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index  - Introduction  - Conclusion - The Truth -  Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - The Living World - Creation of Quantum World  - Origin of Life and Matter -   Fundamental Design and Principle Secret of Biological Information  Dynamic Information Reinventing Uniform Motion - System Design of Origin - Evolution and Involution - Truth that Liberates - Cause of Natural Catastrophes - Solar Flare - Quantum Philosophy - Vital Conclusions - Vital Implications Review of Creation - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof - Tsunami and System Design - Asian Tsunami and solar-flare Katrina Catastrophes ahead   Miracle Cures  - Embryo genesis and time - The truth of time -   Beyond Genes - Genesis - The Law - Intelligent designphysics of soulenergy - prophesy - God and man - An Humble Appeal - Ultimate Answers Quantum Dance Dark Energy - What is Time Physics of Breath<The gravastar - Reality of Nature - Instantaneous communication - Secret of Quantum Action Is Earth a Heart - Contact

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Awakening to Truth - Small book that is the substance of this site

Biology and Physics of Bible  - A larger version of the substance of tthe site


New  - Must Read Article-

Endangered World - Prediction to 2012 - Solutions to Survive

New - Knowledge to Save Earth

New - The Science of Speaking Creation into Existence

 Modern Genetics and Designer Babies - are we on the Right Path

  New -Two Steps to over come Global warming and Climate Change

 Divine Design

The key to Kingdom of God - Awakening to Truth

 Theory of Creation and Jesus Role

America, Will You Open Your Eyes? - Let not another California Burning Emerge on this Planet

 Bible Secret and Creation Science

 Global Warming and climate Change - The Cause and Solution

 God's Warriors - A Critical analysis of Cause and Emerging End

 Future Technologies

 Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken


A Conceptual thinking opening the door to New Reality of Nature and Surviving 2012


A Review opening the Door to New Reality of Nature

New The Divine Secret

 The Logic of Information, Control and health in Life

 Is Centrioles or Centromere the Center of Consciousness?

 Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence - A blue print for developing Intelligent Machines and Possible Step towards Creating Life  Part -1

Part- 2 - Human Consciousness and its relation to Universal Consciousness and Intelligence - The Significance of 2012

The Physics of Soul, Consciousness and Intelligence Beyond Genes

 Christ's Consciousness and 2012

 The Structure of Conscious Mind

The Structure of Consciousness and Intelligence -The Quantum Dance and Physics of Creation

An humble but open challenge to all the Temples of Science and Spirituality

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PART - 2

 Human Consciousness and Intelligence, it’s Relationship with Universal Consciousness and Intelligence, the Origin of Time and End of Time

 Significance of 2012 and Spiritual Knowledge


"There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter."

                                                                              ~ Max Planck, Nobel Prize-winning father of quantum theory  




Father of Quantum Science said that all field [matter] exists by virtue of force and it forms the conscious field and manifest as intelligent mind. We visualized this truth in a sensible form in the first part of this article and extended it to see how a simple force field manifest as consciousness and develops a intelligent mind and goes to form various system in nature both  material and living. Very importantly we visualized three molecules  its structure, design and functioning that explains the origin and evolution of three basic forms of intelligent living system, the plant kingdom with bi-directionally fixated intelligence in the universal field, the animals with motorized intelligence and humans with motorized intelligence that is fixated unilaterally in the universal field that thus develops "I" sense and creates time direction to nature and becomes the evolutionary force of nature.  Here we are extending it to universal system to understand how the universal system possesses a consciousness and intelligent mind and how it works to conquer time and perpetuate in time cycles - The ultimate secret of universal existence 



1] Preface /Introduction

2] What is the Design of Universal System?

3] The Secret of Birth/Death of Universal Consciousness /Intelligence and its relation to the Human    Consciousness and Intelligence

4] Creation and End as Reveled to me by Nature and Her Master - the Spirit

5] The Quantum Action and Reaction as applied to Spirit [Purusha or Prajapati] and Creation

6] What Significance are Mayan Knowledge and the date 2012 December 

7] The Wholesome Picture of Universe 

8] Conclusion - The Good News

9] A small glimpse of the path I traversed [you can overlook this part if you are time stressed]



1] Preface /Introduction

In the first part of the article, we noted that how mind exists and forms the matrix of all particles. We noted the design of the particle that accounts for consciousness and the mind, which also explains the principles of quantum motion. We got answer to how motion occurs, why motion occurs, what causes motion and the simple sensible relationship between motion, mind, consciousness and intelligence.  


