Magical Subjects
To Study and Master
Spell lists can be found by subject or level.  For spells by subject, click on the appropriate icon below.  For spells by level:
Level 1Level 2Level 3
You are not required to specialize in a subject.  If you choose not to specialize, there will be no changes to your spells, and you will be allowed to learn a spell from any subject you wish.
If you choose to specialize, there will be advantages and disadvantages to your choice.

Neighboring and Opposing Subjects
Each subject has "Neighbor Subjects" and "Opposing Subjects"

Neighbors - The Neighbors to your specialized subject will have an increase effectiveness.  You can see which subjects are neighbors on the chart below.  For example, Charms neighbors Curses and Herbology.

Opposing - If you specialize in one subject, there is another subject which opposes it.  You cannot learn any spell from the opposing subject, whether normaly or from a book, or otherwise.  Opposing subjects are shown below, connected by arrows.  For example, Charms opposes Potions.
The Subject of Charms - Opposes Potions
The Subject of Curses - Opposes Healing The Subject of Herbology - Opposes Transfiguration
The Subject of Transfiguration - Opposes Herbology
The Subject of Healing - Opposes Curses
The Subject of Potions - Opposes Charms
Advantages and Disadvantages to Specializing in a Subject:
Charms +1 Power; +1 Shield; +2 Speed
+1 Curses; +1 Herbology; +2 Charms
-1 Strength; -1 Defense
-1 Healing; -1 Transfiguration
Cannot Learn Potions
Curses +1 Power; +1 Strength; +2 Speed
+1 Charms; +1 Transfiguration
+2 Curses
-1 Defense; -1 Shield; -1 Intellegence
-1 Potions
Cannot Learn Healing
Transfiguration +2 Intellegence; +1 Shield; +1 Defense
+1 Curses; +1 Potions
+2 Transfiguration
-2 Speed
-1 Charms; -1 Healing
Cannot Learn Herbology
+2 Defense; +1 Shield; +1 Strength
+1 Healing; +1 Charms; +2 Herbology
-2 Speed; -1 Intellegence
Cannot Learn Transfiguration

+2 Intellegence; +1 Power; +1 Shield
+1 Healing; +4 Potions
-2 Speed
-1 Transfiguration; -1 Curses
-1 Herbology; Cannot Learn Charms

+1 Intellegence; +1 Speed; +1 Power
+1 Herbology; +1 Potions
+3 Healing
-3 Defense; -1 Strength
Cannot Learn Curses

Initial Spells
Every character begins with a set of Initial Spells - or spells that a character has learned before starting the Roleplay.  These will be determined by the Director.  When she recieves your Character Application, she will roll you a set of Stats.  She will then use your intellegence stat to determine how many spells you may begin with, according to the chart below:
# of Spells
All spells will be tested to your Intellegence and Luck scores, and then your final list of starting spells will be listed in your profile after your character has been verified.  The possible spells are all 1st level spells.
Learning Additional Spells
There are several ways to learn new spells.  Listed here are the most common methods.  The spell that you learn will be added to your list of learned spells once it is completely learned.

You will continuously be training to learn a new spell.  You may learn one new spell once per week.  When the results of the Dueling Tournament are posted, the Director will also post a reminder for you to neomail her, sending her the name of the spell you would like to learn.

Watching others perform spells can also aid in learning new spells.  The most common way of learning a spell by example is to be a student participating in a Training Duel, though it can also occur in other ways.

Some spells can be self-taught, so long as you have the right book.  Books can be purchased from Florish and Blotts, or found as you explore the RP world.  Once you have a book, you will automatically learn the corresponding spell.

Gaining a Level
When you gain a new spell level, you may choose one spell from the new level to learn along with your choosen spell of the week.  Your knowledge has increased so much that you are able to learn more than one spell during that week.
Detailed Information on..
Dueling Tournaments
Becoming a Leader
Story of the Current Round
Point Systems