin exhibition that opened last night is anything to go by.  Sebastian Horsley has taken suffering to a new extreme by having himself hanged on a cross.
Shane McGowan opened the show ...
Saint Sinead Helps Shane Walk...
The World's last living hellraiser still raising hell, Shane MacGowan, can miraculously walk again thanks to the saintly goodness of Sinead O'Connor. The ex-Pogues wildman showed a room full of people last night that he was back on his feet and contrary to medical science is fit, happy, and healthy.
JANUARY 2003 -
MARCH 2003
Luck of the Irish
Shane MacGowan has miraculously survived a lifelong bender and many of his mates. But then they're not really dead, he tells Mark Dapin.
The question "How are you?" takes on a special resonance when asked of Shane MacGowan. It means, "Are you smashed?" It means, "Are you stoned?" Most of all, it means, "Are you still alive?"
russian-language yahoo group
Feel free to
APRIL 2003
Shane comes back
MacGowan and the Popes are better late at Luther's                                                                 18/05/2002
One Woman's View of Shane MacGowan
Boston, MA, USA                                                                                                       Nov 30 , 2000
Tipperary's toddlin' lad returns home to stay
As the conversation flowed, worries of a bumpy interview dissipated, because MacGowan, proved himself to be a respectful gentleman worthy of being called a scholar, intellectual and caring person.
Doing 'Time' in County Prison
LANCASTER County Prison, a band of Irish country punk hellions that make Queens a safer place to rock, have just released a fantastic CD featuring legendary head Pogue and party boy Shane MacGowan.
Irish Voice                                                                                                                        07/07/2003
Pogue Shane legless again
LOOKS like the don’t drink and drive message has not really hit home with sometime POGUES frontman SHANE MacGOWAN.The legendary boozer, who broke his foot running to catch a plane, flashed a toothless grin and raised a glass as he steered himself on a pub crawl through Killarney, Ireland, in a wheelchair.
The SUN .newspaper online                                                                                                  12/09/2002
Shane Really Opens Up to Crowd...
Rebel Irish singer Shane MacGowan gave his audience a bit more than they could stomach during a show in the Olympia Theatre over the weekend.
Shane MacGowan gets sick on Dublin Audience - Photos                                                                              02/09/2002
Shane at the Irish Rover, New York
by Kevin Rooney
On the 12th of July, 2003 I had the honor of performing at the Irish Rover Pub in Astoria, Queens, New York. I was the opening act. My guitar, harmonicas and I. I arrived at the Rover around 8:30. Barry O'Reilly, the owner, welcomed me and rushed me to the stage. I asked if Shane was there. Barry, a good friend of his, said he was in a BarberShop down the street. "He heard you were coming" joked Barry ...
If He Should Fall
Jim Marr caught Irish folk-rock-punk legend Shane MacGowan at Sydney’s Metro Theatre. He was surprised but not disappointed.
                                                                                                                                          May 2003
A long way from Tipperary
THE FIRST time I had a drink with Shane MacGowan was 15 years ago, when he was the revered lead singer of the much-loved London-Irish band The Pogues; with him was his new girlfriend, Victoria Mary Clarke, a fresh-faced, dark-haired beauty from West Cork. He was incoherent after drinking an unimaginably large quantity of gin and not much tonic, and the evening ended in (her) tears.
MAY 2003 - JULY 2003
The Pogues    REUNION GIG,  RDS Main Hall, Dublin June 9 2002
Reviewed by Garvan Grant
The last time I saw the Pogues play was in 1990, the year before Shane MacGowan and the rest of the band parted company. The gig was spoiled by MacGowan only being able to mumble his way through a few songs. Last Sunday at the RDS it was the way it was supposed to be back then...
Sunday Business Post ,                                                                                                                                              16/06/2002
He's a bum, he's a punk...
"But says he's off the junk... Wild, exuberant, fun and clever: and that's just Shane MacGowan's music.
Shane Dingman speaks to the king of Ireland's gutter poet troubadors Shane MacGowan may be a world-renowned songwriter but listening to him speak, one can be forgiven for thinking that he's about to die. His diction is slurred, his speech indistinct and punctuated with long pauses and the words "yeh?" and "yih know."
