Unofficial DRCs

Vibe Loonie
Vibe 1
Vibe 2

The Dork Forums
Studio 64

The Vibe Loonie Trophy Case
Only, without the case.

    The Chimp
    Vibe # 5
    Describe the grounds and procedures of the Nintendorks Cult.

    Jai Deliete
    Vibe # 4
    Design Nintendo High. What characters would teach what classes, and why?

    Jai Deliete
    Vibe # 3
    What's that damn thing on Mario's back in Mario Sunshine?

    Amazing CAP
    Vibe # 2
    Who are the five secret characters in SSB:M?

    Vibe # 1
    If you were to sabotage the XBox launch, how would you do it?