Chapter 403

The next morning in class.

"It's good to see you back Mina," Setsuna said.

"I've got some things to work through, but I'm feeling better," Mina said. "I know I have some help."

"More than you can ask for I'd guess."

Mina smiled.

"Yeah, at least I've got that going for me," she said.

"What happened to you two?" Lita asked.

Battered and bruised Seiya and Steve both looked at each other.

"Nothing," They said.

Lita frowned.

"Wow.look at that," Greg said.

"What is it?" Ayeka said.

The two looked out the window. Patterson followed.

A limousine had pulled up to the front of the school.

"Who could that be?" Ayeka said.

The door opened. A red carpet rolled out.

"They bring their own carpet?" Ayeka asked.

"Who does?" Mike asked. "Jeez..what a concept."

Several figures emerged dressed in school uniforms, but these were not the usual. They were all dark blue, but trimmed with gold lace, and in some cases the male students wore epaulets.

"What kind of uniforms are those?" Ayeka said.

"They look familiar," Rick said.

"They look overdone," Raye observed.

"They belong to Brighton Academy," Patterson said.

"Brighton Academy?" the class all said.

"What would anyone from there want here?" Amy asked interested in her old school.

"Now what are they doing?" Steve asked.

Four students stood on each side of the carpet. They drew some sort of dress sword and held it aloft.

"That's an odd thing to do," Lita said.

"Just what kind of school is this?" Serena asked.

A figure emerged, his uniform had tassels on it's shoulders, and a cape trailed behind it.

"The Valedictorian," Amy said.

"The who?"

"Only the student with the best average in the senior class can be called the Valedictorian and wear the uniform of office," Amy said.

"How shallow," Ayeka said.

"He looks kinda good in it though," Lita said.

"Yeah it is a nice uniform," Raye said.

"But what's he doing here?" Rick asked.

The Valedictorian advanced. By now the entire school was looking down at him.

"Students of Sailor Scout High School!" he shouted.

"YES?" the school asked.

"You're not supposed to reply," the Valedictorian snapped.

"Sorry!" the students replied.

"Just listen!" The Valedictorian shouted.


"Eh.." The Valedictorian said. "I have arrived here because your school has been named as one of the best in the country, unjustly!"

The school booed.

"But putting that aside, I offer you a challenge. Brighton Academy has been slighted because it's top student was not selected to be the best student in the nation, instead, a girl who could not withstand the standards of Brighton has been chosen. A girl who ran away in fear of our students!"

"Does he want me to kill him?" Patterson said.

"No..." Amy said. "Don't respond with violence."

"I challenge you Amy Anderson!" the Valedictorian shouted. "To a battle for academic superiority. We shall then determine just who the true top student in this country is."

"You don't have to waste your time with that fool," Taiki said.

"Yeah Amy, you've got better things to do," Serena said.

"No.." Amy said. Her eyes narrowed. "He wants a war. He's picked the wrong opponent. I will decimate him!"

"WHAT?" The class said in various stages of shock.

"Well?" The Valedictorian shouted.

Amy hurried out of the room and dashed down the stairs.

"What happened to that sweet innocent girl..I was just dating.." Taiki said.

"Are you referring to the Amy we all knew, or the one you had been dating these past few months?" Yaten asked.

"Either one would be fine."

Amy walked out in front of the school.. The Valedictorian stared at her.

"What is your answer?" he asked.

"I will defeat you. You have no idea who you're dealing with. I don't lose to the likes of you!"

"Strong words, we shall see Amy Anderson!" The Valedictorian shouted. He spun and walked back towards the car.

A pencil whizzed by his head and slammed into the limo's left tire. It began to deflate.

"I KNOW THAT ATTACK!" he said and whirled and then stopped. "You I'll deal with later, D.V. Patterson!"

"He knows you!" the entire class replied.

Patterson nodded.

The Valedictorian got back into the limo and waited as the tire was repaired.

"I think everyone should take their seats," Setsuna said. "Before anything else happens."

"Preventing anything else from happening may be asking a little too much there Miss Meio," Mike said.

"Never mind," Setsuna said.

"This high school will feel the true wrath of Brighton Academy!" the Valedictorian shouted and began to laugh.

" long is that tire going to take!" he muttered seconds later.


"I'm surprised Amy, I mean why did you satisfy him like that?" Raye asked.

"I hate Brighton Academy," Amy said. "All the people there are snobbish. That's why I left, not because I couldn't beat any of them at an exam. Now they want to fight me, I'm all for it. I'm going to prove that you don't have to be a snot to achieve academic success."

"But are you sure you want to do this?" Serena asked. "I're not supposed to be this combatative."

"I will do what is necessary," Amy said with determination. "He challenged me, I accepted. Now I will destroy him, he will lose all honor, and all reputation before me. His children, assuming he can fool a girl into marrying him, will be stained by their father's failure eternally."

"Uh..." everyone sighed.

"He has no idea what he has unleashed!" Amy said and began to laugh.

"We have no idea what he's unleashed either," Serena muttered. Everyone else nodded.

