Author: Alexander S. Zazerskiy
I invite you to take part in development of
Alexander S. Zazerskiy
ANNO May 18, 1998
Table of Contents
From the Field Model of Electron to the Unified Field Theory    ru  
1 On the SubQuantum Paradigm and SubQuantum Field Theory – SubQFT  ru  fr 
1.1 «Is it crazy enough to be correct?»  ru  fr 
1.2 New Perusal of the Gospel of Maxwell  ru  fr 
1.3 «We are extremely lucky… what we do now»  ru  fr 
1.4 «I Hope and Believe»  ru  fr 
1.5 SubQuantum Picture of the World  ru  
2 Just a Stroke to a Portrait…  ru  fr 
3 To the Field Theory of Electron  ru  
3.0 Fundamentals of SubQuantum Physics  ru  
3.1 Maxwell Equations define Physics of Sources  ru  
3.2 Hyperbolic Current Threads  ru  
3.3 The Law of Motion for Sources  ru  
3.4 The New Momentum-Energy Tensor of Field. 6-Formalism  ru  
4 Electromagnetic Asymmetry in Hadron-Antihadron Pairs  ru  fr 
5 Electron and SubQuantum Field Theory – SubQFT  ru  
5.1 Principia of SubQuantum Physics  ru  
5.2 Maxwell Equations single out Hyperbolic Motion of Field Sources New Updated  ru  
5.3 To the Subquantum Law of Motion  ru  
5.4 Symmetrization of the Maxwell Equations  ru  
6 Instincts' Collisions or Drama of Ideas  ru  
6.1 To the «Greek Miracle» through Judgements and Tradition of Logos-Agon  ru  
6.2 Goettingen's Tragedy as Choice of History  ru  
6.3 To the Baer–Poincare Law    ru  
6.4 Problem of Anaximander    ru  
6.5 «Interesting attempt of Levi-Civita»
and Subquantum Field model of Electron
7 Experimental Researches in World of Ideas  ru  
7.1 The Experiments with the Pythagorean Theorem and the Laplace operator  ru  
8 Supernew Holes of the Universe  ru  
8.1 Electric Hole or Star Condenser  ru  
8.2 Conic Hole in the Momentum of Electron  ru  
8.3 Topologic Hole in Solutions of Maxwell's Equations  ru  
Help Me to Help You  ru  
The Literature Quoted  ru  

1  On the SubQuantum Paradigm and SubQuantum Field Theory – SubQFT

1.1  «Is it crazy enough to be correct?» (Niels Bohr)

Judge yourself. The unified field is a Faraday–Maxwell electromagnetic field. Maxwell–Lorentz equations (ML-equations) for potentials in standard 4-dimensional form are satisfied precisely. This is achieved by involving new subquantum fundamental field sources, strict definition of which requires higher dimensionality. Subquantum charged currents in the right side of ML-equation correspond to virtual vacuum currents of Quantum Electrodynamics but are determined independently. Source currents do not «see» each other to such extend that at each point of space in any direction there is a couple of currents of unlike charge signs. Each such charged source moves in the field in accordance with subquantum law of motion, and each of them, independently of the others, generates field in accordance with ML-equations.

The law of motion may be found from the condition of existence of a solution in the form of stable electrons with «required» properties. The law of motion sought is strictly defined precisely by the condition of electron generation! If an electron exists it follows that protons, atoms and the Universe exist too! It exists, hence it is a solution for the joint system of the ML-equations and the subquantum source motion equations. All particles and fields – they are just visible exhibitions of interaction between the field and its sources!

The Quantum Theory answered the question: – How atom is possible?

Subquantum Field Theory (SubQFT) has been summoned to answer the question: – How electron is possible?

According to the initial semiclassical model of Niels Bohr, – the atom of hydrogen was becoming possible in theory provided it had the quite definite (by the postulates of Bohr) set of stationary electronic orbits for which the validity of the ML-equations was partly abolished and full absence of radiation for these stationary states of atom was postulated. By that time the ML-equations inside electron had already been «temporarily» abolished.

The further development of quantum physics led to the development of new quantum «kinematics» (both non-relativistic, and relativistic), that abolished the detailed space-time description of electrons motion along continuous classical trajectories. Only within the framework of such «truncated» kinematics of electrons and positrons was it possible to «consistently preserve» the validity of the ML-equations. Developed within the frameworks of Quantum Electrodynamics the procedures of renormalization of electron charge and mass have, in a sense, «closed» the development of Quantum Electrodynamics and led it to its utmost logical «conclusion».