Music: Shane MacGowan
Shane MacGowan is not a pretty sight these days. Over an hour late for this show in south London, the former Pogues frontman stumbled on to stage, alcohol in one hand, cigarette in the other looking like a particularly dishevelled tramp. The author of a host of brilliant songs based on traditional Irish music including "Fairytale of New York" looked as inebriated as is possible to be without falling down. "You're a bunch of fucked-up bastards," he yelled at the patiently fervent crowd."
By Richard Milne,  Financial Times                                                                    Published:  29/09/2003
press on Shane (The Pogues, The Popes, etc.)
AUGUST 2003 - NOVEMBER  2003
Ireland: Interview: Through a glass darkly
Against all the odds, Shane MacGowan is well. In fact, he says, he feels great. If one was so inclined, it would be easy to believe him as he conjures up seamy anecdotes in lucid, lurid detail, sipping from his pint glass of Bloody Mary and letting rip with his trademark cackle. But then, by his own admission, MacGowan is not a man easily given to expressing his emotions. It is only at the end, as he gets ready to make his goodbyes, that the cackle dissipates for a second.
By MICK HEANEY. The Sunday Times (subscription), UK                                                    13/12/2003
Shane MacGowan and The Popes
SACRILEGIOUS to say, but watching Shane MacGowan nowadays is akin to watching the pontiff himself. Shuffling and unsteady, physically supported, and always a grim fascination surrounding whether he turns up at all. But the crowd hang on every word, every slurred, guttural utterance.
by Jay Richardson THE SCOTSMAN / MUSIC REVIEW                                                      19/01/2004
"For one brief, beery, gap-toothed moment, back in the bleakness of the second term of Thatcherism, it really did seem like there was a new folk revival. Improbably - during a period dominated by shoe-staring indie pop and stadium rock'n'roll - somewhere on the dark streets of London, an ex-public school boy was leading this bunch of musical hooligans out of the beer-sodden back rooms and into the charts! "
Presented by Mark Radcliffe                                                                                             29/12/2003
Shane MacGowan and the Popes
Barrowland, Glasgow
Shane MacGowan's reputation precedes him. Past gigs in Glasgow have been cancelled due to missed flights and a tumble from a bar stool, and the atmosphere in the Barrowland is electric,  in  a sozzled sort of way. Choruses of Dirty Old Town ring round the downstairs bar, which gets busy and stays busy. When  MacGowan  eventually  makes  it  on stage,  clutching  a  large,  lurid drink,  it's  the  wrong  side of 11 o'clock.   
by James Smart   The Guardian                                                                                         20/01/2004
Shane MacGowan - Live and Unleashed
Boogaloo pub, LONDON
With only 100 tickets available and some 'special guests' promised then Saturday 31st Jan could be a special and intimate event indeed - although the combination of McGowan and a pub might lead to mayhem.
WWW . Virtual Festivals  . Com                                                                                           30/01/2004
Shane MacGowan at the Boogaloo
The Irish have a passion for the drink, and Shane MacGowan sets a fine example to his entire race! But tonight the talent wins out over insobriety at the Boogaloo - and we were all in for a treat.
WWW . Virtual Festivals  . Com                                                                                          02/02/2004
Live music: The pints and the passion
Detractors may call him a wanton drunk, but Shane MacGowan is also a powerful poet. Una Bradley reveals why his words bring a lump to her throat A prophet is rarely recognised in his own time and the same, I'm afraid, goes for a genius.
The Belfast Telegraph                                                                                                         12/03/2004
"He looks like a tired and greasy uncle at the end of a wedding reception. He is in fact, Shane MacGowan, a guy that’s given us so much poetry, sentiment and reckless entertainment over the years.
Stuart Bailie, BBC                                                                                                             15/03/2004
Just why did Shane pull out of Solfest?
IT ALWAYS seemed too good to be true, but now festival goers’ worst fears have been realised. Shane MacGowan and his band The Popes have pulled out of Solfest in August.
News & Star                                                                                                                     14/07/2005

