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  • Saturday December 21, 2002
    It's December.

    44-26-0 .629

    Dec 25 is kings-lakers day.

    On friday, logitechcordless.com had a contest where they gave away 20,000 keyboardmouse combos. People on the shack cheated and they won a lot. bastards.

    uh um uh yeah.

    just wasting away.

    Stock Market Watch : Andy Richtor Controls the Universe +++. Alias +. Gilmore Girls. Survivor. Fear Factor. Ed -. Smallville -. Everwood --.

    Next year :: Joe Millionaire (+). Bachelorette (+). Celebrity Mole (---).

    Q:Doesn't NBC own telemundo? Why don't they use John Tesh's theme song?

    My ears are burning.

    Think positive

    Don't mean a thing without the ring

    Screws inside. Turns so tight. Turning on you. I'm hanging on you. Baby blue. Don't go nowhere. I'm right beside you. me and you. going nowhere. i'm right beside you. you be my. passer-by. i'll be your new. one to pass through. Screws inside. Turns so tight. Turning on you. I'm hanging on you. Taking you. as low as you'd go. taking you. as low as you'd go.

    Q:Explain to me again why I need you?

    dude. pegasus. I can sooooo kick your ass in Duel Monsters even if you could read my mind

    you too yugi.

    GBA :: Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers. i've never seen the movie(s). I've never read the books. But the game plays like Diablo 2. It needs a map, but otherwise a nice timewaster.

    SNES :: Mortal Kombat II. After never even thinking about MK2 for somewhere around 8 years, I was able to remember and belt out Sub-Zero's Jump kick, ice puddle, uppercut, slide combo and his ffdfHK,dffHP fatality. Now that is wasted memory

    Man-Eater Bug? *#*#*$#( damnit #*$(*(%$ !

    After the last dance. You lose your last chance. After the last dance. You lose your last chance. you lose your last chance. you lose your last chance. you've lost your last chance.

    Cyber-Jar? ($%*)$( damnit ($($((#))@) !

    Bowling for Columbine was a good movie.

    Olowokandi is destined for failure.

    Yao Ming is destined for greatness.

    Caron Butler is destined for failure

    Drew Gooden is destined for mediocracy

    Darius Miles is destined for failure

    Kwame Brown. Failure

    Gerald wallace. One trick pony

    Rashard lewis. Failure.

    Desmond Mason. See Gerald Wallace.

    Jason Richardson. See Gerald Wallace.

    Ricky Davis. Remember : Michael Adams. Wayman Tisdale. See Above average + failure team = success.

    Mike Dunleavey. Are you kidding me. F A I L U R E. See : Craig Ehlo. Sam Perkins. Robert Horry.

    Tyson Chandler. Failure.

    Eddie Curry. See Tyson Chandler.

    Dajuan Wagner. Good-ness.

    very cool

    Thursday Novemeber 21, 2002
    Had an interview today(thursday) with a company that builds defense stuff for the gov't in Sunnyvale. I am killer!

    when it was time for the interviews, I was thinking ok, they're gonna start naming names and we're going to be entering rooms and talking. eh. no. CAREER FAIR STYLE. Their employess stound around and you had to go to them! WTF!

    So people are lining up everywhere, and I am sitting down staring. THinking wtf have i got myself in to. this is gay.

    And then 2 more employees walk in, and I make my move without having to wait in line. haha. owned you losers!

    lady : "so what did you think of the presentation?"
    me : "well, actually, I thought it was pretty interesting. have you ever seen the show Alias?"
    lady : "... yes."

    I am a smooth-talking pimp. RECOGNIZE biotches! I made her laugh a lot. I don't think anybody else was making any other employees bust out in tears and roll on the floor, so maybe it'll work. I figured the reason they brought us here is because of our resumes so why the hell should I discuss what I've done when I can talk about how I'm hoping they're actually Credit Dauphine? I am killer!

    So anyway, the real story is later.
    I'm in the car, and I fall asleep. I wake up suddenly. Fuck. Did I pee in my pants? My hand goes down below and sure enough, wet. f bomb. I move my hand to the left, and I feel the culprit. 2 inches in diameter, the thunder from down-under was still wet. So I grabbed it and pulled it towards my mouth attempting to suck what is left in the beast. ACK. THE PEPSI IS ALL GONE AND IS NOW IN MY PANTS. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

    And before all of this, I went to denny's. PEACE OUT!
    Tuesday November 19, 2002

    No real story here. No Articles. Just blurbs. Sort of like a stand up comedy routine. Except with no transitions between jokes. and without the parts that make your laugh.