The construction of SubQFT begins with the development of subquantum model of electron – the basic, maximum symmetric and easier than others arranged object of our quantum world. The subquantum model of based single electron connects its possibility with the presence at a subquantum level of the quite definite set of stationary charged subcurrents which also do not radiate at their accelerated (hyperbolic) motion in a field of electron. These very charged subcurrents are the true sources of the unified field which are included in the right parts of the ML-equations. The reconstruction of both subcurrents as the sources of the unified field and their mathematical and physical properties leans, mainly, on the symmetries of the ML-equations.

The basic part in SubQFT, after Lorentz's group, is played by hyperbolic symmetry of the ML-equations, – as the stationary and conservative subquantum structure can be constructed only and solely from the subcharges that move hyperbolically (uniformly accelerated) and are completely deprived of radiation. Only among entirely hyperbolic subquantum structures should one search for absolutely stationary and steady structures of single and based electron and a proton.

It is postulated, that the charged continuously distributed in space subquantum sources of a unified field fill with themselves all physical space (with the exception of very small areas of «inaccessibility» in the central parts of electron, proton…), which in classical electrodynamics did not assume any charged sources of a field outside the «self»-charge of electron, but in Quantum Electrodynamics was filled with vacuum currents of virtual electrons and positrons with conformable kinematics.

At any distance from the center of symmetry of electron and in any spatial direction (two angular parameters) from this point there exists a pair of unlike-charged subcurrents of quite certain density. Such a «superdense» packing by the charged subcurrents of «empty» from the charged particles space – subquantum aether, – is a characteristic feature of SubQFT and, in particular, of subquantum model of electron. This «superdense» packing of each point of a subquantum aether by subcurrents is formed by two two-parametrical sets of quite classical continuous (hyperbolic) trajectories formed by the subcurrents that move in electron field, go through this point and rest their ends against infinity.

At spatial infinity from the center of electron, where its field comes to zero, the set of subcurrents possesses the greatest possible symmetry. There the sets or positively and negatively charged subcurrents are equal to each other and isotropic (do not depend on direction), and general for all the subcharges rate of movement is equal to the velocity of light. Coming from infinity at the velocity of light, the subcharges of both signs dissipate on a field of electron on hyperbolic trajectories, coming back into infinity. Depending on the sign of a charge and on the aiming parameter of their hyperbolic trajectory of motion in relation to the center of electron, subcharges reach their minimal apical distance to the center, where they have the minimal apical speed, and turn back into infinity on the other side of hyperbole.

While the stationary electronic orbits in the atom of Bohr were incompatible with the ML-equations, the hyperbolic motion of subcharges in electron field takes place without radiation in full conformity to the ML-equations.

(In both Russian and French versions the characteristic features of Subquatum Paradigm are described more fully and in more detail!)

 Last modifications: January 11 2000RUFR Back to Contens

1.2  New Perusal of the Gospel of Maxwell

Maxim Karpenko concludes his book «Universum Sapiens» with the following paragraph:

Not so long ago, one physicist told the story happened to him. In that strange state of somnolence, when the most unbelievable visions appear, the God himself has emerged in front of him. The physicist is always the physicist, and he, with an inherent in any scientist passion for new knowledge at any time and place has got into a conversation with the God trying mostly to clear up the attitude of the God towards certain physical concepts. Maxwell's equations have also been mentioned in this or that connection. At the end of the conversation, when the physicist tried to get the appraisal of our attempts to render the real picture of the World from the highest authority, the God said: «You have the book written thousands years ago – the Gospel. So, both the Gospel and Maxwell's equations equally correlate with the truth». That is why, while it is not the only reason, I wish to conclude this book with the words of my favorite Richard Bach: «Everything in this book may be wrong».

Vladimir Vizgin wrote in his remarkable work «The dogma of belief of physicist-theorists»:

Commenting on the present situation of relationships between physics and mathematics, the well-known Russian mathematician, academician Vladimir Arnol'd wrote about its relationship to a state of affairs in Newton's epoch: «Fundamental physical laws are simply described in purely geometrical terms. This fact (remaining enigmatic today as well) has struck Newton so, that he thought it to be the proof of existence of the God»…

Max von Laue recalled, that at the end of the XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries, such physicists as Ludwig Boltzmann, Heinrich Hertz, Max Planсk and others in this very key spoke about equations of Maxwell: «The understanding of how the most difficult and various phenomena are mathematically brought to such firm and harmoniously wonderful equations of Maxwell, is one of the strongest experiences accessible to a person». Boltzmann quoted once the verses regarding these formulas: «Was it not the God who wrote these signs, that have calmed alarm of my soul and have opened to me a secret of nature?» (from «Faust» Goethe. – V.V.).