We also noted how systems are formed from these particles in space developing complexity. We also noted the formation of unique minds in space that fills the symmetry of space and form highly stable systems. We noted three such molecules having various degree of stability in space and understood it as the possible foundation molecules on which three living systems, plants, animals and humans are developed in time. I went ahead from this point to show, the probable foundation for developing intelligent machines and possibly even developing life. However, we stopped short of discussing the Universal Consciousness and Universal Intelligence. Many of you, who read the first article, would have visualized how this article would unfold. 


Yes, if all particles in this world have consciousness and intelligence, then the law is applicable to the whole and therefore universe is conscious and intelligent and it should have an entity that is aware of every minute change going on this universe. This aspect is stated very much logically in Vedas and Upanishad. Most of the spiritual knowledge systems speak this reality in one or other form.


2] What is the Design of Universal System?

The universe is a stable system in space and on this count; it should be like the Argon atom, which we visualized as the foundation of Human systems. The ancient knowledge systems have always figured God and the Creator in the image of Human and understood the universe as a continuous process of creation, dissolution and recreation, where woman takes an important role. This means we have to visualize universe as a molecule similar to Argon atom, with an inner body having an inner mind [soul] and an outer body and an outer mind. Here the Spirit moving in the system and controlling the system becomes the male entity and the whole field [consciousness] becomes the female entity.


Now this gives earth-centered picture of the universe. I do not mean a geometric center, but an off centered center just as heart functions in a living system. For all practical purpose, the mind appears the center of life, but life can exist mind dead but cannot exist with heart dead which speaks that control lies off centered. This living design of nature took root in me nearly two decades back as I began my communication with nature. I am sure, the scientific world, which spends billions on space explorations both at micro and macro level, would stand one on its feet to oppose it. Thus, I was forced deal this from the foundation and fundamental level speaking about force, gravity, mass, charge, trying to unearth the qualitative states of action and reaction, then building its subtle, non separable link with life. See chapters 1-7 in the Parent Site


An action is always associated with a reaction and it is instantaneous. Once an action is initiated, reaction follows consequently in time and nothing can stop it. However, nature is designed to oppose both action and reaction by creativity, thus the time taken for action and reaction can be extended, but cannot be stopped. Creation is an action, but death co-exists with the act of creation. Nothing can stop death, but death cannot be ultimate end of nature. In short, in death the secret of origin exists and vice-versa. Death and creation, creation and death, or origin of time and end of time is thus a principle problem that haunted the ancient and modern. The ancient seem to have found the answer by enquiring into “self” thus spoke Universal Consciousness and existence of a control – God, Judge, Karma, evolution an involution etc. Their knowledge of nature was superior, but they also knew that by design, the knowledge would deteriorate to give way to darkness, only to return to go in cycles. However, the modern people are absolutely at loss to comprehend this secret.  Here we try to understand the secret of birth and death of the universal system and the perpetuation of Universal Consciousness and Intelligence


3] The Secret of Birth/Death of Universal Consciousness /Intelligence and its relation to the Human Consciousness and Intelligence

The question of origin of time and initialization of time is a complex problem that material scientist are dealing with.  For a biologist who comes out of the bondage of physical science and its language this problem appears a simple one. All life perpetuates time and it’s curving forces of death by a simple process, called mitosis, [reduction] and union of two male and female to form one in the womb. It then creates a new body out of the old for it to rest and perpetuate.  Here the Male’s essence leaves its body and enters the body of the receptive female and unites with its essence and begins to create a new body out of the old. Here the origin occurs in the womb and initialization occurs with birth. A portion of life cycle, the most important one thus occurs in the darkness of the womb where reconstruction goes on through free will to ensure Creation and perpetuation. Can we extend this picture to the universe? Let us explore