    Metroid Fusion Layout. I'm struggling with this design. I like it. I don't like it. It's got mixed emotions running at it. Every single person who commented on it at a forum said it sucked. Every. single. person. Maybe I'm exagerating, but it sure as hell felt like it. I honestly thought it was one of my best creations because I COMPLETELY RIPPED OFF METROID FUSION. Of course nobody there noticed. Maybe now that the game is actually out in stores, people will notice. eh. doubt it.

    I took most of the comments with a grain of salt, and the only ones I'm probably going to implement are ones that I already thought of previously. eh. Isn't that the point of criticsm anyway? you don't want to hear people's opinions. you want to hear them tell you either that you're correct or that you should do something that you were going to do anyway. Who really wants negativity? eh. me. no. yes. maybe. sometimes.

    THe programmer and the designer conflict when I'm trying to design web pages. The programmer goes for efficiency, a quick layout that reads quick and gives you what you want. The Designer wants something that looks cool, and sacrifices usability for the wow effect. The balance is hard to make. The programmer wins because I suck at pretty pictures.

    The fusion layout needs changes.
    A new logo. definetly. But I can't do computer style drawing.
    Space consumption. Maybe. Screen Real Estate is expensive. Fill it up like the shack? scrunch it up in a 600 pixel area like the everyday blog.
    POOP. yes.
    PEE. yes.

    Adding Turnovers/Personal Fouls to the mix in fantasy basketball is the stupidet thing ever. Penalizing people for playing a lot of people? idiotic. next year, it's fixed. Unless I win the championship. then the rules stay the same

    Next to do is buy this book or learn PHP. Both are useless. Both I will probably give up on within hours.

    nothing new.

    I think I'll make an all text site. With nearly no graphics. It's just so much easier. Lynx compatible

    I've got 5 books for sale at half.com. I hope I get rid of them soon. I doubt they'll sell before the next quarters/semesters start, but man it would be nice. Those are some shitty books I wish I never bought.


    so that this isn't a complete waste of a post, here is a joke i stole from the shack threads.

    Hippy gets on a bus and spies a pretty young nun. He sits down next to her, and asks her:
    "Can we have sex ?"
    "No," she replies, "I'm married to God."
    She then stands up, and gets off at the next stop.

    The bus driver, who overheard, turns to the hippy and says :
    "I can tell you how to get to have sex with her !"
    "Yeah ?", says the hippy.
    "Yeah", say the bus driver. "She goes to the cemetery every Tuesday night at midnight to pray. So all you have to do is dress up in a robe with a hood, put some of that luminous powder stuff in your beard, and pop up in the cemetery claiming to be God."
    The hippy decides to give it a try, and arrives in the cemetery dressed as suggested on the next Tuesday night. "I am God," he declares to the nun, keeping the hood low about his face, "You must have sex with me". The nun agrees without question, but begs him to restrict himself to anal sex, as she is desperate not to lose her virginity. He agrees, and promptly has his wicked way with her. As he finishes, he jumps up and throws back his hood with a flourish. "Ha-ha," he cries. "I am the hippy!"
    "Ha-ha," cries the nun. "I am the bus driver"
    peaacee out
    Friday November 15, 2002
    Fantasy Basketball!

    My picks this year in the order that I drafted them + the order I had them on my draft list. I got the last pick in the 1st round, which means I get the 1st pick in the 2nd round, and then alternating all the way down.
    With the 12th pick in the NBA draft, wabut drafts....

    12) Jason Kidd (2)
    13) Vince Carter (8)
    36) Allen Iverson (16)
    37) Jermaine O'Neal (18)
    60) Pau Gasol (23)
    61) Michael Olowakandi (29)

    at this point, my entire draft order is out of wack. I just started putting weirdos on it. I don't regret a lot of the picks afterwards, but I feel like I got a lot of losers.
    84) Darius Miles (43)
    85) Jason Williams (41)
    108) Richard Hamilton (44)

    Rip Hamilton after darius and jwill? Only in this league. Here comes my rookie mistakes.

