Chapter 400

Mina was alone. That's pretty much all she was sure of as she sat on a swing set that night. A clock chimed in the distance.

Midnight. She thought. And what does all this mean? What is happening?

Artemas appeared from behind a bush.

"I was wondering when you would finally find me," Mina said quietly.

"How are you doing?" Artemas asked.

"What do you expect? My parents are getting divorced. How should I feel?"

"I understand," Artemas said.

"I know you care Artemas, but how could you understand?" she rose from the swing set. "They were there for eighteen years. Raising me..loving me..we were a family. How could that change? I mean they were in love weren't they? They were married for twenty five years! And's gone..just how does that work?"

Artemas said nothing.


"I don't know.." Artemas said. "It just happens sometimes."

"But why? Love isn't that transient. And why now? What's different?"

"I don't know.."

" don't understand."

"You're right I don't. But I'm here for you," Artemas said.

"Wish my parents were," Mina said.

"Hmm..Mina's pretty upset isn't she?" Serena asked.

"Yes, it's pretty bad," Luna said. "But I'm not certain what you, her friends, should do about it."

"We should talk to her shouldn't we?"

"That's where I'm not sure. You see Serena, this is a divorce. It's a very complex matter, and Mina is probably having to deal with a variety of emotions and questions. None of you are really able to provide her with an answer. I'm sure she knows you all support her though."

"So we should try to go see her?"

"That's my view, but then again..I can never know for sure."

"Yeah..I know...human beings just aren't that simple," Serena said. "I have to do something though. I don't know what yet though. Mina needs to know for sure that we're behind her. Now as soon as I figure out how to prove that we'll be in business...wait a minute! Lita and Greg's family got divorces! They should know all about it!"

"Serena! You're forgetting that both of them had that happen at a very young age, it may not be the same," Luna said.

"That can still help! Yep! Mina will be back to normal in no time!" Serena shouted and hurried out the door.

"But.." Luna said. "Oh why do I even try.." she muttered.

"Where are you going Serena?" Her mother asked as Serena hurried to the door.

"To add another drop of bright sunshine to the world!" Serena shouted.

"Well be home by dinner will you?" her mother replied.

Meanwhile at the Crown Restaurant.

"'s hopeless," Mike said.

"What is?" Rick asked.

"You know Mina's parents are divorcing, how am I supposed to be the man..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well a good boyfriend would be there at her side comforting her, but I'm no good at that, I can only entertain. I know better then to try that now."

"Maybe she needs a little entertainment," Rick said.

"No, no this is completely out of my league," Mike said. "Things were going so well too."

"They'll get better, she won't be depressed forever."

"Yeah, but she'll know that throughout this life crisis I wasn't a bit of help," Mike said. "And that's not going to exactly set our relationship up to be perfect you know. Oh yes Mike, you're funny, but when things really get tough I can count on you to hide under a rock while I deal with it..."

"Not necessarily," Rick said. "I mean she knows you better than that. She knows you care, even if you have no way to help her."

"That doesn't help my self esteem any..I should be able to help her, I mean how am I a suitable guy for her if I can't be of any real emotional help?"

"Well..Mina's always been a little loose with conventional romantic practice, I'm sure it won't be a problem," Rick said.

" will..I've got to find a way to help...somehow!"

"There's no need to shout."

" is the perfect time to shout. This is the holy grail I must propel my love to new heights!"

"We found the holy grail you know.." Rick muttered.

"It is just a figure of speech!" Mike said leaping on the table. "I'm off to save the fair damsel from the clutches of her dragon of depression!"

He ran out the door.

"Glad he's approaching this serious problem with a clear head," Rick muttered and finished his drink.

"Ah..Rick..just who I needed to see," Steve said sliding into the booth.

"Ah..more rationality," Rick said. "Just what I need."

"Look..I've been thinking, maybe I need to be more active if I'm going to get my love back..maybe this is one of those things you see in the movies all the time. I just have to push this other guy away and be the man."

"I'm getting sick of hearing how someone has to "be the man" I'm the man..all right. Now look. may believe that you're involved in some made for TV romance, but you're not. This is reality! Remember!"

"Ah..yes...I'm reminded so often by the giant creatures that take naps, as well as my ability to become an energy sword swinging knight of justice straight out of the moon kingdom.." Steve said.

Rick sighed.

"'ve got to get over this," Rick said.

