Higgins Family Photos
August-September 2004

"Is it time to wake up already?"
(August 29, 2004)
"Hey - What's This?!"
(Em's starting to figure out fingers - Sept 1)

...snuggling with my Daddy...
(Sept. 09)
Our neighbors, Jake Zaharias and Joey McMahon, think Em's kind of fun
 (for a baby)...
Jake (Zaharias) drew this
caricature of Emily...

"Of course, I am just the
cutest thing ever, right?"

Sept 20-28, 2004 - Our Trip to Utah and Idaho
On September 20, We all flew out to Salt Lake City, Utah. Emily got to meet her Grandma and Grandpa Higgins for the
first time, and we visited them for about a week.... We also drove up to Roy, UT to visit Jen's twin sisters, Nicole and Jessica
(and her husband and daughter). We went on to Idaho Falls, Idaho to visit Jen's other sister Lisa, and brother, Joe,
Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and associated spouses and children...

Sept 21, 2004 -Emily playing with
her Grandma, Maggie Higgins
(Salt Lake City, UT)
Emily thought her Great-Grandma
Elaine (Haroldsen) was pretty fun, too...
(Sept 24, Idaho Falls, ID)
"Are you SURE it's morning???"

  Note: During our trip to Idaho, we didn't take many photos because we were having too much fun with Jen's sister's
digital video camera.... These next 3 pictures are stills taken from videos (which is why they are small and low-resolution...)

Emily wasn't quite ready to be sociable when we first arrived at (Jen's sister) Jessica's house; as is evident by her famous "Pouty Face"...
This is Emily's oldest cousin, Sydney Christensen, Jessica and Renn's one-year-old daughter.
Up in Idaho, at Aunt Lisa & Uncle Richie's
house, Em got to try out her cousin Riley's
bouncy chair while he was napping...

....after attending Jen's cousin Aaron's wedding, we returned to Utah for a few days, then had to head back home to Wisconsin...

"How about if you go on home and I stay here
with Grandma and Grandpa...?"
(Matt's parents, Maggie & Cy, Salt Lake airport)

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**Note to past visitors: thumbnails are no longer linked to full size photos due to the number of photos we've accumulated and the space limits of our website.... A few full-size are available on the "Photo Favorites" page, others may be requested by e-mail