Since all the ancient knowledge systems and even the modern scientific thinking points to living universe, we will consider a living image to the universe. Since the universe and its master are imagined in the ancient knowledge system in the image of humankind, the best candidate for us to visualize the structure of the universe is an Argon Atom. An argon atom as we noted in the Part-1, has inner soul [conscious field or matter] and an inner mind where the forces of the soul collapses and initializes [white Hole].  It also has an outer body made of 8 outer minds and matters [conscious fields], which are separated in space, and whose force is directed to a “Ninth Point” where in it collapses and initializes [black hole]. Therefore, the forces in the universal systems centers around two points an inner mind and outer mind. The article “Physics of Soul” is written around this thought


The inner core [soul] and outer core [body] here has two forms of connection or contact. For most part it is connected by mechanical force or wave that is recorded as analogue information in its field, but it also has instinctive heat induced contact to survive time cycles that goes in 24 unit quantum cycles where time direction changes through a process of break down, inversion and initialization. [See article Reality of Nature]. Here the analogue information is converted into digital form, unlike in computers where 0 and 1 are used here three digits a -1, 0, +1, are used. Zero here being a transition point  


We noted that formation of the system is the product of the instinct of the particles to reach stable or balanced states in space. However, the truth is that, a state of balance is death. So nature is designed such that no equilibrium can be attained, it collapses at the mind point and initializes. Therefore, there are two forces in nature one attempts to reach equilibrium the other opposes it. We all know that not only motion but also resistance to motion is a reality. This resistance to motion forms the basis of creativity and building of the body.


This means the reality of nature is perpetual motion, where forces collapse at the mind points [white or black holes] inverse and initializes. This reality is reflected in 24 units day and night cycle and the division of east and west. As the west awakes to light and unwinds the east sleeps to form a sink, vice-versa, and the two parts are instantaneously communicated. When the sun light peaks in the west the seed of darkness is sowed init and simultaneously the seed of light is sowed in the peak of darkness in east. In this respect the earth that inhabits life acts as a double pump or heart of the universe in terms of energy flow in nature, and if so the sun is the mind and the 8 planets are the dynamic unit that help the system to balance it self. I am sure modern scientists who are bonded to Plato’s chair of science will not be able to comprehend this. However, a good student of the ancient knowledge system would come to appreciate it.


The key point of the design is the existence of living particle, which oppose gravity by instinct. As the sunlight shines and the mass increases there by gravity increases, the living particle works to eat up this winding force and convert them into unwinding force or anti-gravitational force. In short, life by instinct works to support the universal system and its tendency to collapse. Here when I look at humans and their actions they stand apart from other life. They seem to create aberration in natural energy flow and by their conquering motive and corruption; they seem to create a direction of time for the whole system.


It is important here to note ancient spiritual knowledge and path of their enquiry. It stands apart and superior to science. No wonder the Bible begins its narration of Creation of Humans with a law not to seek the center and all the spiritual knowledge speaks to humanity to come out of the realm of body and mind and work from the realm of heart and its mind. Humankind that has design similar to the universal system become separated from the universal system and comes to experience force from nature by the external mind.  He thus comes to live in the realm of mind/ body interaction and fails to communicate with inner mind and consciousness. Thus, he principally begins to work against the spiritual force that exists inside and outside him and constantly tries to maintain the balance. The Designer is great that He has designed it in such a manner that there is a light and dark phase and the living body and its mind gets tired and sleeps, so that the inner mind now works to stabilize the system.


However, the time direction to nature is a reality; it comes from the humankind, separated from the inner core and thereby separates himself from the Creator and fails to understand the importance of the Law. Birth and death are co-created, so slowly death begins to extend its hand on life and its existence. The balance of the Quantum universe is endangered by the activity of human kind and is bound to collapse unless a recreation and initialization happens before collapse. Death cannot be end of the living universe, this means before death strikes nature should create to perpetuate it self. This secret is the object of enquiry of time. The ancient searched it in the realm of the life and beyond the mind point and ended up in the secret, but that knowledge deteriorated in time to give way to darkness at its height it should emerge to take control. In effect ancient were pointing to universe going through a cycle of knowledge or light. Life especially the humans were central to their investigation. 


