Big Brother 2: Las Vegas Episode #3


The houseguests had evicted Lisa. The house wasn't nearly as tidy as it had been and the meals didn't taste quite so good. That's what you get when you vote the mother figure out of the Big Brother house. The game was starting to take it's toll on everyone. The isolation was just about more than some of them could take. Small squabbles had broken out a few times, just enough to cause tension in the rooms. It became clear that some of the houseguests were more into the game aspect of Big Brother than the social interaction. People were working hard not to make enemies and at the same time trying to determine who was going to be a threat to their success. The game was definitely "on".


The challenges would be critical and the outcome could determine the direction of the game.
Tiffany was callled into the Confessional Room and told to bring the box she found into the living room and read the instructions inside. She gathered everyone around and proceeded to read to them.
"Welcome to the third Head of Household competition"
The houseguests were stunned. They hadn't even started the Reward Challenge yet, why were they getting the HoH challenge already?

"Inside this box you will find nine clip boards. On each clipboard is an envelop with your name on it, a pen and a large legal pad. All of you, with the exception of Diana, will get a clip board. The object of this game is simple. You will be writing a story. There is a small catch. Once you have your clip board open the envelop. You will have to include what you find in your envelop in your story as many times as you can. For example, one of your envelops will have "names of restaurants" inside, that person will have to incorporate as many names of restaurants into the story as possible. You can make the story as long as you please. Submit your story to the Confessional Room once you are finished. The judges will be looking for creativity, so do your best. The deadline is tomorrow night, just before the Reward Challenge. The stories will be read and evaluated by us and the winner of the Head of Household position will be announced after the Reward Challenge. Good luck everyone! Get writing!"

The scheduling was a little odd. Some of the houseguests jumped into the writing challenge with gusto. Matt, Ian, Jeremy, Leo and Elizabeth all submitted stories before the deadline. Now they just had to wait for the completion of the Reward Challenge to find out which was the successful writer.
The next evening the houseguests were gathered into the living room. Josh appeared on the big screen TV to explain the next challenge.

"Welcome to Political Balderdash! If you are familiar with the game of Balderdash you will do well with this game. There are note pads and pens in front of you. Please take one each. I will give you a date, or a name or something. Your job is to write down something that could have happened on that day, or why that person is famous, etc. Make something up, be creative. Once you have come up with something, put your name on the bottom of the paper, rip it off the note pad and slip it into the slot under the mirror on the wall behind me. When we have everyone's submission the TV screen I'm on now will change to the all the submissions you gave us and the ACTUAL answer, all with corresponding numbers. Write down on your note pad the number that you think goes with the real answer. When I say 'answer', hold up your note pad. We will note what everyone chose. You will get a point every time someone chooses the answer you submitted as the real answer. Does everyone understand? Okay, we are ready to begin. We will start with dates. GO!"

The guests had a blast making up the answers and everyone laughed when the submissions were revealed. When the scores were tallied in the end Leo had proven his Balderdash prowess. He was the reward winner by quite a large margin!
Josh appeared on the screen again with the all important HoH announcement.

"Congratulations to Leo, the reward winner. You won't find out what you've won until later. Right now I'd like to also congratulate the five people who handed in stories for the HoH challenge. They were all very creative. Third place was a tie between the story that included TV show titles by Jeremy and the story that included fruits by Leo. Second place goes to Matt, who had to include animals in his story. The winner and the new Head of Household is Ian! His story that included card games will be available for everyone to read in the Confessional Room. Congratulations Ian. Your nominations are due tomorrow, at which time Leo will be told his reward. Have a good evening houseguests!"

Ian had the power in the house, but what would he do with it?


Ian thought long and hard about the nominations. This was not something he was going to take lightly. He genuinely liked everyone in the house. He stayed up late in the HoH Room going through every possible scenario. The time approached and he went and retrieved the Safe Box from the hallway. He took all the keys with him into the HoH Room. After placing his own key around his neck he started locking the others into place in the box. Soon there were just two left, the nominees. He put their keys into the black velvet bag and went to the living room. The houseguests gathered, ready to hear their fate. Ian started the ceremony with a small speech.

