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index  - Introduction  - Conclusion - The Truth -  Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - < The Living World - Creation of Quantum World  - Origin of Life and Matter - Fundamental Design and Principle Secret of Biological Information  Dynamic Information Reinventing Uniform Motion - System Design of Origin - Evolution and Involution - Truth that Liberates - Cause of Natural Catastrophes - Solar Flare - Quantum Philosophy - >Vital Conclusions - Vital Implications Review of Creation - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof - Tsunami and System Design - Asian Tsunami and solar-flare Katrina Catastrophes ahead   Miracle Cures  - Embryo genesis and time - The truth of time -   Beyond Genes - Genesis - The Law - Intelligent designphysics of soulenergy - prophesy - God and man - An Humble Appeal - Ultimate Answers Quantum Dance Dark Energy - What is Time Physics of BreathThe gravastar - Reality of Nature - Instantaneous communication - Secret of Quantum Action Is Earth a Heart - Contact


New  - Must Read Article-

Endangered World - Prediction to 2012 - Solutions to Survive

New - Knowledge to Save Earth

New - The Science of Speaking Creation into Existence

 Modern Genetics and Designer Babies - are we on the Right Path

  New -Two Steps to over come Global warming and Climate Change

 Divine Design

The key to Kingdom of God - Awakening to Truth

 Theory of Creation and Jesus Role

America, Will You Open Your Eyes? - Let not another California Burning Emerge on this Planet

 Bible Secret and Creation Science

 Global Warming and climate Change - The Cause and Solution

 God's Warriors - A Critical analysis of Cause and Emerging End

 Future Technologies

 Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken


A Conceptual thinking opening the door to New Reality of Nature and Surviving 2012


A Review opening the Door to New Reality of Nature

New The Divine Secret

 The Logic of Information, Control and health in Life

 Is Centrioles or Centromere the Center of Consciousness?

 Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence - A blue print for developing Intelligent Machines and Possible Step towards Creating Life  Part -1

Part- 2 - Human Consciousness and its relation to Universal Consciousness and Intelligence - The Significance of 2012

The Physics of Soul, Consciousness and Intelligence Beyond Genes

 Christ's Consciousness and 2012

 The Structure of Conscious Mind

The Structure of Consciousness and Intelligence -The Quantum Dance and Physics of Creation

An humble but open challenge to all the Temples of Science and Spirituality

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Asian Tsunami – Is it a sign of Greater Destruction Coming our way?



I call your attention to an article that was written immediately after the Nov 1993’s rather unusual solar flare. From the back drop of System knowledge, the knowledge of fundamental principle and design of nature and its inter relationship. I had expressed that it meant some disaster coming our way. I did express my concern, especially after noting the tremendous non-equilibrium in the solar flare. Scientific world may not find a relationship of this flare with present Asian Tsunami. But common sense tells us when something expands something else should contract. From the system design, which notes the sun and earth as two opposites, which are one, it was not difficult to perceive some winding stress and catastrophes coming to earth. I tried to call the attention of NASA to this. But temples of science, power and religion, which are pre occupied with conquering nature and rule it, with out understanding the fundamental relationship and oneness of nature, failed to take note of it. As in the past I am communicating this letter to all responsible offices and media as a duty to which my human nature is bound, rest is left to His will. I am sure that when mankind stands helpless against nature he will look for the cause and will find it in his conquering and corrupt interaction with nature. The question left is after how much destruction and misery.

The new possible danger I point out comes from the reports of solar minimum October 2004 reported by NASA, by solar physicist David Hathaway. The solar cycle is a cycle with a maximum and minimum that goes on in 11 years. It has been reported that some times this cycle can vary 9 to 14 years. What is interesting about his report is that immediately after the great solar flare of Nov 2003 solar spots decreased. By Jan 28 2004, the scientist noted no solar spots. The observation of October 11 and 12, 2004 showed a sun that absolutely empty of sunspots making the scientist conclude solar minimum is coming, sooner than expected by 2006 and it is predicted the next solar maximum could happen earlier around 2010. This speaks of the cycle solar maximum and minimum is going through some dangerous fluctuation.

From the system point of view, Earth that nurtures life and Sun that gives the source of energy to it, forms two key aspects of the living universe. They are related and has a direct relationship. Any drastic deviation or abnormal action, will produce a drastic deviation or abnormal reaction in earth and vice-versa. The quantum mechanical knowledge tells us that every system has an associated wave. The system design notes this wave for the whole is closely related with sun and earth which nourishes life.

I cannot predict, but I can visualize a chain of destruction  coming our way that possibly can culminate in a great destruction by fire and wind, the opposite of earth and water. If great solar flare can create winding stress on earth, the opposite can produce the opposite reaction. This means some great unwinding action probably giving rise to huge volcanic eruption is coming our way. This phenomenon will be supported by wind producing disastrous results. 