I must admit that I am perplexed by the great beauty and similarities between the various ancient concepts of origin, especially how all of them speak of living nature. The great ancient Hindu philosophy, just as Christian Philosophy, assumed existence of Trinity and according them creation accrued, through a divine principle self-projecting as the divine word, Vaak, 'birthing' the cosmos that we know, from the monistic Golden Womb. He is described by the name Prajapati. Christianity understands Prajapati in the name of Jesus Christ. Just as Hindu philosophy considered Prajapati as Bramha created by God [Brahman or the Spirit himself], Christian understand Christ as the Son of God born from the Spirit. Vedas tells us that the creation of the universe from the remains of the primaeval cosmic male Purusha, who had sacrificed Himself or been sacrificed by other primaeval beings [ the lesser Gods]. This goes in line with Christ and His Crucification by His own people.


4] Creation and End as Reveled to me by Nature and Her Master - the Spirit  

In the initial stages, my mind seeing and perceiving the elements of life in nature figured a creation [See article Creation] where in the whole could originate from two molecules of life and matter covering it. It was well in line with the big bang, inflationary universe theory that scientist arrived at and sent a chill in my spine, there was no hope for humanity to survive in this picture. Humankind exploiting nature and releasing heat at an alarming rate into nature and thus raising the mass and gravity of nature is virtually winding the system and at some threshold, it is bound to collapse.


A more hope filled picture emerged when I was initiated by the spirit into spirituality. [The circumstanced that led to revelation is briefly written at the end of this article]. The Hope filled picture fell in line with ancient knowledge system. The universe is a conscious field, where the spirit exists as intelligence balancing the system. The spirit always favors the recessive and thus keeps a law not to conquer the center and the opposite. The master or the spirit is the resistive factor of nature and time and is the seat of creativity. However, time cycle is above everything, stress builds in the system. The system reacts to disperse this directed stress by dividing and creating multiple universes, Just as a single celled embryo divides to form a billion cells in the womb and creates new body to perpetuate life.


The realization of the structure of human mind and humanity as the seat of dark energy [see part -1], gave incredible explanation. It pointed to the diversion of vital energy of the universal system in time and thus leading to weakening of the universal conscious field and the spirit moving init. The universal system is challenged by death has to unfold some secret to survive the time and its collapse. In living system, the essence of the male enters the female and mixes with the essence of female to create a new body out of the old for it to rest. How does this phenomenon occur at the universal level? The Answer came from the Sacrifice at the Calvary and the Christian Philosophy that stand well in line with Ancient Vedic literature or knowledge system. It also fell in line with the quantum action, reaction and creativity I visualized in nature. These are the following steps involved


1] The mind of humans, that seek self, breaks law, and thus goes against his own consciousness, begins to drill vital energy of the universe and thus renders the universe and its breath weak. He thus drives time and evolution, diminishing the creative capacity of the system. Time here is directed from the periphery to the center. It eventually leads to point of collapse and death, which forces the spirit and intelligence of universe to act to save the universe from collapse.


2] All quantum system near its critical point has the ability to show creativity. As universal consciousness and intelligence reaches the minimum point, the spirit spread and out and balancing the system simply gives up its resistance and flow from the dominant to the recessive recall figure-1 in Part-1. In other words the system breaks down and inverses. The recessive becomes dominant, the dominant becomes recessive, and the flow is reversed.


3 We are imagining the two universal spirits the dominant and the recessive, which are one, collapsing into the mind point [white hole] breaking down, inversing, and changing the direction of the flow. The dominant [male] turn’s recessive [female] and recessive [female] turn’s dominant [male]. According to quantum motion, this break down and inversion should be accompanied by a spinning and displacement in space. Where can it be displaced? It is being stressed by its own body/field; logical conclusion is that it should leave its central position. A displacement from its central position and entry to its own body should occur, leading to conception and creation of new out of the old overlooking the law. It is here the beauty of Spiritual Knowledge, Faith and Creation aspect discussed in the Veda, Bible and so on unfolded. The beauty of birth of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice at Calvary reveals it self in all grandeur here.


