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Victoria before 1848
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© Say thanks to space Samuel Legge, space William Lewis,

Colour code Here before 1840, Here in 40 Here in 41 Here in 42 Here after 42
Mr Lette, departed from Launceston to Port Phillip on the brig 'Fox' 14 Oct 1840 - source Launceston Courier 19 Oct 1840
Mr Lete, departed from Launceston to Port Phillip on the schooner 'Paul Fry' 17 Dec 1840 - source Launceston Courier 21 Dec 1840
Mary Letton, arrived at Launceston from Port Phillip on the steamer 'Corsair' 3 Feb 1842 - source Launceston Courier 6 Feb1842
Thomas Letts, wed Helen Ritchie 1842 #649 Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Thomas Letts and Helen Ritchie baptised Jane 1847, Thomas 1847, William 1847. Is this George Letts who died 1861 aged 56, from Marwickshire
Mr and Mrs Letts, Passsengers Cabin Arrivals 18 June 1845 Rosendale, baque, 397 tons, Goulding master, from Liverpool 28 Feb 1845
Major Lettsom 15 Oct cleared for Sydney from London on the Himalaya
James Levan 27 (9 single man) Shepherd prot both East Lothian, came 22 Oct 1841 on the Catherine Jamieson
John Leve, departed from Launceston for Portland Bay on the schooner 'Dusty Miller' 27 Apr 1841 - source Launceston Courier 3 May 1841
John Levell Page 197 Letters at Office, 30th June 1847
Anne Lever Directory 1847 laundress, Robert street, Collingwood
Charles Lever wed Ann Dewey in 1846 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
John Lever 29 hus (22 family) Farm Servant Prot both Birmingham, came 3 June 1841 on the Duchess Of Northumberlan
Mary Ann Lever 24 wife of John (22 family) Housemaid Prot neither Birmingham, came 3 June 1841 on the Duchess Of Northumberlan
John Lever aged 35 came Jun 1841 with 346 on the Duchess Of Northumberland with Mary Ann 22
William Lever Directory 1847 labourer
F Levett, has a publick house on the Portland Bay Rd, near Mount Emu.. Source - Geelong Advertiser 29 Apr 1844
Joseph Leverit came Aug 1844 with 233 on the Lord William Bentinck
William Leveret 30 hus Shepherd or Labourer Norfolk Prot both arrived 22 Aug 1844 on the Lord William Bentinck
Mary Leveret 23 wife of William reads arrived 22 Aug 1844 on the Lord William Bentinck
Jane Leveret 4 and Joseph Leverit Leveret 0 six months arrived 22 Aug 1844 on the Lord William Bentinck
Martha Levers 18 (31 single woman) Nursemaid RC both Cork, came 27 Aug 1841 on the William Metcalfe
Martha Levers wed Henry Blake in 1842 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Frances Finden Lewett - Levetton and Margaret Bennett baptised William Ward 1841, Sarah Elizabeth 1844
Francis Findon Levetton - Levetton wed Margaret Bennett Martin in 1840 at Church Of England St James, Melbourne baptised Margaret Findon 1847, Mary Ann Pownell 1847
S Levey, Melbourne Times 28 May 1842 Page 2 General dealer debt of 402 pounds 0.13% of 56 debts listed
Abraham Levey - Levi wed Mary Baxter in 1841 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong Owned Property Corio Street Geelong - House & Land
A Levy, The Port Phillip Herald Tue 27 Jun 1843 voted in election 20 June 1843, resident of Geelong Tue 27 Jun 1843 Geelong resident signed supporting William Lonsdale
Abraham Levy, a Draper in Geelong, in fraud case against Mary Saunders Source - "Geelong Advertiser" 21 Feb 1842
A Levy, on Committee for Separation Society, District of Grant. Source - Port Phillip Herald 7 June 1844
Mrs A Levy, gave birth to a daughter on 28 June 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 1 July 1844
Abraham Levey, one of 469 voters who qualified by Dwelling house in Corio St Geelong Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
John Levey, jury for Fri 16 May - Supreme Court - source Port Phillip Herald 20 May 1845
John Levey, first jury for Sat 17 May - Supreme Court - source Port Phillip Herald 20 May 1845
John Levy, a Burgess in Lonsdale Ward voted for John Joseph Fawkner who won the seat. Source - Port Phillip Herald 12 Aug 1845
L Levey, arrived at Launceston from Port Phillip on the steamer 'Corsair' 3 Jan 1842 - source Launceston Courier 10 Jan 1842
A. Levy - Levy Directory 1847 auctioneer and clothier, Corio street, North Corio
Mr John Leve departing 27 Apr 1841 from Launceston for Portland Bay, on the Dusty Miller
John Levy - Levy and Harriet baptised Sophia 1846 Harriet died 1847 Female aged 40 at Melbourne
Directory 1847 clothier and slopseller, Collins street
John Levy, Shop Collins St The Port Phillip Herald Fri 8 Sep 1843 Burgess in Lonsdale Ward
Mr Levy arrived Sydney 27 March from Port Phillip on 21 Mar on the Australasian Packet
Mr Levey departed Sydney 18 Apr 1841 for Melbourne on the Australasian Packet
Mr Levey arrived 27 Apr 1841 at Melbourne from Sydney, on the Australasian Packet
Mr Levie, admitted as a member of Mechanics Institution. Source - Port Phillip Herald 11 Nov 1845
Richard Henry Levy, is owed money by the Port Phillip Bank, has unclaimed dividends. Source - Port Phillip Herald 3 Sept 1844
Benjamin G. Levien announced in Geelong Advertiser, Sat 24 Dec 1840 that he has opened the Victoria Hotel at Saltwater Creek, and the new punt is able to contain a ten bullock team
LEVIEN, JONAS FELIX AUSTRALIA (1840-1906), agriculturist and politician, was born on 28 March 1840 at Williamstown, Port Phillip, son of Benjamin Goldsmith Levien and his wife Eliza, née Lindo. His father's family was of French origin and his mother Portuguese.