    109) Drew Gooden (47)
    132) Nicholoz Tskitishvili (48)
    133) Dajuan Wagner (49)
    156) Nene Hilario (50)

    I traded AI for Chris Webber (my rank 10, drafted at #14) straight up.
    I dropped Tskitishvili for undrafted Zydrnuas ilugakisaszs (57. Mr. Sleeper until his ankles break)
    I dropped Nene Hilario for Caron Butler (51. the Paul Pierce of the draft)

    The only regret I have is Vince Carter at 13. Way too high. His damn broken leg. Baron Davis, and Gary Payton would have been much better picks.

    10-10-0 so far. I rock!

    In other news, Yu-Gi-Oh on GBA is the game of the moment. Card Games are fun, and like i did with PokemonTCG on GBC, I will play the crap out of the game until it is no longer fun beating the crap out of everybody.

    If I had any grief against the game, it would be the lack of storing multi-decks and the Time-based tournaments (you have to play X # of games before you can enter the tournament). It was a huge waste of time, so I created a cheat code to make the games faster. The opponent starts with 0 LP. hahaha.

    Game #2 is Silent Scope on GBA. Pointless fun. I like shooting stuff.

    Game #3 is Contra Advance. Too F'ing hard. Runs like crap on my box. I give up.

    Game #4 is Game & Watch Advance. Too F'ing pointless. it's 2 minutes of fun.

    Wednesday October 30, 2002
    This morning at around 4:30, I twisted my ankle. here's a list of events just so I can remember today. (this will be a bad read because I don't feel like compiling my thoughts and making a good story)

    woke up.
    moved my feet. felt something hit my left foot.
    Moved my feet again. felt something hit my left foot again.
    Jumped out of bed.
    Tried to step on right foot
    Twisted right ankle.
    Realized that the thing that was hitting my left foot was my right foot. The blood circulation to my right foot was cut off, which probably caused me to wake up. when I was Just waking up, I didn't realize that my foot was asleep, so I didn't realize that I was hitting myself with my own foot. Then when I tried to step on it, I couldn't support myself on the right foot; it being all numb and out of blood. Foot twisted. Yeah me!

    If only i could take a picture of it right now. There are 2 big ass bumps coming out from under my ankle. Nice and purple too.
    yum balls!

    Metroid Fusion, Puyo Pop, Virtua Tennis for GBA

    I made a new layout for datafox 2 days ago. I'm waiting for it to fix itself, then everybody will see the graphics I ripped off. they are excellent.
    Friday October 11, 2002
    Ranking the season when most shows are only 2 or 3 episodes in? Why the hell not? LET’S DO THIS!