We possibly are entering ever-increasing cycle of disorder and destruction through our reckless exploitation of nature without Knowing the basic inter relationship and oneness of nature. The wave associated with our earth system is increasing with every passing cycle due to the addition of heat through reckless exploitation of nature and its resources round the clock with out giving any time for it to recover her balance. It is bound to collapse some time. The time seems to have come near. 

As the receding shore is a warning to the on coming tsunami, does this spotless or receding sun could be an indication of great catastrophes coming our way? The last solar flare luckily was not facing earth when it burst. Where will it face next when it comes? With great fluctuation we can only expect greater flare coming our way. Our nature is interrelated to form one and functional in a non-linear manner. What we assume as negligible action in time has potential to create a disastrous reaction in the chain of interrelated systems

Further, the whole universe seems to be shuddering. October 25, 2004scientist have recorded the biggest blast in space, that was considered next biggest to Big Bang and on January 2005 NASA has recorded still bigger blast in space, equivalent to 300 suns exploding in a moment. From the system point of view, which speaks of interrelationship and oneness, one cannot overlook these events, however far they are from earth.  Reports tell us that all the volcanoes on earth are showing rather abrupt increased activity in January 2005. Experts are opinioned Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Island of La Palma could send a chunk of rock twice the size of Isle weight into Atlantic at up 220 miles an hour possible causing another great tsunami. By our lack of knowledge of nature and its interrelationship we are heading for great disaster.

It is time humanity stops to think and realize the interrelationship and oneness of nature and his role in the whole activity of nature. Humanity can only escape this destruction with the realization Absolute Knowledge or the knowledge of interrelationship and oneness of nature and change his attitude towards life and nature.

I once again humbly call upon one and all to make a review of the very foundation on which we are progressing and explore the system  design of nature expressed in the site.

Index  - Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - < The Living World - Creation of Quantum World - Origin of Life and Matter - <Fundamental Principle and Design - Secret of Biological Information  - Dynamic Information   Reinventing Uniform Motion -  Intelligent Design of Origin -  Evolution and Involution VVital Conclusions - Vital Implications - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof-  Tsunami and System Design - 2012Katrina   - Beyond Genes  The truth of time  -  Cycle of GenesisIntelligent design Physics of Soul  prophesy - Energy - Ultimate Answers - An humble appealQuantum Dance Gravastar  - instantaneous communicationContact

 New The Divine Secret

New Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken

New Christ's Consciousness and 2012 New The Structure of Conscious Mind  New The Conscious Creation and End New The Secret of Life

From the eyes of a Scientist, Me and the Light of the Lord in Me

Scientist in me [what society taught me] tells me nature is Gravity and is a centripetal force

Second law of thermodynamics applied to it tells me that the system should collapse to a center point and die

But when I look through the window and see a grass grow I see nature as Anti-Gravity and centrifugal

Second law thermodynamics applied to it, tells me nature should collapse and die in a boundary

When I submit to the spirit and light within in me it tells me I am the mover between the two death points follow me you will never die

We can reinvent our nonsensical Big Bang theory involving the observer. Calvary is the point of big bang origin, what is exploding is intelligence and Living Light. You cannot see this Light unless you come down from the realm of mind to the realm of consciousness and submit to the inner Light. You have to reduce form observer and become participator. You should be able to sacrifice and be ready to burn in totality. If you carry any self then the intelligence will be that much reduced to perceive the Truth. I must admit it is impossible without His Grace even to think of it, for “self” our mind and its intelligence is essential reality over which we lived for centuries protecting ourselves and evolving. The importance here is the understanding that there are two “self ’s”  within a human, one of the Master who rules [ superior] and the other of you [ inferior]. One should learn to die to the Master, every moment, such that the Master takes guard of you. Every religious cultures, practices done is simply a distorted version of pleasing the “Master". The true and complete pleasing was done by Christ to arrest Time and conquer death

Human body consist to three parts, the soul, mind and body. Time direction and death is related to human mind that fails to perceive Truth and thus breaks the law. The conquering of time and death and its initialization should come from transformation and illumination of human mind. Mind is the secondary part of the living system, the first being the soul. This means Lord has to transform and initialize the human souls first by His soul and Spirit, before transforming and initializing human mind by His Mind. Only completion of these two essential facts will lead to transformation and initialization of the body. This is the Secret of Christ. This is the Secret of Calvary Sacrifice and His promise of Second Coming. It is the Divine Plan and Divine Design.  Christ soul is acting as template to transform the souls of humans. beyond some point, Mind of God will reveal to initialize human mind thus causing order to the body


Grace New Age Research

The matter in the site gives the gist of a New Science. Its potential for application and its capacity to reinvent ancient knowledge system in relation to the present scientific knowledge to influence all the fields of human interest positively is unlimited. If His will permits, I hope to take them up one by one. You are welcome to interact. Your help in the struggle is welcome

I would appreciate your help to spread  the knowledge