"Oh stop worrying everybody," Amy said. "I'm fine. It's the Valedictorian you should worry about, he's dug his own grave. In fact it's so large, you could fit all of his friends in there too..yes...quite a large plot indeed."

"Amy..uh...why don't we uh..just go for a walk.." Serena said. " can..just cool off a little."

" you think I should?" Amy asked.

"Yes," The group said.

"All right," Amy said.

Serena dragged her out the door.

"Patterson can't you do something about this, you're her brother?" Haruka asked.

"I don't fight losing battles," Patterson said.

"Yes you do," The table replied.

"It's hopeless," he muttered.

"Yeah, we just gotta let her run her course," Greg said.

"But just how did he know you Patterson?"Ayeka asked.

"Yeah..what's with that?" Raye asked.

"Uh..well..uh.." Patterson said. "I..went to Brighton Academy once.."

"They let maniacs in do they?" Seiya asked.

" mental problems were in recession at the time," Patterson said. "Anyway, I ended up going there for a couple of days, before I beat up three classes...of course.."

"Naturally," The group replied.

"Well...anyway..I kinda ran afoul of the Valedictorian, he was just my age at the time, and we kinda had it out. My best weapon was pencils. I just thought I'd remind him I'm still around and still very dangerous."

"You at Brighton Academy..that's beyond crazy," Haruka said.

"So was I," Patterson said.

"I bet they don't like you over there then," Steve said.

"" Patterson said.

"We should go back over there to see if they remember you," Rick said.

"They're not worth it," Patterson said.

"Oh yes they are," Rick said.

"Yeah..." Steve said pounding a fist into his palm.

"Now you guys shouldn't be trying to pick a fight with them," Lita said.

"Why not? Sounds perfectly rational to me," Ayeka said.

The roof.

" you seek refuge as well," Ai said from atop the rooftop equipment shed.

Sai whirled.

"Ai, what are you doing here?"

"Enjoying peace."

"Oh..well..carry on then," Sai said and moved to another part of the roof.

"You are troubled."

"Just want to be left alone," Sai said.

"That's not good," Ai said.

"That's not something I can take seriously considering you were alone yourself," Sai said.

"I was practicing introspection to further my psychic prowess, I doubt you are doing the same."

"I just wanted to think that's all."

"About what?"

"Ai? I want to be left alone."

"Very well," Ai said. "But I will listen if you chose to talk."

She climbed back up onto the shed.

Akiro crept onto the roof and glanced around a corner. Sai leapt at him.

"How dare you!" Sai shouted.

Akiro backed up.

"No wait Sai..I gotta right.." Akiro said.

"You have a right to nothing!" Sai said.

"So much for peace," Ai muttered. "What are you two doing!"

"Nothing!" Sai said. "Akiro I told you to leave me alone!"

"And I know better then to do that!" Akiro said.

"You should learn to listen!" Sai said and charged. Akiro ducked him and stepped back.

"I can avoid your attacks for hours, but I won't go away," he said. "Sai, what is the problem?"

"It is my problem, and mine alone!" Sai said. "I cannot share it!"

Ai leapt off the roof and landed between them.

"Both of you stop it!" she said.

They held up.

"Sai...I can tell you truly desire your own resolution to this problem," Ai said. "Akiro..back off."

"But..I want to help," Akiro said.

"Akiro," Ai said. "I do not dare find out what Sai is troubled by, but what I do know is that he believes it is necessary for him to face this alone. And I believe that he knows he is correct."

"There is nothing someone should face alone," Akiro said.

"That isn't true," Ai said. "Now come with me."

She pulled Akiro off the roof.

At least you understand Ai. Sai said and turned away. This is my burden. I must lift it on my own.

After school.

"Seiya wait up will you?" Steve asked.

"I figured we had settled this!" Seiya said.

"Look...I just want to tell you that it's over."


"I give up, I've let this overtake my life. I'm done..she's all yours."

"You've said things like that before."

"I said I wouldn't pursue her. I was wrong, but now..look...I've acted wrongly, I just want to go back to a normal existence, so I'm backing off. She's yours. Don't worry..I'm done."

"Hmm...well good for you," Seiya snapped.

"I expected that, fine, be angry..I accept all consequences," Steve said.

"You're a piece of work," Seiya said and walked off.

"Yeah, I am," Steve muttered.

"Mike, you know something," Mina said.


"I knew it for years."

"You did?"

"Yes. I knew my parents didn't love each other anymore. They kept it to themselves.. But they really didn't. I just tried to forget it. Right now though. I'm afraid we're just going to be friends."

"Friends? Oh..right..gotcha. I understand. Love has lost all meaning hasn't it?"

"Yeah. You understand?"

"Sure I do," Mike said. "I never understood love though. It can be all aqueous and dissipant.

"WHAT?" Mina asked.

"Wrong words," Mike said.

"You're right there," Mina said. "But..I understand. Yeah..I need to think about a lot of things. I don't even want to think about love. But I can think about the people who have been there for me. You're one of them. I know that."

"I try," Mike said.

"I know it was hard for you."


"Sure it was. You're no good at this stuff."