 The translation from Russian was made by Masha and Natasha Zazerska
Last modifications: March 24 2003
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1.3  «We are extremely lucky… what we do now» (Richard Feynman)

Just one paragraph from the physical bestseller «The Character of Physical Law» by Richard Feynman:

We are extremely lucky to live in the century when it is still possible to make discoveries. It is like the discovery of America, which may be discovered only once and forever. The century we live in is the century of discovery of the basic laws of nature, and this time will never come again. It is a wonderful time, the time of emotions and delights, but it will be over one day. Of course in the future interests will be different. People will be interested in interrelations between phenomena of different levels – biological, etc., or, if to take discoveries, in investigation of another planets, but in any case it will not be the same as what we do now. [18]

 Last modifications: January 12 2000RUFR Back to Contens

1.4  «I Hope and Believe» (Konrad Lorenz)


I don't imagine, that I can give the knowledge
To improve people and to put them on the right path.


Unlike Faust, I fancy, that I could give something, that would both teach people and put them on the right path. This thought doesn't seem to me too arrogant. At least it is less arrogant, then the reverse one, – if the latter comes not from conviction, that you can't teach people, but from the assumption that «these people» are not able to understand the new study. This happens only in extraordinary cases, when some genius surpasses his time by centuries. If somebody is listened to by his contemporaries and even his book are read by them, then it can be asserted with confidence that this is not the genius. At best, he can please himself with the thought, that he has something «on business» to say. All that can be said works in the best way just when a speaker only slightly surpasses listeners with his new ideas. Then they react with the thought: «That is it, I could have guessed it myself!» [23,Ch.14]

The situation with the ideas of subquantum field theory and the dynamics of their perception has regular features of instincts' collisions and drama of ideas. It can't be said that nobody reads them. People read them, but… for the most part don't react with the thought: «That is it, I could have guessed it myself!» Can it be, that the author of the subquantum paradigm is the genius of the higher class by Stanislav Lem's classification? Fortunately, – this is not so! Mainly because the author does not surpass his time, on the contrary, – he is behind his time. And this gap can be, by different estimates, in the interval from 50 to 100 years. The most probable and reliable estimate of this gap is 90 years. The natural time of development of the subquantum field theory – SubQFT – could have been the years from 1909 till 1914!

Though under another name, but SubQFT first saw the light of the day in 1908 in the works of Italian mathematician Tullio Levi-Civita [7]. The destiny of his ideas was settled (solved) far north from sunny Italy – behind the fortress walls of Goettingen. The key figures of this drama of ideas in Goettingen were the mathematics professors: David Hilbert and Hermann Minkowski. All this, that seemed  to be the drama of ideas to the academical life romantics, in reality has all the features of instincts' collisions and launched in complete accordance with the customs of Romans, involved in the actions around the gladiatorial fights in the Rome Coliseum.

Minkowski skillfully realized the finishing (trimming) of the results, obtained in the series of innovative works of his predecessors: Lorentz–Poincaré–Einstein, using the already ready tooling of Italian mathematicians [10]. Minkowski built up a new dwelling (frame) for electromagnetic field and its sources, – the World of Minkowski. After that great moment of geometrization the symmetry was naturally observed (kept) – the symmetry of electromagnetism equations, written down in 4-vector's form, relatively to transformations from Lorenz group, the godfather of which was Henri Poincaré. Minkowski attracted attention to kinematic excellence of hyperbolic motion of field sources. He came across the possibility of using one more  symmetry of Maxwell–Lorentz equations as the forming one in electrodynamics. He had already used splendidly the first symmetry, building the World, that lately was called by his name. So the next one was on the waiting list… – symmetry of hyperbolic motion of sources, the symmetry, keeping conservatism of the field created by these sources. During his last «mathematics walk» on Thursdays, exactly a week before his own funeral, Minkowski spoke «with particular vivacity» [to the mathematics professors of Goettingen] about his last results in electrodynamics. [12] At noon of the next Tuesday, on 12th of January 1909 he passed away.

