<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/zeksmarquise/">

Battles and Battle Modes

Here is how all battles will occur:
                The battlers will assemble in the web site's chat room with a judge present at a set
           time.  Also a battlefield will be chose for the match.  To see the battlefields click on the
           link below.  To begin, the person with the greater speed (Pilot 1) will say--
           "Mobilize (your suits name)".  For example, "Mobilize Genobreaker".  The opponent (Pilot 2)
           will say the same except inserting the name of their battle suit after Mobilize
           (ex. "Mobilize Molga").  Then the first person says (your suits name) mobilized.
          Then you attack...

                The first person to go will declare which space or square they will be moving to .  Now
             is a good time to pull up a
MAP in a seperate window to follow along with.  For example,
            Pilot 1 will move to square K2 for his turn.  Each weapon has a certain range, meaning
            you can only
possibly hit a person if  you are within range of the weapon.  For example,
            pilot 1 (in K2) wants to hit pilot 2 (who is in F2) from 5 squares away with a weapon
            with a range of 4 squares.  He can't attack with that weapon. However, he can attack with
            his other weapon that can shoot from 8 squares away.  To fully understand this, see  Battle
            Page 2 (see link below).  The judge will declare the attack a hit or a miss.  Then the
            opponent does the same process of moving then firing.  When the enemy is firing at you,
            you can call a stay or a dodge.  If you try to dodge, the chance of being hit lowers
            considerably.  However, unless your  suit has a speed greater than 200, you forfit your
            attack possibilities for the turn.  You can still activate equipement and charge up special
            weapons for your turn, but YOU CANNOT ATTACK UNLESS YOUR SUITS SPEED
            IS 200 MPH OR HIGHER!!! 
                 If you are fighting a team battle, you must specify who you are firing at otherwise the
           shot will be aimed at you!   Whoever's zoid/gundam or whoever's whole teams suits reaches
           0 armor first, loses.  Winner normally recieves $5,000.  In team battles, the order of movement
           descends from the zoid with the greatest speed to the zoid with the lowest speed.

           Here is how all tournaments will occur:
                The battle format will stay the same.  The matches will be individual, with a judge watching.
              If you lose the match, you are out of the tournament.  If you win, you continue onto the next
              round.  For every match you win, you will recieve experiance points.  The overall winner will
              be given a prize money sum of $10,000.  And free repairs after the last match will be given to the
              1st and 2nd place winners.  You can repair your zoid/gundam after each match or go into the next
              battle with the remaining armor from the previous match.  Each part of the tournament will usually
              occur 1 day after each other.  You may not switch Gundams or Zoids during the tournament.  You
              may not train while you compete in the tournament.  You must be in the right city during the
              tournament.  This is the only time when Gundams can fight Zoids and vice versa.

             For Team matches:                                                       For Singles Matches:                                 
          0458- long range battle, people have 10 shots before           0100- close range combat, no long-range
                       they switch to close range combat                                 weapons
          0359- 3 team battle- free for all                                         0101- long range battle, people have 10 shots
          0982- loosing team gives up a zoid, winner's choice                  before they switch to close range combat
          0335- team grudge matches                                              0102- one on one battle, no special rules
          2039- team vs. team match, no specific rules                      0593- no dodge battle, shot till you drop
          2040- team vs. team match, 3x prize money                       0553- handicap match (two on one, limit on
                                                                                                         weapons for two enemy zoids)
Links:                                                                                        0526- two on one battle
Banking Page                                                                              0527- three on one battle
Equipement Page                                                                         0035- grudge match, for pilots to settle
Jobs Page                                                                                             a score
Joining Page                                                                               0001-sniper match, enemies must shoot
Main Page                                                                                         enemy zoid 3x or until enemy zoid is
Payment Page                                                                                     out, whicever comes first
Powers Page                                                                               0992- one on one, no limit on weapons
Rental Page                                                                                 3446- regular match, winner get opponents
Repair Page                                                                                          zoids
Rules Page                                                                                  0902- 3x prize money
Teams Page
Time Zone Converter
Training Page
Transports Page
Travel Page              Click here for expanded battle data
Weapons Pag
Zoids and Gundam Sho
Battle and Battle Modes Pag
Message Boards

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