    9) The Bachelor (ABC)– The show is definitely fun to watch. Maybe it’s not the smartest show ever, but it’s always fun to watch girls get all bitchy with each other.
    8) Fear Factor (NBC)– 2 weeks ago they ate various animal penises. Maybe you didn’t read that. So let me write that again. ANIMAL PENIS.
    7) Alias (ABC)- #7? So low? Yes, very very low. The writing, is bleh this year. Each episode (all 2 of them!) just drags on. It feels like a chore to watch the whole hour. Hopefully they’re just starting off a million threads during the first couple episodes that will intertwine in to some huge “oh shit" string of shows. But until that happens, the only reason to watch is to see the beyond hot Jennifer Garner. My rating of Alias is probably biased because by the time alias airs, I’ve already watched 3 straight hours of the wb’s 5-8pm Smallville/everwood/gilmore girls block. My brain is usually warped by then. Or could it be that the introduction of the mom character is fucking retarded?
    6) Push, nevada (ABC) – Push, Nevada is wicked cool. I’m not trying to find the money, but I still enjoy watching. The episode that just aired was awesome. (SPOILER) Sloman sticks his hand up Mary’s dress and says “Who’s your daddy?” Then Grace tells Proofrock that Sloman has 1 daughter and her name is ... Mary! Cut to Mary shivering in a shower! AH! WTF! You can’t do that on non-cable television! Canceling it sucks, but what do you expect when you put it at 9pm on Thursday when everybody is usually watching ... god damnit, what the hell are you people watching?
    5) Survivor : THailand (CBS) – Dude, it’s survivor. Dude. The best part is watching them struggle to do the brainteasers. The people on the island are either too starved to use their brains, or are just plain retarded. Haha. I bet they have to edit those segments from 15 hours each into 2 minute segments so they don’t seem so brain dead. C’mon. Tower of Hanoi(sp)? Tanagrams (sp)? I’m not a first grader anymore fools! CHALLENGE ME.
    4) Everwood (WB) – Everwood is surprisingly good. It’s really sappy and emotional and definitely does not belong with any of the other 8 shows here. It has some humor, but nothing that sticks out. It is, however, well written. And well-written dialogue goes way high in my books. I don’t watch the show on Monday nights though. Maybe because I watch it between smallville and gilmore girls on Sundays is because I like it. It’s the 8:30 after friends effect. I'm questioning my own ranking of everwood, but I really don't think any of the showsranked below it deserve higher. Lesser of multiple evils.
    3) Smallville (WB) – I watched the first couple episodes of this show last season and just didn’t care enough to continue watching. But this season has been a plus. I really think it’s because they’ve only done 1 super villian vs. Clark Kent episode and that one had Krista Allen in it. And what’s with the 2 super hero shows on my list stealing stories from each other? Tippen from alias finds out about Sydney. Pete finds out about Clark. Lex’s dad comes to “help” lex. Sydney’s mom comes back to “help” sydney. What’s next? Tippen and vaughn/Lana and chloe fights? Clark needs new friends though. I’m thinking a tall skinny asian guy named Robert and a really really hot girl that plays the asian guy’s love interest.
    2) ed (NBC)– Still funny and well written. The re-addition of the Foo Fighters theme song is a plus. The addition of Daryl Mitchell screwing with Phil Stubbs is another plus. The show however needs to centralize itself around Chezwick more. He’s the best. He needs new friends though. I’m thinking a tall skinny asian guy named Robert and a really really hot girl that plays the asian guy’s love interest.
    1) Gilmore Girls (WB)– the writing is still beyond excellent. The turbo paced conversing really brings the show to a way high level. Rory needs new friends though. I’m thinking ... woah deja vu. Anyway, Gilmore Girls is the best show on television right now, and everybody should be watching. The story lines are believable, the conversations are realistic, and the landscape is fantastic. I’m trying to think of things to change in the show, and nothing comes to mind. Not even a new friend for Rory is needed. But it is scary that Rory’s only true friend on the show is Lane. Her mom doesn’t count. Paris is more of an acquaintance. Dean/Jess are boy toys. And paris’ friends are paris’ friends, not rory’s. Until the show starts a soap opera style 8 way love octagon, it is the show to watch. Tuesday at 8. Season 1, Sundays at 7.

    EXCEPTIONS : unranked and not going to be ranked are Dave Letterman, Conan, and Kilborn. All 3 of those shows are definite top 10 worthy, but I think it’s unfair to stir them in the same pot. But I can always rank them outside of the pot. 3)kilborn. 2)conan 1)letterman. This is actually a shake up since conan is usually numero uno, but I really think Letterman has been killing the last couple weeks. Watch it and agree.

    yeah. whatever. no job. no school. no life. television!
    Thursday September 26, 2002
    it's september. Not much to say other than the 233 is back on a modem that pulls 4-5k/sec constantly. 5 year old modem that still rocks.

    Games :: Mr. Driller, Pokemon The Trading Card Game on GBC. Diablo, Brood War on PC.

    Next month I might possible get Jury Duty, so that should lead to some new stories. Hopefully.

    TV (season premieres):: Gilmore Girls B, Smallville C+, Ed B-, Survivor B, Push Nevada C. Still to come :: Alias.

    I realized that the only shows I watch are hour long. The only 1/2 hour show that I watch now is Seinfeld @ 7 and Spin City at midnight. Comedy in the form of 5 year old shows.

    Good update next month. or the month after. or by 2005.

    Monday August 19, 2002
    Another August update? you'd better believe it

    Mike Bibby Held out for a 80.5 million dollar contract. The kings offered him 70, he refused, they offered 80.5. he took.

    Robert **** held out for XX.XX/hour. The place he works at now offerred him 12.5. He refused. They offered 12.5. he refused again. And now we wait

    I politely told my boss, for $12.5 I AM NOT GOING TO COMMUTE FROM SAC. (**** offerred to rent a room to me at her house. I believe she was joking. wait. I *know* she was joking). Plus it would only be temporary. They want to extend me until the end of October. You think I can find an apartment that will let me lease for 2 months? And, no, I am not going to try to find roommates that want me for 2 months.

