Smoking or non-smoking?!
    Well, here we go. Now my town is considering a smoking ban in public buildings. I tried to stay out of this conversation, but now I feel I must speak up.
    Pardon my French, but I doubt there is any conclusive evidence, and stay with me here, that second-hand smoke BY ITSELF causes any harm to anyone. Probably the worst that can happen is your clothes wind up smelling like smoke. Now, if you add in breathing difficulties, illness, stupidity, smog (car exhaust, factory smokestacks)... well, there, you might have a claim.

   I'll tell you what. I'd rather smoke a cigarette than breathe the air in my town. Which would you rather do... if you HAD to pick... smoke a cigarette, or put your face at the end of my exhaust pipe for five minutes?

I think the government, and special interest groups, are taking away more and more of our rights and freedoms. Don't I have the right to smoke? Don't I have the right to tell people who don't like it to get OUT OF MY FACE? Where the heck is the ACLU when you really need them (and I don't agree with most of what the ACLU does)?

   The whole thing really has me bothered. What's next... we have to install air purifiers if anyone is allowed in our house? Are we gonna have to buy oxygen to breathe? Will it be piped into people's homes just like gas is now?
Gimme a break!
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