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There are many different and varient views in regards to the concept of the soul.  However, after careful research into the philosophical and spiritual faiths teachings on what a soul is, I have found these common threads throughout.

The soul is marked as bieng a  perfect and eternal divine essence. It is the influx of the souls energies into the human conciousness that makes us experience the divine attribute of love, intelligence, power, beauty, joy , and many other the other emotions. 

Since the soul can not be seen by human eyes and is not tangible, many philosophiers and 'wise men' have had a hard time accepting this concept.  Seeming to follow the ideals that everything follows a law of nature, they were reluctant to accept the soul as existing.

My ideas and beliefs in regards to the soul , are rather simple.  I believe that every person has a soul. 

What is the definition of a soul?  My idea is that it is my inner self.  It is my thoughts, my morals, my mind, my intellect and it is the sheer essence of who I am.

Your soul is who you are.  You are your soul.  You are your thoughts and your wisdom.  Our bodies eventually age and die.  But the soul, is forever unchanging.  We are the same today, ( our soul ) as we will be 20 years from now, or after death.

As I continue my research into the soul, I will update this section.  I am planning on including some different spiritual faiths teaching on the soul.  So keep tuned.
The subject of SOUL MATES has really taken off in the last few years.  The word SOUL MATES is new, seemingly started by New Age groups and faiths, but the concept of SOUL MATES is ancient.

I refer back to the
JEWISH faith and teachings.  It is taught in Judaism that God has a partner intended for each of us.  Now, this is not saying that we come from the same soul.  It is saying that God in his wisdom, choose the person that you would meet and love , based on personality and life purpose.  It is said that the connection of the soul is written in the heavens.

There are many different ideals on the actuality of soul mates.  Some teach that we have many different soul mates throughout life.  Some teach that we have just one soul mate.  Some teach that we have a soul mate and a
TWIN FLAME. See below for definitions


Soulmates are thought to be compliments to each other

They are connected through some cosmic, spiritual force.

They are thought to be each others 'half'.  Searching continuesly until they find each other.


Twin Flames are said to be made from the same spirit.

It is said that God made one spirit and divided it in half, creating the female and male counter parts.

Twin Flames are said to be a much stronger connection than a soul mate

What ever the concept,
SOUL MATES OR TWIN FLAMES, I believe that some where in this world, there is a person for me to love.

The most common misconception , I think, is that once you find your other half, if they are your soul mate, that life shall be easy.  That is
NOT so.  There are and always shall be problems in life and love.  But if we build our love on a solid foundation of love, respect, honesty and truth, then love shall last a life time.