    If you do the math, full time @ $12.5 is $26K a year. Then minus taxes. On my latest paycheck, 20.67% is cut off for taxes. At that same rate, I'd make 20,625.80 a year.

    now wait. Robert. Everytime anybody asks you what you do at work, you always say "i sit in front of a computer and do nothing." Getting paid to do nothing is a good job right?

    Yes. It would be. But I don't "do nothing" at my job. Saying I do nothing is an easy way to end a conversation about my job quickly. Try it. It works. I honestly do A LOT of work. There are 3 people programming the project i'm working on. I do about 85% of it. Seriously. Bugs the client finds? I fix it. Exercises that need coding? I do it. Tests that need writing? Me. COMPLETELY NEW TYPE OF QUIZ THAT THE CLIENT WANTS? oh hell, assign it to robert! (note :: I'm practically finished with it now. I just need the other programmer to finish his part so i can test mines. I believe I am not going to be able to test my portion until friday. damnit)

    So? Check out the salary matrix. the lowest rate a programmer works for is Grade 1. My boss is Grade 5. I have no idea how the quarterly shit works, but it's probably based on how long you've been there. so a programmer 1 makes about $15.72 an hour at the min. I do way more than BOTH the programmer 1's in the organization combined. Easily. (i like to think i do at least)

    So. C'mon. tender me an offer I can't refuse. Tender me an offer that makes me want to stay. Tender me an offer that makes me realize that hard work and good work get paid well. but if you leave me hangin, me and my skinny ass legs are leaving your raptors ass and looking for a Kings' uniform.

    But in reality, I don't know what it will take to get me to stay there. A part of me *wants* to leave. I don't really want to be there anymore. I don't really know anybody, and I fear it'll be too awkward if i do work there. Like I went in to the job thinking 1 year and i'm gone. So i didn't really care who i said hi to. I think it would be pretty weird if I went from not acknowledging people's existance to saying Hi.

    yep. that's me, the o g robby d.

    Monday August 12th, 2002
    Whatever dude.

    I am a little mad right now. Which in Robert terms, is equal to being pretty fucking pissed. I have no half way point.

    I'm not sure why, but stepping back in to my davis apt just set off fireworks in my brain and is making me feel like kicking some ass. I'm gonna play some Unreal Tournament (you read that right) right after I write this.

    When i stepped in to my apartment today, I saw boxes everywhere. Empty boxes just everywhere. I don't know who's they are(read : I do know, but care not to mention a name) but fucking put them away or put them in a corner. losers. All of you. Losers.

    #2. My Bottled water is gone. Here's a note to would be thiefs and assmunches all around :: I NOTICE EVERYTHING. You tweak a letter out of a document, I catch it. You move my pen, I catch it. You take my bottled water? you better fucking believe it that I notice. I don't know who took it (read : I do know, but care not to mention a name) but fucking replace before I come back at least. losers. All of you.

    There's a note downstairs now that reads : "Hey Mother Fuckers. who took my water? thanks for asking, robert."

    This is pretty gay. I was in a bad mood on friday. And then I had a pretty fun weekend with the family in the bay area. and then i step back here, and it's like I'm a completely different person.

    Friday was weird. It started off so excellent. And then it died towards the end of the day. It was a combination of things at work, but there was a main ingredient that I'm not going to write here. That ingredient affected me greatly on friday, and has stuck with me all weekend. bah. whatever. ass munches.

    oh, and I still haven't lost a god damn mission in warcraft 3 single player. The last one I played (orc mission 4 i think) gave me a good scare. I spent all my cash at the beginning before I realized I had no gold mine. Smart! Luckilly I had enough cash to research Pillaging. Monies is good.

    you be dead!

    my belly brother jumps another year in the age department this tuesday. Big ups to my homie!

    Later all. Carpal Tunnel is right around the corner and I need ti catch up with him.

    Wednesday July 3rd, 2002
    Yesterday was my sister's birthday. Big ups to her.

    So hey, how's everything going? Everything is going ok over here. I'm back at work. I'm taking the bus and coming back home just like I said below.

    I passed classics. So that's a plus. But I only managed a D-. Really. Which is weird. because I really didn't expect to pass. I'm positive I got less than 60% in the class. I just think our professor was keen enough to pass me. Thanks Homie! Peace in the middle east!

    I'm not stuck talking to senior citizens at work either. My boss is cool. Always been. I've been talking to her more lately. Weird. Working with her for like a year now, and we barely know each other. But that's life with Robert.