Pogues to return with MacGowan in tow
It was 1991 and things were about to come to a head for London-Irish punk outfit the Pogues. They were in Japan doing a set of shows, and the group had had about all they could take of their famously volatile frontman Shane MacGowan.
Daily Yomiuri                                                                                                                   14/07/2005

In Sight/ Music: Where it all fell apart: Pogues return to Japan
A lot of people had given the Pogues up for dead.
The obituaries, it turns out, were premature-much like those of their irrascible front man, Shane MacGowan, whose reputation for hard living had long made him a prime candidate for an early grave.
Asahi Shimbun                                                                                                                  08/07/2005

Before splitting to DJ at DD, BP Fallon and Shane MacGowan caught much of the Croke Park U2 Vertigo concert – where in the middle of Running To Stand Still Bono launched into The Pogues version of Dirty Old Town and the whole stadium sang along before Bono dedicated the song to Shane

The Pogues are back
RAISE your Guinness glasses and dust off your dancing shoes, The Pogues are back.
By Daniel Johnson                                                                                                             05/05/2005

Fairytale Ending
Boozy but poignant seasonal cheer from the most unlikely of festive bands. 
Uncut Magazine                                                                                                              March 2005

Alehouse Rock
Shane MacGowan is back to lead the celebrations and the drinks are on him - literally, says Dave Simpson
Mojo Magazine                                                                                                                March 2005

The Flowers bloom for tsunami relief

Fiachna O'Braonain, guitarist for Hothouse Flowers, recounts a recent last-minute tsunami benefit his band played:
The Denver Post                                                                                                                06/03/2005

Being lucky enough to catch The Pogues in December on the last of their three London gigs just before Christmas at The Academy in Brixton made me realise just how much I missed the atmosphere and excitement of a real storming live gig, with musicians playing real instruments.
Irish World                                                                                                                      18/02/2005

Yeti Perform With Pogues Frontman Shane MacGowan
Yeti were the centre of attention last week as they played an impromptu gig with Shane MacGowan.

Hellraiser SHANE MacGOWAN is so sick of being famous for his toothless mouth, he's undergoing surgery to convert his gum-revealing smile into a gleaming white one.
Shane McGowan duets with new rockers
Play Louder                                                                                                                      27/01/2005

The Pogues - Brixton Academy, London
Gig played on 20/12/04

Because he's a true poet, we'll always forgive him. With lesser mortals, you'd gaze upon a man staggering and swaying, mumbling his words and randomly thwacking himself over the head with a tin tray, and shake your head with despair.

Pogues star is inspired by Bible John
SHANE MacGowan, the former lead singer of The Pogues, has found musical inspiration in one of Scotland's most infamous serial killers.
The Herald                                                                                                                        14/01/2005

Living the fairytale
IT’S A ROCKY road from Dublin to Shane MacGowan’s home in Tipperary, where rain floods the roads and relentlessly hammers the bus windows - in what feels like the middle of nowhere.
Scotsman                                                                                                                          13/01/2005

The Pogues Glasgow Academy.
The buzz around this tour far outstretched Britain and Ireland. Pogues fans gathered from around the world on genuine Pogues turf.
Irish Post                                                                                                                         12/01/2005

The Pogues
The Pogues with support from The Saw Doctors (MEN Arena Manchester 18/12/04) - Live Review

The Pogues
18/12/2004, Manchester MEN Arena, Manchester UK

Reunion tours come in all shapes and sizes. Most are unworthy of your attention, but some just can’t be ignored.
from Ska Punk And Other Junk by Nicholas Boldock                                                          January 2005

Shane shook 'em! Ronnie rocked 'em! BP boogalooed!

The rovers' welcome return
(20 December 2004 - Brixton Academy)

This summer, Shane MacGowan played a low-key gig in North London's Boogaloo bar. After a fivesong set, he shuffled through the crowd. And I, overawed at seeing a legend performing in such close quarters, told him it was great. He laughed and told me not to be stupid, it was just OK.

