Dragonball Z zone
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Game Reviews

Nintendo 64

Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Puzzle Master


Pokemon Trading Card Game
Pokemon Gold/Silver
Pokemon Red/Blue
Pokemon Yellow


What is a Pokemon?
Main Characters
Poke Raps
Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3

Multi Media

Online Arena
Poke dex


Fan Art
Web Polls
Pokemon IQ-Test

Under here is all the info and stuff

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Main Characters

ASH Ash is a young teen from the small village of Pallet Town, whose ambition is to be recognized as the greatest Pokémon Trainer the world has ever seen. His adventurous spirit is remarkable for his age, and he is wise enough to respect the delicate balance between Pokémon and their trainers.

BROCK Brock is the gutsy leader of the Pokémon Gym in Pewter City. He specializes in Rock-type Pokémon, which Ash will have to overcome to earn Brock's Boulder Badge. Brock has the power to induct new trainers into the official association of Pokémon trainers, the Pokémon League.

GARY Gary is Professor Oak's grandson and Ash's lifelong rival. He would like nothing more than to see Ash fail, and Gary appears often throughout Ash's journey to challenge him to Pokémon battles. For Ash to become the World's Greatest Pokémon Trainer, he must defeat Gary in a final battle at Indigo Plateau.

TEAM ROCKET Team Rocket is a heartless society of Pokémon trainers bent on controlling all Pokémon and, ultimately, the world. Jesse and James are two prominent members of Team Rocket who work with their mischievous Meowth to prevent Ash from reaching his goal and try to catch Pikachu.



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Web Poll

Favorite Pokemon game
Wich one of these Pokemon Games is your favorite?

Pokemon red/blue
Pokemon yellow
Pokemon silver/gold
Pokemon green
Pokemon pinball
Pokemon trading card game
Pokemon stadium
Pokemon snap
hey you pikachu
Pokemon puzzle master

Current Results