    Oh wait. there's more to that No Senior Citizens thing. I met **** on Monday because I was asked by my boss to assign her some tasks. Which makes me feel like the senior citizen. More on that later. Anyway, I never talked to her before, but I've always thought her name was Stephanie. (I saw the name Stephanie written somewhere, but I didn't know who that was. I saw her and didn't know her name, so ta-da, she = stephanie)

    I feel like all this stress has been lifted off my back, and I have nothing to worry about. When I sit in front of my computer, I don't feel like I should be doing homework or studying. Because I don't have to anymore. Ain't it nice.

    oh right. what was this post suppose to be about? SMILEY. yes, smiley. That guy. Smiley. that mother fucker smiley. haha. TOO MUCH INFORMATION TIME BOYS AND GIRLS!

    I get off of work at 5. The next bus to take me home is either the Crazy Yolo BUs at 5:10. Or the UCd buses at 5:35. My choice (since I can't walk fast enough) is the UCD bus. ah yes, and also to avoid the crazy people.

    Or so i thought.
    at 5:XX Smiley gets on the bus at a downtown stop. In always the same fashion. He shows his bus pass to the driver, and flashes the $0.02 smile as he scans the bus for females. Then proceeds to sit nearby one.

    Now, you may be thinking, MAC DADDY ALERT. But no. you're wrong. See, Smiley is about 40 years old. Smiley is fat. Smiley ALWAYS FUCKING SMILES.

    So everyday, he gets on the bus, and says hi to a girl. A different girl everytime so far. My guess is that everytime he does, that girl makes a mental note : "Do not ever take this bus again."

    Every once in a while he actually makes a conversation with an individual. Everytime he does you can just tell the other person in the conversation is wishing inside that they'd drop dead right there. ok, maybe not right there, because smiley would probably rape their dead body.

    What makes me want to post about it today, is that as he was busy torturing another lady, I was snickering and watching. And I believe he is beginning to notice that I am the only person on that particular bus that has actually taken it more than twice.

    I'm beginning to worry that he is eventually going to try talking to me. (SMILEY :: the girls aren't responding. Time to switch teams.) And I will probably ask him where he gets the balls to talk to girls 1/2 his age. And then he will show me his balls.

    And then I will die on the 5:35 bus from UCD when I bleed to death from stabbing my eyeballs out.


    Sunday June 15, 2002

    Yesterday was the commencement ceremony for 2002 engineering graduates from UC Davis. And, yeah, I was a participant. i don't really feel like putting it in to text, but to sum it up, I had fun.

    But the whole graduating thing hasn't hit me yet. I still feel like a kid.

    Sometime this week or next, I'm gonna hop on the bus, get on campus, and walk to work just like I've done all year. Then I'll get off from work and go home. Just like I've done all year.

    Subject: Get a degree in 2-3 years!
    eh. no thanks. I've got one. (hey, I really do miss the Gold Blockquotes. I haven't seen that in ages)

    I still feel very nervous. Like I'm sort of scared. When I'm nervous, I don't eat. And I haven't been eating well since yesterday.

    I'm not sure why I feel nervous. Maybe it's because I don't know if i passed classics of not (pray for me). Maybe it's because I'm scared that everybody is going to disapeer from my life and I'll be stuck talking to the senior citizens at my workplace (ew). Maybe both. Maybe something else.

    See ya when I see ya. Peace out!
    Tuesday May 14, 2002
    Weezer's new album Maladroit came out today. The first 500,000 copies of it are individually numbered. I picked up # 030010. Which is pretty sweet. All the other copies there were in the 400K range, so I lucked out.

    I spent that $10 gift certificate I got in high school on it. yeah. a 4 year old gift certificate. I finally spent it on an $11.99 Weezer CD. Awesome.

    Anyway, I took the CD for a test drive at work and let my boss listen in. She seemed unphased by any of the songs (bleh) until Slob came on. "Don't you be a slob!" my boss laughed out loud when the chorus came up. oh man.

    That's when I realized just what exactly I was listening to. Since I usally have all the mp3s playing randomlly on my winamp along with other songs, I never got the full effect of maladroit. it's more teenage angst. haha. Not that i'm complaining, but man, that must have made me look like a 14 year old to my boss (not that I don't already look like a freakishly tall 14 year old)

    I'm jammin to it right now out of my cdplayer. My computer is giving out crap from the right speaker. Dunno why, just is. I plug the headphones directly into the cdplayer, and I don't get it. I plug it in to the soundcard and the subwoofer, and I get corruption on the right side. Not cool. Dunno what's wrong. DOn't really care right now...


