How to Get a Divorce

Listen to yourself...

If your gut feeling tells you that something isn't right in your marriage, listen more closely. We are given hints to leave bad relationships long before we finally act on them. Most women refuse to accept the truth that their husband is being abusive to them or is cheating on them.

People no longer think of a person whose marriage ends in divorce as being a failure. Divorce is just a part of life. In fact, it has been estimated that about half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce.

The divorce process boils down to controlling what you can and normally, you can control everything about your divorce except how your spouse will react. 



Make every effort toward keeping your relations amicable. The angrier your spouse is, the uglier your divorce will be.


Consult an attorney - most will meet for an initial consultation just to explain the process and your immediate options - or research the divorce process in your area. Divorce laws differ among states, and each county may have its own rules.


Take a trip to your local family law courthouse or the family law department within the local courthouse.


Gather your financial documents, including tax returns for the last five years, all retirement accounts and all financial accounts.


Close or freeze joint accounts. You and your spouse may want to divide equally all funds accumulated during your marriage.


Keep track of all debts incurred or paid (credit cards, repairs to the family home and so forth) once you separate from your spouse.


Determine whether alimony or child support is warranted. If you are the spouse in need of support, make sure to initiate court proceedings as soon as possible, because you won't receive support until you file. Consult an attorney or other resource.


Keep track of any money you give your spouse as alimony or child support, and write checks rather than giving cash.


Realize that most states have a waiting period between the time when you file for divorce and the time when your divorce is final.


Research your spouse's pension plans, retirement accounts and other savings accounts. You may not be aware of all the plans to which your spouse contributes or to which an employer contributes on behalf of your spouse.


If children are involved, you will have to negotiate a custody plan.  Most courts offer free assistance.



It's best to consult with an attorney who specializes in family law, even if you plan to represent yourself throughout the process.


Don't use your lawyer or the system to retaliate against your spouse; it will just cost you more money in the long run.



Expect the divorce process to be long and potentially costly.


Remove your emotions from the legal process by seeking therapy to deal with them.

Other Divorce Information

When you are filing for a divorce, you will probably have a lot of questions. Click on the following link for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about divorce.

To find out more about your legal rights or get answers to your questions, you can call Legal Aid of Northwest Texas at: 1-800-967-6708 or click on one of the following links:  Legal Aid of Northwest Texas  or  Texas Rio Grand Legal Aid to go to their websites where you can look up all kinds of legal information and even obtain forms that can be used by anyone to file for divorce in any county in Texas.

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