"So I'm not.." Mike muttered.

Mina grinned.

"I wonder..though.." she said.

"What?" Mike asked.

"Just what happens now. Do my parents grow to hate each other. Or do they remain friends?"

"It's hard to say," Mike said.

"Lita and Greg's parents grew apart," Mina said. "But my parents are different I think."

"Yeah..I think so, I know them a little, "Mike said.

"I hope they don't hate each other," Mina said. "It's a terrible thing when lovers can grow to despise each other."

"It is a terrible thing," Mike said. "I know that."

"You're not so bad at the mushy stuff."

"Oh I am..I'm reading off a card," Mike said.

"You are?"

"Well actually it's more like some know do's and don'ts," Mike said.

"You're crazy you know," Mina said.

"Oh yes, but I'm the good kind of crazy, the one people can laugh at and enjoy," Mike said.

"That's true," Mina said. "So think we'll ever get married?"

"Ah..way to move off the whole love issue," Mike said.

"I guess that came out of nowhere..I was just thinking about it," Mina said.

"I thought you weren't sure about love and all that."

"I'm not. I have no idea anymore, but I was just know..what if we did get married," Mina said. "I would keep my maiden name you know."

"What..isn't Leslie good enough for you?"

"I just wouldn't want anyone to know I'm married to you by name alone," Mina said.

"Yeah..I guess that could be a problem. Don't want it getting out that you're married to me."

The two laughed.

"I think you're well on the way to recovery," Mike said.

"I don't know," Mina said solemnly. "I get like this, but then before long..I'm depressed again."

"That's to be expected right now. But you have to enjoy the upbeat times, and deal with the worst when it comes."

"You're right," Mina said. "What a crazy idea, the two of us married. Then we know the world has really lost all hope."

"You know you enjoying this..shouldn't come completely at my expense," Mike said.

Mina grinned.

The A.P.T. house.

"Valedictorian you shall regret the day you met me!" Amy shouted.

"She's been like that for hours," Taiki muttered.

"You have a right to be worried," Greg said.

"Perhaps she is in need of medication," Hotaru said.

"Or maybe more than one," Ayeka said.

Laughter emerged from the room upstairs.

"Odd how academic competition leads her to act like a supervillian," Hotaru said.

"Yeah...funny you should mention that, and we would know how a supervillian should act," Ayeka said.

"Who would have thought being evil would be so fun," Taiki said.

"Oh Taiki, that's the whole point, why would one take over the world if it wasn't fun," Ayeka said. "I mean otherwise it's just a waste of time."

"Guess you've got a point there," Taiki said.

Amy dashed out of her room, slid down the bannister, and raced into the kitchen.

"More sandwiches," she said. "With their energy I shall have the power to annihilate all that stand in my way. Then I will be the best. The student of all students! I will rule the academic world!"

"We really..should do something..." Greg said.

"'s too late," Ayeka said. "She's just to far gone."

"Do not stand in the way of victory!" Amy shouted racing by them a plate of sandwiches in her hands. "I am the master of academia, I have no equal!"

"At least we know throughout all this," Hotaru said. "That her desire for competition and her wide variety of knowledge has not in any way gone to her head."

The others collapsed.


"Ah..another crystal has arrived," Ircanite said.

"We now have four," Visinite said.

"And there is so many more to get," Ircanite said. "But four will help. The scouts are easily distracted, they don't even know that I grow closer to their ultimate destruction!"

Visinite grinned.

"They won't know what hit them," She said.

At the racetrack.

"Steve..what brings you by," Haruka said.

"I was just in the neighborhood, thought I'd see how practices were going," Steve said walking up the garage.

"Well you're welcome to stay and watch," Haruka said.

"Haruka..can I ask you something.."

"Hmm...yeah sure.."

"Have you ever been obsessed with something? I mean to the point that you would give up anything for it?"

"Ah..starting off with a softball there.." Haruka said. "Why? You facing an obsession?"

"Hadn't you noticed?"

"Oh..Lita..right..I had forgotten."

"I was wrong to be so insane about it," Steve said. "I knew that..but somehow..I couldn't stop myself. And yet how was it going to work...we broke up..and...I was just being a fool."

"Maybe...maybe not," Haruka said. "You're approach was hardly tactful, however, I can tell you really do care about her. The problem with those sorts of emotions is that they cause us to do stupid things. You tend to be a novice when it comes to it, so you do a lot of stupid things."

"That I know. And now what? I mean...Lita hasn't really noticed, but everyone else has...and Seiya and I..are..well.."

"Steve...remember all this, because you are learning. I believe you're right you know."


"We've talked before. He's not Lita's type."

"You think so?"

"Yes, I can't say for sure you are either, but you see what the problem is that Lita doesn't know what she wants."

"You've been giving this some thought?"

"A little...not much..I'm really busy..but I think the problem is both you and Seiya have no idea what Lita really wants. So how can you know how you feel?"

" didn't answer my question."

"About obsession? Sure I have," Haruka said getting onto her bike. "But I'm really not the person to ask."

She zoomed off.

Guess not. Steve thought. Must have brought up something taboo.

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