Gold Flights

Name Rider Date
Liyanth Nalia 8.25
Lillith Catlyn 1.03.1287
Zelisseth Giaeli TBA

Green Flights

Name Rider Date
Pyralth E'ryk 6.26
Sianath A'mor 7.7
Emyth A'dre TBA
Rhysth Heira TBA
Tairath Ehlanna TBA
Tahroth K'tyr TBA
Heccath Nazlin TBA
Chailth Csardrita TBA
Arceliath Laryssa TBA

Firelizard Flights

Name Color Owner Date
Bahari Green Cohera 6.5
Dart Green T'zair 8.3
Kildare Green S'lius TBA

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved. This website and all images are copyright Ariel Glaeser 2005.