Benjamin G Levein, Melbourne Times 23 Apr 1842 granted Publicans Licence Salt Water River Victoria Hotel
Benjamin G Levein, Publican's License granted Victoria Hotel Salt Water River, p3 - 23 April 1842 Melbourne Times
Benjamin Leview, The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 21 Apr 1843 Publicans Licence renewed for Victoria Hotel Saltwater River
Benjamin Goldsmid Levien, Licensed to depasture stock at County of Bourke Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
Directory 1847 puntman, Marabool River
John Levien, in jury enpannelled 7 Ap 42 in Supreme Court jury 9 Ap 1842, p3 - 9 April 1842 Melbourne Times
John Levien, The Port Phillip Herald Tue 12 Sep 1843 Publicans Licemce transfer of 'British Hotel' from William Wright
Joseph Henry Levien, Insolvent granted certificate of discharge of the firm of Francis Mitchell and Co. Source - Geelong Advertiser 1 Apr 1844
Solomon Levien, Insolvent granted certificate of discharge. Source - Geelong Advertiser 1 Apr 1844
Mr Levlen /Levien departed Sydney 18 Apr 1841 for Melbourne on the Australasian Packet
Mr Levien arrived 27 Apr 1841 at Melbourne from Sydney, on the Australasian Packet
Timothy Levin - Levin and Ellen baptised Mary 1847
William Leverett - Levrett came Aug 1844 with 233 on the Lord William Bentinck with Mary and Family, 4 more baptised in Vic baptised John 1847
Directory 1847 Wm died 1882 aged 69, Page 32 letters at Post Office, 3 Feb 1847, farm labourer, Merri Creek
Martha Lever, female wed Henry Blake 1842 #4670 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
James Leviston, List 4, 30 Apr 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 7 May 1844
James Leviston, arrived at Port Phillip from Launceston on the brig 'Swan' 31 Oct 1845. Source - Port Phillip Herald 4 Nov 1845
Joseph Leviston, No 6, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 4 July 1845
Thomas Levinstone, arrived at Geelong from Hobart on the schooner 'Abeona' 22 Jan 1845 - source Port Phillip Herald 28 Jan 1845
Mr Lewellan arrived 27 Dec 1841 at Sydney from Port Phillip on 22 Dec on the Christina
Clifford Lewin - Lewin aged 25 came May 1847 with 338 on the Sir Thomas Arbuthnot
Mary Lewin mark witness to wedding of 29 Apr 1839 Samuel Morton to Eliza Cambell at St James Cathedral, Melbourne
Anah Lewis witness to wedding 17 Aug 1839 of John Dinwoodie by Rev James Forbes Presbyterian
Anah Lewis and Berrell Catherine baptised Edwin Berrell 1840,
Anah Lewis, and B Catherine baptised Anah James at Church Of England St James, Melbourne born at Melb 1842 #12819
Amah James Lewis, died A 1m male Melbourne 1842 #3741 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
Annah Lewis, The Port Phillip Herald Tue 15 Aug 1843 judge rules only 5% can be charged for collecting assets
Annah Lewis, Burgess for Gipps Ward. Source - Port Phillip Herald 5 Nov 1844
Annah Lewis, Directory 1847 upholsterer, Batman's Swamp
Benjamin Lewis, male wed Ann Egan 1842 #34108 Presbyterian Portland
Benjamin Lewis and Anne Egan baptised Thomas Benjamin 1844
Benjamin Lewis, one of 469 voters who qualified by Dwelling house in Percy St Geelong Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Captain Lewis master listed on the East London arrived 29 Aug 1840
Captain Lewis (1 on list) wrecked 2 Jan 1841, on the Clonmel
Captain Lewis, Port Phillip Herald 22 Apr 1842 Page 2 To depart 23 Apr 1842 for England on the Branken Moor
David Lewis, No 11, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Dec 1845
David Lewis Letter at Post-office unclaimed, 27th February, 1847
George Lewis Directory 1847 publican, Victoria Hotel, North Corio
George Lewis Owned Property Seymour Postmaster Seymour Goulburn River - House & Land
Henry Lewis 20 (18 single man) Labourer RC both Faland, came 7 Oct 1841 on the Intrinsic