From fiasco to fairytale
(21 December 2004 - Brixton Academy)
As if ascending to altered states equates to some kind of artistic redemption, pop music's drunks and drug fiends are indulged, cosseted and egged on by crowds pretending to encourage, but secretly eager for meltdown.
Evening Standard

The Pogues
Live in The Point Depot, Dublin, 23/12/2004

In the lobby, the queue for the men’s toilets is 50 yards long, and there is no queue for the women’s – definitely a Pogues gig.
Hot Press

The Pogues/ The Saw Doctors - MEN Arena - 18.12.04
It was an Irish reunion this pre-Christmas party evening, as two of the most vibrant bands from over the water joined a packed and jovial Manchester Arena a Christmas party to end all Christmas parties.
Designer Magazine

Shane MacGowan, the living miracle
The Pogues have reformed for a series of concerts to mark their 20th anniversary and the re-release of their back-catalogue.
Belfast Telegraph                                                                                                               31/12/2004

Waltzing MacGowan
It wasn't 'Christmas Eve, babe', it was a couple of days before. But the Pogues reforming with their classic line-up was always going be a reason for much festive cheer.
The Observer                                                                                                                     26/12/2004

Pogues are back in town
Shane MacGowan is SOBER! We lied. Thought that'd catch your eye, though.
Mega Star                                                                                                                          24/12/2004

The Pogues, Brixton Academy, London
Fairy tale of London
"Go straight to hell, boys." The voice of Joe Strummer, a one-time Pogue, is the last voice heard before the final curtain call.
The Independent                                                                                                                23/12/2004

The Pogues, Brixton Academy, London
The Pogues used to be famous for playing brilliantly shambolic shows. But time has taken its toll: the middle-aged men on the Brixton Academy's stage did not look like they had many wild nights left in them.
Financial Times                                                                                                                 22/12/2004

Beauty and the bleary
The London-Irish were out in force, jamming the outer bars. Inside, a curtain protected the band's equipment, as much from flying Guinness as from prying eyes.
The Telegraph                                                                                                                   22/12/2004

The Pogues
Brixton Academy

FOR those neither young enough nor sufficiently elderly to enjoy pantomimes at this time of year, the rousing comeback gig is the perfect alternative.
Times Online                                                                                                                     22/12/2004

The Pogues, Brixton Academy, London
The artificial snow is falling and there are two grotesquely over-decorated trees at each side of the stage, where a singer dressed in black is staggering through a cheerfully dreadful dance routine.
The Guardian                                                                                                                    22/12/2004

Dead man rocking
Shane MacGowan might be at death's door, but his reunited Pogues are more rock'n'roll than today's bland bands.
Spiked Online                                                                                                                    21/12/2004

Shane MacGowan proves there's life in the old dog yet on tour with The Pogues


IT IS surely fair to say that only the most die-hard fan - or foolhardy optimist - could have high expectations for a tour by the reconstituted Pogues in 2004.
Ireland on Sunday                                                                                                              19/12/2004

Pantomime of past glories

APART from a week-long mini-reunion in 2001, this is the first time Shane MacGowan has appeared with The Pogues since their parting of the ways
Sunday Herald                                                                                                                   19/12/2004

The Pogues @ The Academy
London-Irish punk balladeers The Pogues have reformed. They played Brum’s Carling Academy on
BBC                                                                                                                                  19/12/2004

The Pogues @ Manchester
POGUES frontman Shane MacGowan is the George Best of popular music - an unique talent laid waste by inner demons and 25 years of very hard drinking.
Manchester Online                                                                                                             18/12/2004

Arena gig a great jig
The warning signs were there, even before we got to the gig.
The Evening Chronicle                                                                                                        17/12/2004

The Pogues
Dear dirty delightful old drunken old days were here again as The Pogues kicked off Christmas at
Newcastle Arena.
BBC                                                                                                                                 16/12/2004