"But I'm right, my cause is just. It is manifest destiny!"

"No it isn't,"Rick muttered.

"'ve got it easy, you don't understand," Steve said. "But I'll find someone that does."

He hopped up on the table.

"This is my holy grail to reacquire my love and rescue her from her dragon of a former idol star!"

"Sit down!" Rick said and drop kicked him. Steve fell into the booth.

"I do believe you overreacted there Rick," Steve said.

"I have good reason!" Rick said.

"He sure does!" The rest of the restaurant replied.

"Did I..miss..something?" Steve asked.

"Now you get to witness the magic in action," Serena said hurrying down the street. Ai hurried behind her.

"Does it always involve a lot of running?" Ai asked.

"Are you kidding? If it did I couldn't handle it," Serena said. "But at times like this desperate measures are necessary!"

"Ah..I see.." Ai said.

"I can see you're nervous, but they always are..don't worry," Serena said. "This is what helping people's all about. Now come on Ai..join with me on the crusade."

"It's a crusade now?"

"Yes, it is, are you worthy of it?"

Ai looked around.

"You bet I am! Lead the way!"

"All right, we have been soul sisters now, banded together by the crusade for happiness in it's all its form."

"I can feel it! No one can stop us!"

" was beautiful," Amy bubbled. "Taiki took me to the aquarium again. The colors that nature has provided its undersea creatures are really just incredible. He's so wonderful to talk to when we're in that element. And where else can we see seven different species of plankton. No one understands the true beauty of that creature."

"I'll bet," Ayeka said.

"So romance involves fish?" Hotaru said.

" doesn't have to," Amy said. "But it always helps when I'm around Taiki. He's so smart, and knowledgeable even though he hasn't lived on this planet that long. It's like he knows everything...." she swooned. "How perfect."

"So romance is merely the acquisition of knowledge?" Hotaru asked.

"" Ayeka said. "This is an extreme extreme and unusual case...then we even know anyone who does it the right way?"

"I can't wait to see what Taiki will say when we go to the natural history museum," Amy said blushing.

"Hotaru, whatever you do, do not use Amy as a basis for your romantic pursuits?" Ayeka asked.

"I had just reached that conclusion," Hotaru said.

The War Room.

"D.V. No one told me your sister had this side to her," Taiki said.

"Don't you like it?" D.V. asked.

"It's not a matter of that. I just don't understand it," Taiki said.

"No one understands it. I'm sure though she'll settle down. The last time she dated someone it was Urawa, and that didn't work out, she's just realizing the excitement of the whole romance thing again. How can you say she isn't perfect for you though?"

"Oh she is," Taiki said. "I just hope I can survive this phase."

"That could be a difficult," D.V. said.

The door buzzed.

"Ah..Greg's back," D.V. said. " This should be enjoyable." The door slid open.

"Honestly, the idiocy of human existence," Greg said storming in.

"'ve discovered American television then?" D.V. asked.

"No..I've tried practically every publisher in the city, and somehow writing a story about a group of people somewhat like the sailor scouts, who everyone knows and loves, just doesn't seem marketable!" Greg said.

"Hmm..that is bizarre," Taiki said. "Maybe they just don't think you're qualified."

"Well.that's too bad, because they should recognize my ability," Greg said. "I'm good."

"Have you let anyone read the story?" D.V. asked.

"Michiru, and she says it was wonderfully written, and I asked her to be honest," Greg said.

"Still..maybe you should get more than one opinion," D.V. said.

"I don't know," Greg said.

"Look Greg, why don't you let us read it, we'll give you a fair shake," Taiki said.


The door buzzed.

"Oh..dear..." Patterson said. Serena and Ai, both with large smiles on their faces stood at the door.

" in there? We need your help," Serena said.

"My help?" Greg asked in surprise.

"You'd better go out there, I'd be crazy to let those two in here with those glazed over eyes of theirs," Patterson said.

Greg headed out the door.

"You don't know what you've sent him into," Taiki said.

"Don't care either," Patterson muttered.

"Something bothering you?"

"Nothing." Patterson said. "The world is the world. That's all there is too it."

"You wanted to see me?" Greg asked.

"Ah...yes..Greg..we need you for a rescue mission," Serena said.

"Rescue mission?" Greg asked.

"To rescue the hopes and dreams of a girl thrown astray by the twisted world we live in," Ai said.

