<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/zeksmarquise/">
                       Rules Page
                          Here are all the rules that you will required to know and obey.
Dont tick me off!
         2) Dont whine to me always, I do have a little bit of a life outside of this site!
         3) You may own more than 1 zoid or gundam, but Gundams
             can only fight Gundams and Zoids can only fight Zoids!!!!
         4) All battles must be approved by me!
         5) Never, challenge my authority
         6) Seto Kaiba is my second in command, never challenge him either
         7) The Lords of the Land are the site leaders and judges.  Always obey us!  Do not
             challenge our authoiry.
         8) Treat everyone with respect, no swearing!
         9) Dont buy more than you can pay for, unless I give permission for loans
       10) All battle wins will earn the pilot a 1 exp, and move them up 1/2 level and
             all victorious pilots will win a normal sum of $1,000 per battle, unless said
       11) If you lose a match, you will have to pay the prize money and will have to pay
            for your repairs.
       12) If you wish to train and go to a higher level, see the training page.
       13) If you break any of these rules, I
will kick you off.
Banking Page
Equipement Page
Information Page
Jobs Page
Joining Page
Main Page
Payments Page
Powers Page
Rental Page
Repairs Page
Teams Page
Time Zone Conversions
Training Page
Transports Page
Travel Page
Weapons Page
Zoids and Gundam Shop
Battle and Battle Modes Page
Message Boards
Chat/Battle Room