Pogues return on tour and albums
The Pogues song Fairytale of New York has been voted the best Christmas song of all time - as the band, which split in 1996, reforms for a comeback tour together with reissues of their classic albums. 
BBC                                                                                                                                 16/12/2004

The Pogues: posers who still like a good laugh
TRYING to get an interview with The Pogues' unpredictable lead singer, Shane MacGowan, is hard enough. Trying to understand him once you do finally track him down is even harder.
Manchester ONLine                                                                                                          15/12/2004

Pogues re-ignite the revelry
WE should either be very honoured or very afraid that The Pogues have chosen Manchester to stage the first two dates of a comeback tour in their best known guise... fronted by Shane MacGowan.
Manchester OnLine                                                                             14/12/2004

The Pogues

THE biggest surprise of this Pogues original lineup reunion is not that Cait O’Riordan is back in the band for the first time since 1986 but that Shane MacGowan is still here.
The Scotsman                                                                                                                    14/12/2004

The Ninth Life Of The Pogues
The word goes out in Tipperary, in County Meath, in Los Angeles, in Nottingham, in North London: the pogues have reformed to play live and, maybe this time, claim their rightful inheritance.
The Word Magazine                                                                                                     December 2004

MUSIC: Glasgow belongs to me

IT ALL began in McGinn's Bar on Hope Street, where Shane MacGowan pulled his career back from the brink with two classic songs about Glasgow.
Evening Times                                                                                                            December 2004

I'll never get back with my soulmate Shane
LAST weekend, on ITV's Frank Skinner Show, Shane Mac Gowan - who is my ex-partner - was being interviewed about his life. He was asked if he has any ambitions left and he responded that he would like to patch up his relationship with me, which in his words had "Gone askew".          
Sunday Independent                                                                                                            05/12/2004

Reformed - Pogue Mahone
U2’s Clarence Hotel was the venue for the interview with one of the most radical bands of the 80’s, The Pogues. Terry Woods and Shane MacGowan were there on time, sitting present and correct, well…present anyway. 
In Dublin                                                                                                                          03/12/2004

Old habits die hard
Twenty-five years ago, Shane MacGowan was given six weeks to live. But he's still here, and so are the Pogues - back to their original lineup for a new lease of life.
The Guardian                                                                                                                    26/11/2004

It is hard to believe that Pogues frontman Shane MacGowan is still alive.
Daily Mirror                                                                                                                      19/11/2004

Shane Plays the Park
AS a warmup for his Irish reunion gigs with the Pogues, the legendary Shane MacGowan will be playing at Gaelic Park (240th Street and Broadway, Bronx) on Friday, November 26.
IRISH VOICE                                                                                                                   16/11/2004

Celtic Soul Rebels
Drunk and belligerent, in 1982 they roared out of the clubs and squats of north London and ripped up the Irish music rulebook. Then a decade later they combusted in a haze of whiskey fumes. Ann Scanlon charts the rise, the fall and rebirth of The Pogues
MOJO Magazine                                                                                                       September 2004

Irish rovers return for tour
The Pogues are putting their original line-up back together for the first time in almost two decades and hitting the road again.
Sunday Sun                                                                                                                       05/09/2004

Sunday Independent
Part 1           Part 2            Part 3            Part 4            Part 5            Part 6          

Death Disco blew minds on its latest rampage around Ireland, as DJs BPF and Shane MacGowan touched down for the White Stripes/New York Dolls/Peaches DD after-parties in Dublin and Belfast.

