
Longicorn Beetles
Wasp-like Longicorn
Fig Longicorn
Acacia Longicorn 
Flower Longicorn 

Leaf Beetles
Genera Paropsis 
Dotted-lines Paropsine
Aerarium Leaf Beetle
Red-white Leaf Beetle 
Gum Nut Leaf Beetle 
Genera Calomela
I-Mark Leaf Beetle
Green Strip LeafBeetle
OtherThan Chrysomelinae
Lantana Leafminer



This insect family is commonly called Leaf Beetle. They are also known as Chrysomelid beetles, Tortoise beetles or Eucalypt beetles. Most species of this family, adults and larvae,  feed on leaves. Some are considered as pest. 

Leaf Beetle on Tony's finger 

Leaf beetles adults usually range in size from 5 to 15 mm in length and brightly coloured. They have different body shapes from elongate or flattened to globular. Some may be mistaken for ladybird beetles due to their oval shape. Their antenna usually less than half the length of their bodies. One of their characteristics is that they can hide their legs and antennae under their wing covers while sitting on a leaf. 

For most of the Leaf Beetle species we found they feed primarily on eucalypts and acacias. Both the adults and larvae eat plant material, store those plant chemicals in their body, and are poisonous to the predators. There is no wonder why most of the Leaf Beetles are with bright body colour.

Leaf beetles are closely related with Longicorn Beetles, some of them have similar body shape but their eyes generally not notched. 

Leaf beetle larvae are also vary in shape, but often with three pairs of well developed legs and dark head. Early instars feed in a group. As the larvae grow they may stay in a group or feed individually. Leaves are often chewed down to the central vein.

Pupae are rarely seen because the larvae drop from tree and pupate in the litter and soil below the tree.

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Eggs are laid on leaves or stems, usually near new growth. The eggs laid in patterns characteristic of the species. Eggs are very vulnerable to predators such as ladybirds, predatory bugs and tiny wasp parasites

We found quite a number of  Leaf  Beetle species in different subfamilies. They are listed as follow.

Subfamily Chrysomelinae, Paropsina group 

The Paropsine Leaf Beetles include the eucalyptus tortoise beetles and eucalyptus leaf beetles Paropsis, Paropsisterna and Chrysophtharta and their relatives. 
Genera Paropsis 
Paropsis species vary in size and colour, many are brightly coloured, with intricate patterns on the wing covers. Most of them, both adults and larvae, feed on Eucalyptus. Some feed on Acacia.
Genera Paropsisterna 
Paropsisterna species are shining brown or black in colour. Some species have a few large red or orange spots on a black or brown background. Most of them, both adults and larvae, feed on eucalyptus.
Genera Chrysophtharta 
Chrysophtharta species adults and larvae also feed on eucalyptus. The beetles in this genera are relatively smaller in size.

Subfamily Chrysomelinae, other genera

Genera Calomela
Calomela species are particularly associated with Acacia. Both adults and larvae feed on the leaf, some adults feed on the flower as well. Calomela adults are usually have the narrow and flat body shape. Most of them are bright coloured.
Genera Lamprolina
Lamprolina species adults are usually have the narrow and flat body shape. Most of them are bright coloured.
Other Genera  
All other Leaf Beetles in sub-family Chrysomelinae we found are put in this web page.

Other Subfamilies 

Subfamily other than Chrysomelinae
We found Leaf Beetles other than Chrysomelinae and all put in this page.

Leaf Beetles unidentified yet  - please advise if you identify any of those Leaf Beetles in this page.. 

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Last updated: January 18, 2005.