After the death of Hermann Minkowski at the suggestion of David Hilbert, Max Born became the person empowered to act for Mrs. Minkowski in the work of publishing the physics works of her husband. [12] There were, amongst others, draft notes and outlines, left by Minkowski about the hyperbolic motion, as also the reliable evidences of the reaction of Minkowski's Genius about the ideas and the program of Levi-Civita.

The work of Born about hyperbolic motion [3] is the conclusive evidence of distinctly negative Hilbert's attitude to creative plans of Minkowski on this subject. Undoubtedly, this work [3] purposed several objects at one time, clearly formulated and put by Hilbert before Born. It was required to set out «the right point of view» on space nature, linked with absolutely solid (rulers) dynamics at least in the small. It was necessary to interlace this theory in a very natural way with hyperbolic motion, and to prevent the using of this weapon by those, who can take it into their heads to sacrifice solid to some liquid. But, with all that, – to leave in secret the fact, that the mathematics professor of Goettingen and the Hilbert's colleague took part in «the plot against the mind». And this is not at all a hyperbole. In everything, where he saw obstacles in the way of his mission accomplishment, Hilbert didn't admit any compromises and acted very cruelly. He didn't consider his colleagues to have the right on their own choice of forms and means of (mathematical) truths' perception, the choice, which could be different from his own one – «the only possible» and «absolutely correct». Think about his painful reaction on Brouwer intuitionism.

Minkowski, Levi-Civita and their ideas about the further geometrization of the description the nature of sources surpassed their time! Neither Minkowski nor Levi-Civita knew then in full measure, that they made the daring attempt of the movement against the main direction of the physics thinking development in the beginning of XX century. The powerful dominating stream of efforts on the boundless strengthening of ATOMISM was already gathering the strength that time. The XXth century in the history of naturally-scientific thought – is the century of complete domination of ATOMISTIC INSTINCT in the depths of PERCEIVING MIND of its acknowledged leaders.

 Last modifications: November 24 2002RUFR Back to Contens

2  Just a Stroke to a Portrait…

A.EinsteinBoth this photo of the great physicist and his words: Dostoevsky gives me more than any scientist, more than Gauss!, as rendered by Alexander Moshkowski, are unexpected and hardly suitable for comprehension. But let us imagine ourselves in the role of Einstein reading «The Gambler» of Fyodor Mihailovich Dostoevsky and sharing with the main character of the novel the strain and the excitement that raise a strange feeling, a challenge to the destiny, a desire to give it a fillip or to show the tongue to it. Both Dostoevsky and Einstein achieved trustworthiness of the most paradoxical transformations. Their works are rich with intuitive and extra-logical judgments, developments of the plot and actions of characters. Dostoevsky gave the ethic stimulation to the creator of the unified theory, strengthened his cosmic religious feeling.

 Last modifications: January 12 2000RUFR Back to Contens

4  Electromagnetic Asymmetry in Hadron-Antihadron Pairs.
Appeal to an EXPERIMENT

Qualitative analysis of subquantum level field scalar component manifestation in our corpuscular (quantified) world makes us to anticipate violation of symmetry of magnetic moment values in proton-antiproton (hadron-antihadron) pairs, masses at rest and other low-energy parameters.

Big and laborious work is necessary to make up theoretical description of this phenomenon. An experiment can say its final word prior to any reliable theoretical results in this area.

Most accessible schemes of experimental situations should be analyzed and shown, as well as existing experimental result data bases should be examined in order to analyze anticipated asymmetry.

Now it's your turn, Your Majesty EXPERIMENT!

 Last modifications: January 12 2000RUFR Back to Contens

The Literature Quoted:
3. Born M. Ann. d. Phys., 1909, Bd 30, S. 1
7. Levi-Civita T. Sui campi elettromagnetici puri, bei C. Ferrari, Venezia 1908; Sulle azione meccaniche etc.; Prendiconti d. Pr. Acad. dei Lincei 18, 5a.
10. Ricci G., Levi-Civita T. Math. Ann. 1901, v. 54, p. 125
12. Reid C. HILBERT (With an appreciation of Hilbert's mathematical work by Hermann Weyl), Springer – Verlag, 1970
18. Feynman R. The Character of Physical Law, Cox and Wyman LTD, London 1965
23. Lorenz K. Das sogenannte Böse (Zur Naturgeschichte der Agression), Taschenbuch Verlag, München
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