Drunk and disorderly
SHANE MacGowan’s life has been coloured by the three Ds; drink, drugs and dentistry, a trinity that shaped his shambolic image and lifestyle.
by SIOBHAN SYNNOT   The Scotsman (on subscription)                                                       29/08/2004

Celtic Roots Festival,Edinburgh August 21 #####

THE fans know it's showtime when a bottle of gin arrives on stage a few seconds before MacGowan.
Daily Records         by Richard Purden                                                                               27/08/2004

Man jailed for attacking MacGowan

Irish rocker Shane MacGowan is breathing a sigh of relief after an English scaffolder has been jailed for three years for attacking the former Pogues frontman.
Irish Examiner                                                                                                                  25/08/2004

A THUG who battered Pogues legend Shane MacGowan in a pub toilet claimed the star offered to pay him for gay sex.
The Daily Record                                                                                                              25/08/2004

MacGowan to play at jazz landmark
Legendary singer Shane MacGowan is to play a mini-residency at London's famous Ronnie Scott's jazz club.
By Chris Heard              BBC News Online entertainment staff                                              18/08/2004

Right pair of wits in a set-to
LIFE is rich in irony, don't you think? The Palace of Wisdom is what iconoclast Olaf Tyarensen called his latest oeuvre (a surprise runaway bestseller) and to the launch of this sagacious tome in the Friends Room of the RHA he invited those Titans of wit and wisdom, Shane MacGowan and Irvine Welsh.
Sunday Independent                                                                                                           15/08/2004

I did it for Ireland and the Money, nothing else
That, according to Shane MacGowan, will be the title of his next, and exceedingly long-awaited album. in the meantime there’s Sean N?s, the war, his dad, drink and Celtic football legend Jimmy Johnstone to be going on with.
Hot Press                                                                                                                          30/07/2004

MacGowan is a friend in deed
Reporter Simon O’Duffy met up with the legendary Shane MacGowan, who has released a charity single in aid of the Jimmy Johnstone Motor Neurone Tribute Fund
Nenagh Guardian                                                                                                              31/07/2004

Shane MacGowan: Catch a falling star
Thanks to Shane MacGowan's many friends, he's still with us and making music.
by Steven Hands       Independent                                                                                        23/07/2004

REVIEW: Shane MacGowan
The prospect of a midnight gig with Shane MacGowan at the Forum last Friday had a thrill of sulphur on the edge of the grave. Would the old Liver Living Dead turn up, would he be able to stand up, etc
Munster Express                                                                                                                23/07/2004

Shane returns to paradise

SHANE MacGowan never disappears, he just chooses a different bar to drink in. The behemoth of Irish music has repeatedly proven that despite years of rock’n’roll debauchery, he can still stand up and be counted among every new generation of artists.
RICHARD PURDEN                   Scotsman.com                                                                  18/07/2004

The bhoy is back
Shane MacGowan hasn't drowned his musical talent, says Paul ConnollyIt’s a rather rum do.
Times OnLine                                                                                                                  10/07/2004

Legendary folk / punk hero Shane MacGowan is back with his first release in years. RONAN McGREEVY talks to the man.
RI-RA magazine                                                                                                                 July 2004

SHANE: " My Secret Son"         part 2                      part 3
Shane MacGowan and his new love secretly "adopted" a teenage boy in Tibet...
Irish Mirror                                                                                                                       July 2004

MacGowan lights it up
Respect appearance by Ex-Pogue shows he still has his stuff
By the time Shane MacGowan and The Popes took the stage at the Respect festival Saturday, June 12, a silent anticipation hung in the air. The smell of roasting meats and a hefty amount of smoke combined with the presence of various peddlers selling their wares to give Stvanice island the atmosphere of a Celtic village.
Jonny Tennant    The Prague Post                                                                                  24/06/2004

CLEAN BREAK     part 2        part 3        part 4     part 5
Holidaying in Gozo with Shane MacGowan, her brilliant beloved, beleaguered ex-boyfriend, Victoria Mary Clarke hears why he has given heroin at last...
Victiria Clarke   Sunday Independent                                                                               27/06/2004

Half a Year Before Death
We met three times; first time some fifteen years ago, last time last week.
Honza D?dek, Reflex                                                                                                            June 2004

SINGER Shane MacGowan has been beaten up in a pub, it was revealed last night.
The Pogues frontman was left with serious injuries to his face.
He was hit with a metal bar, kicked and punched.
Tom Parry  The Mirror                                                                                                 21/04/2004

Singer in pub brawl
A PUB brawl put ex-Pogues singer Shane MacGowan in hospital with facial injuries.
SUN ONLINE REPORTER                                                                                           21/04/2004

Even fewer teeth short of a mouthful,
but is Shane MacGowan growing up?

