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trading swats group

Although I sometimes wonder if there's anybody out there. Or anybody notices that I'm here. To some extent I use this group as my own spanking blog. Here I share my experiences of spanking encounters. Occasionally I get a response, a question, a comment. So Marty had made contact with me some time ago. Saw my renewed Guyspank profile, no it was Spankboys profile. I'm all over the web. I have a web spanking presence. So he asked the usual questions. I sent my usual answers, this is what I do, this is what I won't do, what are you interested in. At this point communication often stops. But Marty persisted. Indicated he had some experience, and was interested in maybe trading swats, maybe be disciplined as a school boy. Doesn't have a place we can meet and the schedule for using my place didn't work for him too well, so well in advance we planned to meet the day after Christmas. I've never planned one of these sessions so far in advance. We were to meet at the local fastfood at 10 in the morning. Same as usual. Check each other out. We had exchanged so many e-mails, had a pretty good sense of who this guy is. Doesn't have two heads, or two butts, or a mean streak. Just a friendly guy with a real hard schedule to work around. So Friday morning there he was sitting in his truck. Good smile, ready to go, no questions, but acting maybe a little hesitant. Treating me like I'm some experienced dude, and he's just the newbie and not quite sure. Not sure if I got the story right about the experiences he's had. Kept acting like he wasn't quite sure what he could handle. Come on, Marty, this isn't Godzilla sitting opposite you. So down my basement with all the implements lined up, the cards on the table and the dice, the usual game.He sucks in his gut and takes the dive. We take some easy steps, and he gets the hang of it pretty quick. Big grin when he has the chance to pound my butt, but really awfully easy, too easy mostly. Come on, Marty, try full force. Says no that's not him. Well, we'll push his butt a little harder, then probably he'll push harder back. We were at it for almost three hours. Had some pretty warm red butts by the end. Lots of conversation between swats. Marty has lots of tales to tell, and real excited about lots of his experiences. A guy who's happy with what he does. How rare. So think maybe he's excited about his latest experience too. I think we made his butt happy. Says he's interested in trying it again. But he's a real busy guy. I think we got an appointment for sometime in February. My butt gonna have withdrawal symptoms.

While I'm writing to Marty to thank him for coming over and sharing his butt, an e-mail appears from Lenny. You all read about Lenny a couple months back. Lenny writes, hey Bill you buzy how about we trade some swats this afternoon before 7 PM. Well, Lenny, already got a pretty red butt. Check mail later in the day, Lenny had written back, hey if you answer before 7 PM maybe he can come over just for a spanking. Guess he had some idle time, and what's a better way to fill it. Well, I missed my chance to attack Lenny's butt. But one butt a day is good. Long time till February.