Sending a challenge will ask another character to duel your character.  If the challenge is accepted, both characters will automatically be taken to the Dueling Site.  After the duel, both characters are left as they were at the end of the duel.  I will only have control until one member can no longer duel.
War Points are awarded during challenges.

There are three types of Challenges.
Friendly Challenges - To a member of your own group.
These are usually for training purposes, or just for fun.  The leader may use these to determine rank.  The members will usually be recovered after the duel by a friendly observer, as these often take place in public, or group headquarters.
Offensive Challenges - To a member of the opposite group.
These are duels against your enemies.  Be careful before you agree to one of these, as the loser will sometimes be left defenseless.
Training Challenges - From an adult to a child of the same alignment.
   These are used to train children.  If the child wins, the child gains +2 random stat points.  The adult will not gain stat points for winning this duel type.

To challenge someone, send the Director a neomail with the following information:
- Who are you dueling?
- Why do you want to duel?
- (Optional)  Where do you want to duel?
Detailed Information on..
Dueling Tournaments
Becoming a Leader
Story of the Current Round
Point Systems