Higgins Family
Favorite Photos: Timeline

(Most Recent Photos, October 2, 2005)

        On This Page:  Announcing Emily   See "Dolly" Grow   Meet Michael Ray   Welcome Home Michael!   A Cradle for Two?     
**click on pictures to see larger image**
Other Photo Favorites Pages:   Just Too Cute   Funny Faces

Em Announcement
 In July of 2004, a few weeks after
our 10th anniversary, we finally had a baby
 - Emily Grace. (We had no luck before,
and had been on an Adoption list with LDS
 Family Services since 2001)


     The first question many people asked when Em was born was, "who does she look like?", so we sent out this mini-collage:
Baby Pic Compared

Do you like our Dolly?
When Em was tiny, we took a picture of her in doll clothes (made by Jen's Grandma), lying in a doll cradle (that was Matt's mom's)... To show how big she's getting, we try to take pictures of her in/by the same cradle whenever we think of it....

Emily in Doll Cradle
(2 weeks old)
July 29, 2004

     Meet Michael Ray
20050110_04a-Michael-8mo_doingthesplitsTatlowsBlackfootID.jpg 20050110_06w-Michael-8moTatlowsBlackfootID.jpg In mid-January, 2005, we were asked if we were interested in adopting  a little boy. We already knew a fair amount about Mike, since my sister Lisa had been his Foster Mom for a while, and we are delighted at the prospect of having him in our family! He is 2 months older than Emily, so they will basically be twins... He is 8 months old in these two pictures, and a real sweetheart!

E5-11-Oct27-EmilyDollat3mo.jpg E5-12-Oct27-EmilyDollat3mo-SittingUp.jpg
(3 1/2 months)
Oct 27, 2004

        Welcome Home Michael!
     On Monday, June 13th, we finally got to fly home
 to Milwaukee with Michael.
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(almost 7 months)
February 6, 2005

100_0169wl_Michael_asleep_AirplaneSeat.jpg 100_0200wl_Emily_Michael_Peek-a-BlocksGiraffe_1stDayHomewMike.jpg
  (napping at 30,000 feet...)   "Hey - Neat toy, Sis!"

      Matt's parents (below, left) had been traveling
cross-country and met us at the airport when we got
home. On Wednesday, the kids "helped" make a
birthday cake for Grandma Higgins...

20050314_02b-Emily-8mo_checkingDollyinCradle.jpg 20050314_06b-Emily-8mo_withDolly_SittingInCradle.jpg
(8 months)
March 13, 2005

100_0195_Mike_Em_GrandparentMaggieandCy_Higgins_visitingMKE.jpg 100_0226wl_Emily_Michael_GrandmaHigginsBdayCake.jpg  
o cool for words...)      "Mmmmm...Cake!"    

We're so glad Grandma & Grandpa Came to Visit!

100_0527w_Mike_Em_DollyinCradle.jpg Mike_Em_inDollCradle
...now Em has a buddy to share with...
"Give Brother a Love!"
"Ok, I'm out of here..."
"Here, Mike, you try it!"
We should have done "dolly" pictures with Mike long ago --- especially since the kids had so much fun!
October 2, 2005 (Michael 17 months, Emily 15 months)

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