222 "The Harassed"

Written by:
Chris Marcil

Directed by:
Kelsey Grammer

Regular Cast:
Frasier Crane
Niles Crane
Martin Crane
Daphne Crane
Roz Doyle
Bulldog Briscoe
Gil Chesterton
Noel Shempsky
Kenny Daley

Guest Cast:
Julia Wilcox (Felicity Huffman)
Van Andrews (Mike Judge)
Steve (Paul F Tompkins)
Plumber (Kendall Clement)

Guest Callers:
None this episode.

Read the script of this episode here.

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Skyline: The light at the top of the Space Needle flashes.

Plot: Frasier's show is now 10 minutes shorter, since the time is being given to KACL's new financial analyst, Julia Wilcox. Julia wrote a book on how to get rich, which caused some people to lose a lot of money, and was fired from CNBC. Kenny advises Frasier not to mention this to Julia - who overhears him talking about it. Nice one, Kenny... :-)

Julia is conceited, stuffy and quite rude at times, and soon everyone at KACL takes a dislike to her. Kenny advises everyone to be nice to her though since she sued her last employers for unfair dismissal. After moaning about her, and causing his family to think he secretly likes her, Frasier decides to have a talk with Julia - but they end up arguing. In the heat of the argument, Frasier asks her if she is as turned on as he is, but she isn't and runs out of the room!

Kenny fears she will try and sue the station and so forces all the staff to attend a sexual harassment course, run by Van Andrews. The rest of the staff are angry at Frasier for making them attend, and Julia isn't paying much attention either. After she agrees not to sue the station, Kenny lets everyone else go and Frasier talks to Julia. He realises she's worried she will fail again and is keeping everyone else at arm's length because of this. After talking about it with her, she starts being more friendly.

Meanwhile Niles' office is being redecorated and he has to see his patients in his apartment, which makes him a bit uncomfortable.

Subtitles: There's A Doctor In The House.

Roz loves..... No-one in this episode, but Bulldog and Noel do argue over her at the seminar. :-)

Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Frasier mentions the time he tried to commit suicide when Lilith left him (the Cheers episode "The Girl In The Plastic Bubble"). Frasier also asks Julia "Are you as turned on as I am?" - in the Cheers episode "Showdown, Part 2" Sam and Diane were having a big argument as well. Sam asked her the exact same question, Diane replied "More!" and they kissed. The episode aired in 1983, and as an in-joke Bulldog later says that no-one has said "turned on" for 20 years!

Trivia: Julia Wilcox makes her first appearance. There's a mention of Gertrude Moon - when England lost in the World Cup she ran through the house naked shouting swear words! And Niles and Daphne's answering machine message must be heard to be believed.....


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Frasier created by David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee. Based on the character "Frasier Crane" created by Glen and Les Charles and featured in the NBC / Paramount production "Cheers". Frasier is a Grub Street Production for NBC and Paramount. All Frasier characters are copyright NBC, Paramount and Grub Street Productions.

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