    Heh. What's cool is that there are actually 2 songs on here that have a little extra that weren't on the mp3s i got. Otherwise, I could've burnt this 32 minute mother myself (except for the enhanced cd part and the new cd smell, but who cares about that?)

    And my Kings that I've followed for longer than I can remember are in the Western COnference Finals vs. the dreaded hated Lakers. It really is amazing isn't it?

    1 more month of school before I graduate! (unless I fail classics that is. f that class)

    update @ 9:24pm
    I went out to play some hoops at 6:30. This isn't a normal thing I do. But I just felt like it. So I went over to the park and killed my lungs throwing up fancy shots. I forgot my watch, so I'm going to guess I played for about 30 minutes.

    And then 2 people came up to me. And challenged me to a game. 2 on 1. Them vs me. And I accepted

    Blow out city? yeah. for me that is. They were both 8. James and Logan were there names. James was hyper and Logan could either miss 3s really badly or stroke them. Considering they were about 4 1/2 feet tall each, they put up quite a challenge. haha.

    but seriously, I let them have every shot they wanted. Every time I went to basket, I did something fancy (behind the back, under the legs, spinning, reverse, you name it) or i rocked 3s just to have fun with them. James had a huge smile on his face and that made me feel good.

    We made some rules along the way. 5 points from half court. Logan hit one. So I took the ball and matched him. Then James wanted 3 points if he shot it backwards. Sure, why not. And then 5 points if he shot it backwards from the 3. Ok, sounds good. What about backwards from half court? 7? nah. 200 I say. So we sit there for 10 minutes throwing up the ugliest bricks you can imagine. Both of them seemed amazed by the fact that they could get 200 points for only hitting a backward half courter, so I let them go at it. Of course I had to try. I aired it a lot, but 1 shot grazed the side of the iron.

    one of their other friends came, and we played some 2 on 2. All i did was pass him the ball. So that got boring quick

    So of course, 3 on 1. back to the fanciness. New dude leaves, and 2 other kid show up. This is where the story gets fun.

    Chris 8, and Charlie who was probably 6. So now it's a 4 on 1. This new kid Chris is a complete Punkass. I mean it. Everytime down the floor (we were going full now), he'd scream for the ball and call James or Charlie ball hogs.

    Charlie wanted to try a 3, but Chris kept screaming at him to pass it. I told charlie to shoot it. So he does. He misses, I rebound, I pass it back and give him another try. They scream at him again. I tell him to shoot it. Swish. Money.

    It happens again. Charlie has the ball and is about to attempt a 3. This chris guy won't shut up. Charlie shoots it, and it's money again. Chris still won't shut up.

    So I did what any 21 year old should do in a situation like this. I balled him up. Yep. Me vs an 8 year old. I dribbled over him, around him, anything to make him feel like the loser he is.

    Chris started complaining that he was the only guy defending me. Haha. So i spun circles around him a couple times. If he was tall enough, I would've gone between his legs.

    I ask Charlie if he wants to be on my team. And he gives an enthusiastic yes. So the game changes. 3 on 2. I got 6 year old charlie on my team. In other words, i got to work on my knee high soft bounce passes. Everytime I passed it I was scared I was going to knock his teeth out or something. but Charlie was cool. he got a bucket or 2 after I kept feeding him in the paint.

    Soon enough, a 6 year old girl comes running up and wants to join in on the fun. Who am I to deny the love for the game? So now it's 3 on 3. Megan is her name and she could barely shoot the ball high enough to get to the rim let alone in to the basket.

    So yeah, of course I start feeding her passes all over the place. She doesn't score though. The 8 year olds swarm her like bees and honey. eh.

    Charlie strokes a 3, followed in celebration by giving me a jumping high five. and then they all leave. wtf. that story sucked.

    Man, I was running this story through my heads on the way back, and it was going to be freaking awesome. And uh, it turned in to this. Sorry. I should let it sit a day in my head before I write. Just think of the above as "notes." a good story will come later. Or never.

    The moral is :: Don't act arrogant around a tall asian guy or he will make you his bitch in basketball. Or Don't play basketball with people a foot taller than you. Man, I don't know. I swear this story was so much better in my head.


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