Henry Lewis, male wed Mary Fitzgerald 1842 #35531 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Henry Lewis and Mary Fitzgerald baptised Henry 1843, John 1845
Henry Mr Louis, Crew Mate, Purser arrived 21 July 1844 from London and Cork on the Dale Park
H Lewis, Crew AB arrived 21 July 1844 from London and Cork on the Dale Park
Henry S Lewes, No 7, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 5 Aug 1845
Henry Lewis aged 34 came Nov 1846 with 334 on the Maitland
James Lewis 24 hus (12 family) Labourer RC both Kings Co, came 30 Nov 1841 on the Mary Nixon
Catherine Lewis 19 wife of James (12 family) House servant RC reads Kings Co, came 30 Nov 1841 on the Mary Nixon
James Lewis, and Catherine Maher baptised male John at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #26
John Lewis, died 4m male Melbourne 1842 #38362 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
James Lewis and Catherine Maher baptised Mary 1843, Elizabeth 1845, James 1847
Directory 1847 farmer, Merri Creek
John Lewis aged 29 came May 1847 with 338 on the Sir Thomas Arbuthnot
Joseph Lewis 19 (34 single man), came 17 July 1841 on the Royal Saxon
J Lewes, arrived at Launceston from Port Phillip on the schooner 'Will Watch' 21 Jan 1842 - source Launceston Courier 24 Jan 1842
Mr Lewis, ( Steerage) arrived 20 Aug 1841 on the John Campbell
Mr Lewis Melbourne cleared out 23 Jan 1841 Paul Pry for Launceston on the Paul Pry - source Launceston Courier
Mr Lewis arrived 1 Feb 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip on the Paul Pry
Mr Lewis arrived 1 Mar 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip on the Henry
Mr Lewes departed 20 Apr 1841 from Launceston for Port Phillip William Hughes - source Launceston Courier 26 Apr 1841
Mr Lewis arrived 25 Apr 1841 at Melbourne from Launceston William Hughes
Mr Lewis departed 14 Apr 1841 from Launceston for Port Phillip on the Lady Emma
Mr Lewis at Melbourne arrived 20 Apr 1841 from Launceston on the Lady Emma
Mrs Lewis and 2 chn departed 19 Apr 1841 from Launceston for Portland Bay on the Minerva
Mrs Lewis and 3 chn at Melbourne arrived 27 Apr 1841 from Hobart town on 20 Apr on the Isabella
Mr Lewis departed 19 May 1841 from Launceston for Portland Bay on the Minerva
Captain Lewis left Sydney 30 Dec 1840 and was Shipwrecked 2 Jan 1841 on the Clonmel
Mr Lewis departing 24 Dec 1841 from Launceston for Port Phillip on the Will Watch
Pat Lewis 23 (22 single man) Labourer RC both Co Tipperary, came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Richard Lewis 21 hus, 75 f, Carpenter Gloucestershire prot, came Jul 1840 on the Coromandel
Phoebe Lewis 27 wife of Richard, 76 f, Housemaid Gloucestershire prot, came Jul 1840 on the Coromandel
Richard Lewis, and Phoebe baptised female Caroline at Independent Melbourne born at Coll 1842 #1087
Richard Lewis and Phoebe baptised Esther 1844, Maria Zilpah 1846
Directory 1847 Owned Property publican, Emu Creek about 50 miles from Portland - House & Land, Portland, Letters unclaimed at Post-Office, Melbourne, 30th April, 1847
Richard Lewis and Mary baptised Mary Elizabeth 1841
Richard Lewis, second jury for Sat 17 May - Supreme Court - source Port Phillip Herald 20 May 1845
Richard Lewis, one of 469 voters who qualified by Dwelling house in at Emu Creek about 50 miles from Portland Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Richard Lewis, Licensed to depasture stock at Portland Bay District August 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 29 Sep 1845
Samuel Lewis aged 18 came Nov 1846 with 334 on the Maitland
Thomas Lewis wed Bridget Handlon in 1847 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
© Say thanks to space Mlle Elise Legard, space William Lewis,

Pioneer families in Victoria Australia
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