4] When the controller no longer exist at the center, the forces acting to the center cross each other and the direction of time is changed. This what Christian philosophy means when it says that He [Jesus] conquered time, completion of it however comes with Revelation and Second Coming.


5] The sacrifice at Calvary releases the Primal Spirit, the Purusha in the Golden womb -the Universal Consciousness. It gives the free will to all the individuated mind, to enter the new world being created within the darkness of the womb, one of the condition for it is that, one should have faith, reduce himself and drop down from the realm of mind to the realm of the heart, a path Christ followed. Christ reflected the feminine face of reality to get life and give life.


6] The primal spirit is separate and yet forms the integral part of every individuated life. It becomes accessible to one who conquers his mind and seeks Him through faith. The Primal spirit is life-giving entity; the death emerges from the body and its individuated product that fails to obey the law. An important aspect of creation is that the act of sacrifice is painful one but creation is effort less. The power for creation emerges from minds that pushed it to the critical limit when he was at the center. The forces on the left and right that wound the center to the critical point of collapse and displacement from the center now cross each other and begin an unwinding process taking the whole system to a periphery where time stress builds to another critical limit. When the time stress was built at the center, the Universal Spirit, Purusha, or Prajapati manifesting in Human body took on the stress and transformed into Creative force. However, at the periphery every individuated systems [Humans], his consciousness and intelligence are stressed to critical point. Humanity that rest on mind-centered life seeking matter will be at loss to find a path ahead to move as the system collapses and transforms. It is not the fault of humans, by design he is incapable of understanding the truth. Thus, Christ said He would come again in the form of spirit to lead everyone into the kingdom of God.


Note – The process also is the secret of breath see article “Physics of Breath”


7] The question now how does the Second Coming or Initialization of Time takes place. The only possible way is revelation of truth, true knowledge or light. The kingdom of God is light and knowledge of nature, that creates a scenario of life one with Him and nature, in peace and happiness. However, in time this light fades to give way to darkness, he thus keeps a law to humankind. Humankind is supposed to fight for light and it maintenance and believe in light [spirit] when He enters the darkness to capture darkness and reestablish light. This belief in light and fighting for light in the phase of darkness is faith. The law and its establishment are primal to creation of time and its initialization and thus judgment is associated with time cycle. Lord however speaks Love, He works against time to keep life afloat, He moves along our veins and out side our skin yet we fail to perceive Him.


5] The Quantum Action and Reaction as applied to Spirit [Purusha or Prajapati] and Creation

The quantum action discussed in the site has 4 steps. As it reaches the first critical point, it collapses into second order of non-equilibrium or relative state. The system wishes to exist oscillating around the second critical point. In short, any force pushing it to the third critical point leads to quantum reaction, so too the force pushing it back to first critical point. A quantum reaction begins and goes through a process of unfolding reaction that changes the direction of the flow and collapses into new second order of non-equilibrium.

The third critical point is thus vital. At the universal time scale, it appears the birth point of Christ at which collapse begins, and the sacrifice at Calvary occurred at the fourth point at which the time direction changes. When deal with mechanical system the quantum action and reaction is a quick process however in life and nature it is a controlled process.


6] What Significance are Mayan Knowledge and the date 2012 December 

My work was not directed to predicting, it was directed to understand nature. However, the knowledge revealed showed that we are fast moving to an inevitable end at which the human consciousness and intelligence will be stressed to evolve into higher order. The free will invariably means, most individuals seek solace and seeks security in material power [money and political power] and thus leads the world into destructive path, this is evident from the society. Yet their failure to find peace and happiness make many to seek realm of spirituality, thus two powers material and spiritual begins bifurcate and takes a collision path. This also is evident from the society we live in. The human mind begins to exists in total confusion and disorder so too the nature which he has been exploiting recklessly. The one, who has accumulating black money, acquired power through negative tactics, feel helpless and restless against their own consciousness, they in turn feed the spiritual institutions that exist in darkness, hoping to get some relief, which in turn gain power.  Those who heard the call of inner consciousness and returned to the spiritual realm, also feel uneasy looking the way the negative forces are flowering and flourishing. The answer to it comes when time initializes or knowledge reveals to bring order. Knowledge or light thus coming as gift of Love from the Creator, appears to be the ultimate solution and this is the Promise of Christ