A COUPLE of days ago, I got an alarming phone call. "Something's happened to Shane," the caller said. "But I'm not allowed to tell you what it is. He'll be calling you himself to tell you."
Victoria Mary Clarke       Sunday Independent                                                                 25/04/2004

'I'm clean as a whistle' says drug-free Shane

Evening Herald,                                                                                                                06/04/2004
(scanned page, 349Kb)

Hellraiser Shane MacGowan is on a downward spiral to a hard drugs hell, friends fear.
Irish Daily Mirror (By DAMIEN LANE)                                                                            March 2004
NICE PEGS, SHANE ABOUT THE FACE, Belfast Limelight 15th March 2004
Post-Punk musical poet Shane MacGowan's been slurring out a few songs again.
It's just before 1 O'clock on the 15th March. We're in the Limelight on Belfast's Ormeau Avenue and Shane MacGowan is in the building - apparently.
Shane MacGowan and The Popes.The Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton 18/03/04
Oh What A Night! Never mind the usual "Kick Up The 80's" rubbish - Shane MacGowan is really back! I'd heard good reports from the last tour when he came to Birmingham - and I was not disappointed
Reviewed by Jenny Jones                                                                                                     18/03/2004
Shane MacGowan and the Popes @ the Barrowlands.
With no teeth and seemingly very little notion of what was actually going on, the legendary Shane McGowan showed up on stage some 2 hours later then scheduled. A big crowd (although not a full house) cheered as the Paddy Rolling Stone made his appearance, with a pint of lager on one hand, a fag on the other and a mouthful of mumbled swearwords, and occasionally a bit of melody.
Gabriel Rohonyi                                                                                                                 01/03/2004
"Paddy Rolling Stone"
At first dismisses by the Irish rock'n'roll establishment as a walking clich? - an embarrasing drunken Paddy - Shane MacGowan has become one of the most loved and respected artists on the planet.
Interview with Shane from Record Collector                                                                     January 2004
Shane MacGowan & The Popes: The Boys from County Hell!
Rumors are ugly things. They are rarely ever true, but they spread faster than fads or the common cold. This theory was tested in line outside The Catalyst last Thursday as comments about Shane MacGowan's health were passed along from person to person.
By Chris Polson                                                                                                                19/04/2001
Shane MacGowan -- Turns the Showbox into Irish Pub
Shane MacGowan has always represented something of an enigma; that of the drunk Irish poet. When MacGowan and his new band the Popes took the stage on Thursday night, the Showbox was transformed into a gigantic Irish Pub. MacGowan sauntered on-stage pissed, with fag in hand.
Brian Stephens, The Daily University of Washington,                                                             01/07/1998
MARCH 2004 - MAY  2004
JUNE 2004 - AUGUST  2004
Shane MacGowan is not happy with the newly published A DRINK WITH SHANE MacGOWAN.
For a start, it should be called Several drinks with Shane MacGowan, he points out.
HotPress                                                                                                                                                                      29/03/2001
Get Your Yeah Yeahs Out!
From small-time ramshackle punk'n'Irish troubadours to 'international touring act' in the space of six incident-packed years, The Pogues have not only produced music to consistently surprise and delight - they've put it in the charts too!
Hot Press (by Bill Graham)                                                                                                  01/12/1988
Another few drinks with Shane MacGowan
EAMON SWEENEY tries - and fails - to last the pace in the company of the irish raver 
Hot Press                                                                                                                           27/09/2001
MARCH 2005 - MAY  2005
The decline and fall of the heroic Irish drunk
The current state of Shane McGowan explodes the myth of the booze-fuelled genius, says JOHN E WALSH
TALES are leaking out of Blooms Hotel in Dublin. Somewhere in this temporary home to countless Euro-entrepreneurs and myriad dot.com impresarios Shane McGowan is sitting in a slurred heap.
Sunday Independent                                                                                                            17/02/2001