"Hey, gang. Let me start off by saying that if I could've gone without winning HoH this week, I would've. Yet they had to go and make a writing-based challenge, which as most of you know I absolutely could not pass up. I thought I'd really, really like having Head of Household, but I don't wish this position on anyone, because all the positive feelings you get about being able to stay in the game another week pale in comparison to all the nerve-wracking decision-making one has to do as HoH. It's my job to put 20% of the remaining members of the house up for nomination and the only person who I can't put up is me. So I hope you all take that into consideration as we start the key-pulling. I want to save each and every one of you, but unfortunately... this is the way the game works. Neither of my choices tonight were for intensely personal reasons, but I'll give you my logic behind each one once we've completed this part. And once again, thank you for all your understanding and kind words during my time in the HoH room. Oh, and Leo... I hope you enjoyed all the Caesar salad. Matt, I saved you some, and you'll get it as soon as you pay me my 90% tithe. Hehe! Okay now... let's get this overwith."

Slowly the keys were removed from the box. To everyone's surprise it was Grace and Kimberley who did not get their keys. Grace had been nominated for the second week in a row. Kimberley was surprised, unsure who her friends were in the house. Ian addressed them both.

"Grace, I am very sorry I had to nominate you for the second time in a row. You and I have not had very many opportunities to get to know one another in this house, and I've gotten the feeling from talking to you that when you and I do get the chance to speak, you don't really want to talk to me, but that you're only doing it because you feel you have to or for some other agenda. This was none more evident than our conversation just the other night when you asked me my opinion on someone and then immediately criticized my opinion, trying to make me think differently. I questioned why you were asking if you were just going to tell me I was wrong, and then you took it personally and asked if I even liked you at all. Well, I do like you, but I really didn't know how to react to that conversation and it made me wonder if maybe the question is 'do you like me?' I am sorry, but it was enough for me to put you up."

"Kimberley, this was most certainly the hardest of the two votes (no offense meant to Grace). I have nominated you for the simple reason that as far as the people in this house go, I've gotten to talk to you probably less than anyone else here. It's not a personal thing, you know that. But you and I have differing schedules, and unfortunately what I've had to do is hope that you've somewhat expected this nomination simply because of our lack of contact with one another. And if you weren't expecting it, the least I ask is that you try to understand it and please don't take this in a negative light, you know I think you're wonderful."

The houseguests were about to leave the room when Josh appeared on the TV screen

"Thank you Ian. The two nominees please sit in the arm chairs at the end of the room. Leo, it's time for your reward. Please come into the Confessional Room and get the Veto Necklace. You may place the necklace on either Grace or Kimberley to save them from nomination. You may choose not to use it and leave the nominees as they are. If you do use it, Ian will be forced to pick someone else to put up for eviction. "

Everyone was shocked. Kimberley started to feel a little better about her position, knowing that her and Leo shared a "home town connection". Leo returned from the Confessional Room with the necklace. He asked to have a word with Ian before making his choice. The two went to the dining room but returned quickly. Ian didn't seem please with the way the conversation had gone. Leo took the necklace and walked over to the nominees.

"Alright, I have chosen to use my power of veto to save GRACE.... I feel that she has become a good friend, and it is too early to see her go. I think she brings great spirit to the house, and if this brings me an enemy, so be it, but she deserves to stay. This is my final decision."

Kimberley was surprised at his decision. It was now up to Ian to choose someone else to put in her place. This was extremely difficult for Ian. He had no idea what to do. He looked at Leo, then at Matt. He seemed internally torn. Finally he addressed the group.

"I've made my decision...I'm just about to cry over this. Haha! I can't believe what a fwicked twist you put in the game Josh. In a matter of 20 seconds, you turned the game upside down and put me in the hardest possible position an HoH can be put in. However...Since there's no way out of it, I have to nominate someone else. I juggled around a few names in my head and only one of them made more sense than the others, and quite frankly, the reasoning behind nominating this person is the same as Kim: little-to-no contact. It really pains me to do it because she's sooooo sweet... But my third nomination this week to go against kim is DIANA. Thats it, i hate myself!"

Leo looked angry. Everyone else was confused. Once the ceremony was over Leo and Ian had a "private" conversation in the HoH Room. It seems that Leo had a particular person in mind for the second nominee. He used his veto in hopes that that person would be put up instead. It didn't work out that way.

It came time for the eviction. Kimberley and Diana sat in the arm chairs and awaited their fate. The houseguests entered the Confessional Room one at a time to give their votes. Josh appeared on the screen to give the results.
"By a vote of 6 to 1, Kimberley has been evicted from the Big Brother Las Vegas house. Please gather your things and say your good byes. Thanks for playing!"
Kimberley was the second strong female player in a row to be evicted? Should the other women in the house feel threatened?
Stay Tuned for Episode 4!