"Uh..what?" Greg asked.

"Mina, Greg..her parents have gotten a divorce, and she's upset, but your parents got a divorce so you know something about it, we want you to help us get Mina back on track," Serena said.

"You cannot refuse this summons," Ai said.

"I guessed that," Greg muttered.

"What's going on out here?" Amy asked.

"Oh dear..Serena and Ai are collaborating on a project it seems," Hotaru said. "The world trembles before them."

"How is it that sarcasm just came naturally to you before anything else?" Ayeka asked.

"Amy, didn't you hear? Mina's parents are getting a divorce, so I'm going to help her," Serena said.

"Oh dear, Mina must be feeling awful, but are you sure this is something you should just step into," Amy said growing serious.

"She's right Serena," Greg said. "You have to be careful."

"Not when Mina's at stake here," Serena said. "We have to help her!"

"But Serena, it's not that simple," Amy said.

"Yes, I know that. That's why I'm creating a strike force!" Serena said.

"A strike force of good feelings!" Ai said.

"This is probably not the way to handle this," Hotaru said.

"That is an understatement," Ayeka said.

"Come on we've gotta go find Lita," Serena said.

"Right!" Ai said.

"Uh..I'm not sure about all this," Greg said.

"You're fears will soon fall a way in a rush of enthusiasm!" Ai and Serena shouted.

"That I doubt," Ayeka said.

"I had better go with them," Amy said.

"You'll need backup," Ayeka said following.

"This is a very curious experience," Hotaru added heading after them.

Several blocks away.

"Mike..what brings you by?" Lita said.

"You're Mina's closest friend," Mike said.

"I guess," Lita said.

"And now Mina's family is going through a divorce."

"They are? Oh no, she's probably feeling terrible."

"Exactly, and I'm trying to figure out just how to help her. But I know better then to just show up and say 'cry on my shoulder'..she needs more than that. I figured the place to start is with you since you know more about her idiosyncracies then even I do."

"Well you know more about her romantic mind set, but you're right Mina is a complex person. I'm not sure you should try and talk to her yet. Divorces can be tough, and Mina is very volatile."

"That I know," Mike said. "But this is the time when I'm supposed to be the most help, when she really is upset."

"You're right," Lita said. "It's a time for all of us to help her out."

"But especially me, I mean I'm supposedly the guy she's supposed to spend her life theory," Mike said.

"Hypothetically," Lita said not being able to resist.

"Exactly," Mike said. "But if I can't help her now, what if something worse happens."

"You're showing a lot of concern," Lita said. "I didn't know you had it in you."

"Well.I'm full of surprises."

"So true. I don't know Mike. This is a tough one."

"Hmm..I'm doomed," Mike said. "I was not put on this world to help people out..I was meant only to annoy them.."

"Probably, but not Mina, she's an exception."

"Still..I don't have a clue what to do."

"It'll come. Let's see what we can come up with. I'll make up some snacks...they always help me think."

"Octopus on a stick! Please!" Mike shouted happily.

"All right," Lita said with a smile. "I could have almost have suspected that."

"Hey...I eat right," Mike said.

"She's doing what?" Setsuna asked into her communicator.

"Believe me it's not pretty, but I don't think anyone can stop Serena when she gets on one of these kicks," Luna said.

"Hmm..but she could really make things worse if she does it wrong."

"I know," Luna said. "Still, that's the way she is."

"Yes, well I guess she feels obligated to try."

"Yes, but that's not always a good thing."

"Luna do you mind if we meet? I think we need to talk about some things."

"Of course," Luna said. "What's a good place."

"What's a good place for you? You're the cat."

"Let me guess, these peaceful days and nights we've been enjoying have come to an end."

"Ircanite seems to be moving ahead with some sort of plan," Setsuna said.

"I can't tell how glad I am to hear that," Luna moaned.

"Come now Luna, you know better then to get depressed. This is what we do," Setsuna said.

"So it is," Luna said.

"Lita! You home!" Serena shouted pounding on the front door.

"Oh I wonder what she's what so happy about," Lita said and opened the door. "Oh..there's a whole bunch of you?"

"We need your help," Serena said. "Mina's got a problem and we have to solve it."

"Uh..but.." Lita began.

"This is a crusade!" Ai said. "No one can prevent us from striking down the walls of bad feelings and riding onto victory."

