Big Brother 2: Las Vegas Episode #7


Grace had been evicted. With only six players left the house seemed bigger. The players left behind were feeling extremely vulnerable. There was nothing that could keep their minds off the game and their next moves. Even sweet little Veto the puppy could feel the tension and made several messes on the kitchen floor.
No one knew who they could trust. The only thing they could rely on to stay in the game was their performance in the next challenges.


The Reward Challenge was scheduled for that evening. Everyone knew that the reward could be a advantage in the HOH challenge. They were ready to give it their all. The voice of Big Brother ordered the houseguests into the living room where they waited for the games instructions. Josh appeared on the screen.
"To start with could Elizabeth please go into the Confessional Room and pick up the materials you will need for the challenge. When she returns I'll give you the details"
Elizabeth returned with six clipboards. She handed one to all the players. Josh appeared again.
"Welcome to Predict the Strategy! Here's how it will work. We will be showing you a tape introducing 16 survivors. They will be players in a "mock survivor" game. On the tape they will give you a little insight into their strategizes and personalites. Once you have met them all it will be your job to "predict" what will happen in their game. On your clip board you have clues and hints of what happened at each Tribal Council. That will help you predict the outcome. You have to determine the outcome of each vote and ultimately the outcome of the game. Once you are finished please submit your clip board to the Confessional Room for marking. We will then let you know who was the most successful and who wins this episodes reward. Good Luck! Survivor predicters ready? GO!"
The houseguests watched the tape a few times, getting acquainted with their "mock survivors" then they set off to separate rooms to work on the challenge. It was a difficult task but everyone got through it and submitted their clipboard to be evaluated. Josh appeared on the screen again once everyone was gathered in the living room.
"You all did very well. I will announce the winner of the challenge. Actually, I will announce the loser! What you were playing for was the priviledge to compete in the Head of Household competition. The players that did the worst predicting the outcomes of the votes will be barred from the next challenge, assuring that they cannot get the power in the house. First of all congratulations to Matt for being the best at predicting the outcome! Now the people who will not be competing in the HoH challenge are Joshua and Ian! Sorry guys, but your fate in the game will have to determined by one of the other players. For any one who is interested the correct answers to the "mock survivor" are available in the Confessional Room. That's it! Good luck to Matt, Tiffany, Liz and Diana in the next challenge."
Ian and Joshua would have to sit out the next challenge. They would just have to hope that an ally wins the HoH position.
The next evening the challenge participants were called into the backyard. There was a table set up with four lap top computers. Each of the players took their seats in front of one of the computers. Josh appeared on the TV screen in front of them.
"This is the Slingo HoH challenge. For those of you who are not familiar with the game it is a combination of slots and bingo. The full rules will be explained to you before you begin. You will be playing against one another, trying for the highest score. At the end of the game the player with the highest score will be declared the winner."
Once everyone was clear on the rules of the game they started to take their spins. The game took a while and Joshua and Ian watched from the window. They could not see anoyone's screen so they had no idea how the scores were going. Eventually the four players returned to the house. Josh had them gather in the living room for the final results. "In third place, with score of 99, 400, is Matt. In second place, with a score of 103,900, is Diana. The winner with a score of 106,800 is Tiffany! Congratulations Tiffany, you are the Head of Household for a second time this game! You will be making your nominations tomorrow. Good night everyone".
Tiffany looked around at everyone in the room. She felt a deep sorrow over the fact that she would have to nominate two of her friends.


Although Tiffany was pleased she was going to make it into the next round she feft awful about having a hand in the next eviction. She weighed all the options. There was nothing she could do but just bite the bullet and make the choices. She took the Safe Box and the keys into the HoH Room. She locked the keys into place and out the two she had set aside in hte black bag. She sighed deeply before leaving the HoH Room and gathering the others. She addressed the group before pulling the first key.

"This really stinks! I so badly did not want HOH this time...but I guess Slingo did lol! I don't want to make any nominations, but unfortunatly I have to. Before I anounce who I'm nominating, I want to explain my reasons. I am particularly close to some people in the game and I have said that I wouldn't nominate or vote for them."

The keys were pulled one by one. When it was over Elizabeth and Diana, the other two women in the house, were the ones without their keys. Tiffany had put up the girls!
She spoke to Diana first.
"Now, Diana, from our conversation yesterday I know you are probably going to see this as an attack, or a plan, but I promise on everything, it is not. I don't want to see either one of you go...but I have made promises to others."

Tiffany turned to Elizabeth to explain her decision.

"Liz, I also promise you that this isn't "revenge" for nominating me last week. I wish with all of my heart that I didn't have to nominate anyone, but the game calls us to do so. Please don't take any of this personal, like all of us continually say, it is just a game! I don't hate either one of you, nor have any of us been plotting against you. I wish you both the best of luck! Please don't hate me!"

The guys were the only ones voting in this round. They had a difficult decision on their hands. Both of the nominees were active, well-liked people.
It came time to vote and Diana and Elizabeth waited anxiously in the dreaded arm chairs for the announcement. Josh appeared on the screen in the living room to let them know the results.

"Both of you ladies have played this game extremely well, but unfortunately one of you will be leaving the house. In a close vote, Diana you have been evicted. Please say your good bye's and gather your things, it's time to leave."
Diana thought she had enough support for her to stay but nothing is certain in this game.
Stay tuned for Episode 8!