Our vision of the future is very encouraging.  As founders of a new spiritual path, we foresee the results of what we are introducing bringing beneficial changes slowly but surely.  We foresee a time  in the far future when all the good results we are expecting, come to full fruition.

We encourage people to realise how very much God loves them, and how special and important they are to God.  As large numbers of people begin to do this, all the secular based societies will reinstate societies which place spiritual matters first.  People will feel important, and special, because they will know and feel how important and special they are to God.  As they come to understand the cooperative nature of the universe, they will feel safer, and live in harmony with other people and other species.  Competitive sport will gradually disappear - it does not exist in the future.  Prejudices, racism, and gender discrimination, and all forms of cruelty, will also disappear, as will pollution and all forms of exploitation of the Earth and all the living creatures on it.  Monetary based economies will also disappear, as people return to natural, cooperative lifestyles, supporting individual fulfilment and happiness.  Even the technology, and all manufacturing, producing, and processing industries,  will be tailored to fit in with nature, without the controlling, overruling elements which cause so many problems today.  We have looked into the future, and seen all these good changes in harmonious working operation, in a society so desirable, we know it is worth working towards.
In 1994, Sumpter spoke about the Earth's future, foretelling of a time of great healing and replenishment:-

'The lack of trust in the natural processes causes far more damage than would otherwise be necessary.  When nature shrugged, in the so-called early days,  when so-called cave man roamed the earth, they took a tumble rather than a beating.  In your kind of society the lack of trust builds up mentally fragile and brittle structures in the minds of the people that are more easily damaged, and are reflected in the kinds of apartment blocks and so forth, that get damaged also.  There is less of a sense of going with nature and more a sense of battling against it, than is in any way, shape or form necessary.  It has been a part of mankind's overall development along certain lines. But it will not last. 

A great many repairs will be done to the earth, which will require the combined effort of several great healers, as the situation is restored by pulling in probable realities which remain to this day clear of all such damage as has been caused by, for example, war, nuclear explosion and overpopulation.  The probabilities then, that are going to be called upon, are pristine planets with small populations, still very involved in a natural life style.  The damage can be so completely repaired that it will be as if the past was wiped out from the planetary point of view.  All in good time, and not tomorrow, but it is coming.

The Earth as you know it, would not continue for the length of time required for the full development of many of the people now alive, if it were not for the replenishing that is going to happen.  The considerations that I have given as to how long mankind can continue to survive on the earth are not properly understood.  Time limits are given by your scientists that do not have the understanding of the replenishment.'
Copyright ©  Spiritual Mastery Path 2005
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Further Information          

Each page of this website contains only a small part of the information the Spiritual Teachers have on each topic.  If you have a genuine interest in this spiritual philosophy, and wish to know more, or if you have reasonable questions on any of the topics covered, please send an email to the Spiritual Teachers. Your question may be one that others would like to have answered, so please mark your email 'for publication' or 'not for publication'.  Suitable questions, with the Spiritual Teachers' answers, may then be included on the website.  The Spiritual Teachers would also like to hear from you if you have good results from utilising the Spiritual Healing method given on the 'Free Spiritual Healing' page . 
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