"Uh.." Lita said.

"Mike..what are you doing here?" Greg asked noticing him for the first time.

"Trying to save my girlfriend from her dragon of depression," Mike said casually."

"Hey us too," Serena said.

"But.." Mike said. "I don't think you're kind of operation is appropriate here," Mike said.

"Sure it is," Serena said. "But I know we have to be careful, so that's why I've got Greg and Lita here. You two had parents who went through divorces you can tell us exactly what to do."

"I was three years old," Lita said.

"I was five.." Greg said.

"That doesn't matter," Serena said.

"Serena..calm down," Lita said. "Ai, you too."

"What...I'm merely spreading the good word," Ai said.

"Look..Serena, this has to be done right," Lita said.

"I know," Serena said. "That's why I'm here."

"Well this moral...adventure... you're trying to go on isn't going to cut it," Lita said. "This is really serious."

"And I combat seriousness with extreme sensitivity!" Serena shouted.

"SERENA!" Lita shouted. "Settle down!"

"Uh..okay.." Serena said wounded.

"Artemas...I just don't understand," Mina said. "Why would they stop loving each other?"

"It's more complex then that," Artemas said.

" isn't," Mina said. "It just doesn't make any sense."

"'s kinda like this I think.."


" know how you like all of your friends dearly right?"


"You enjoy the time you spend with them, and you are closer then ever."


"But you don't spend all your time with them, and they with you right. There's know...sometimes you just get better by not being around them."


"Well..for a relationship to work really a marriage..the two people involved need to love each other so much that they can stand being around them all day and all night. Maybe...your parents were close, but after so long they just couldn't continue doing that."

"But my parents are good people, why should it be so hard for them to stay together?" Mina said.

"I don't know, but maybe there were just some things..that.."

"No..that's not right..none of this is right," Mina said.


"Artemas..I just need to think.."

"All right," Artemas said and began to move off.

"No..don't go," Mina said. "Don't go.."

"All right," Artemas said.

"But without the fighting spirit there can be no victory," Serena said.

"And if you don't get off this kick you're going to get us all into trouble," Lita said. "Look, Mina needs us to be serious and to stand behind her, not ride to the sound of the guns."

"She need's the energy of goodliness," Serena said.

"Yeah, she must bathe herself in it until she is once again happy," Ai said.

"Will you two cut it out," Lita said.

"This isn't helping," Mike muttered.

"I had a feeling it wouldn't," Greg said.

"Do we have any idea why Mina's parents are separating?" Amy said.

"Artemas didn't really say," Serena said. "All the more reason for us to move out."

"No it's not!" Lita said.

The two began to argue.

There was a knock at the door. Ayeka got it.

Raye hurried in.

"I've arrived just in time I see," she said and hurried in. "I heard about what you're planning Serena. Come back to Earth before we really mess things up."

"Raye you're so mean," Serena said.

"Stop saying that!" Raye said.

Everyone sighed.

"LOOK!" Mike shouted.

Everyone turned.

"We're all Mina's friends, we should be able to come up with some way to help her without this degrading so much. We're the scouts you know. We're able to cooperate to fight off vicious minions of darkness. Now let's just get together on this one and help Mina before it's too late. If that's even a possibility."

"Mike's right," Amy said. "We can't let our usual tendencies interfere with the larger picture."

"You're right," Serena said. "I guess I did really get caught up in it. But I really want to help Mina."

"We all do," Lita said. "But before we do, we have to make sure we don't hurt her."

The group all nodded.

"Hello Luna," Setsuna said.


"I've been talking to Jasen. It seems Ircanite has been assembling forces from all over the world. He's planning something."

"Any idea what?"

"Not yet. But we'll see. Anyway, the scouts should be ready. We should all be ready."

"Yes I guess. They've got other problems at the moment."

"Yes I heard," Setsuna said. "But this is no time to lay off now. I have this sense, that perhaps we can finally rid this world of the evils that inhabit it."

"I don't know," Luna said. "There will always be evils."

"Yes, perhaps, but we know what is awaiting us. We have to be ready for them."

"You're right," Luna said. "I'll let the scouts know soon. We can tell some of the others though. Gmerc, the starlights, Guardian Moon, and such."

"Yes, I was just about to do that, I'm sure they'll be thrilled."

"They at least understand what war is."

"We all understand it," Setsuna said. "Unfortunately."

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