The Mayans are known as timekeepers of the world. They have deduced the end of modern time and beginning of new time to December 2012 and Lot of discussion in going on this subject on the net.  I am not a master of Mayan Knowledge, but do respect all ancient knowledge system. There should be some truth to this date, for we notice the two forces material and spiritual is peaking, and the world is witnessing transformation everywhere. The recent unusual events [since 2000] in the distant space, our solar system, our world, all point to some transformational changes.  See article “2012”, “Universal Quantum Wave Collapse


My research points to a fact that by design all systems in nature are capable of perceiving universal time, its change and respond to its transformational change, the only exception is human kind, whose mind drives time and is the cause for collapse and transformation. Unless the truth is revealed to humans, he will not be able to initialize himself with universal time. The only hope exists in the Universal Spirit and it’s Love for His creation.  I exist and struggle against all odds to adhere to the duty to which I am called for on this hope. The years ahead are crucial for humanity, the great destruction and calamities might come down, yet it contains the hope and love of the Creator entity.

Nothing happens to human kind or to the nature as a whole. Nature would have given birth to light, true knowledge and humans would have evolved into the Kingdom of God, where light, and spirituality rules in all its grandeur than darkness and material power. Justice lost would be restored.


7] The Wholesome Picture of Universe 

The picture of the universe that emerged, fell in line with Bhagavad-Gita, Where Lord Krishna very clearly narrates to Warrior Arjuna, in the battlefield for restoration of Dharma [Truth] - This universe is neither created or will be destroyed. However, everything in it including all Gods and demons, come out of His Universal Image, go back to His Universal image, and exist in eternal cycles of time. In short, every one find his place as the time initializes. This is an answer to one vital question put forth to me by a Christian brother on Net “Is salvation for every body or only for His people”.  The questioner seemed to forget, God the spirit intervened  to make the Great Sacrifice, when not one human was left on earth, whom he could call Good, How can He shed light keeping aside any one out. The only question is who exist where in relation to Him. 1/4th would be close to him, 2/4th would exist mixed in the middle, ¼, exist farther in the darkness. Who finds where depends on his karma, what he sought when he was in freedom.


8] Conclusion - The Good News

The simple conclusion is that, we heading to a Golden period – The Kingdom of God - The rule of light. There could be great calamities coming our way but they would help humanity to open His eyes to truth that Governs


9] A small glimpse of the path I traversed [you can overlook this part if you are time stressed]

I was not a believer in God; I used to view God as invention of the intelligent rule the ignorant. The clashes in the name of religion and blood shed I witnessed as young boy probably influenced it. The huge gap between what is being preached and what is being practiced is another non-acceptable aspect. I lived in close association with Church Priests to know it. I took a soft corner to spiritual knowledge, when I found the base of science thoroughly inadequate to explain nature in a sensible manner. Seeing and perceiving peoples action, I had to accept a great quote “if there is no God one needs to invent one”. However, the problem is that we have invented too many Gods and each one is trying becoming God! We live in a world where the money, power and media can make a God out of a person. This makes the character that makes God, virtually dissolved into nothingness.


Spiritual knowledge very much speaks of a living entity that controls everything. However, I could not comprehend this entity out of my mind. Yes, I understand the need of law and moral guides for humanity, but I could never see a controller, for everything around me is deteriorating. Everything that rules me is corrupted; I am being constantly forced to be corrupt.  I do not even see a true judicial system that is not influenced by money and political power. A judiciary that exist on external proofs, becomes field amenable for manipulation by human intelligence and material power.  The concept of judiciary in such situation becomes a laughing stock, with one who stole a piece of bread out of hunger filling the jails and the one stole the bread of billion people ruling. The biggest culprits of the society hide in the back of the power, money and look to Judiciary with least respect. Even religious institutes who supposed to be warriors of light are subservient to them. In this backdrop the talk of Good, God, Judge, Controller appeared little out of place. I never saw a mind based on consciousness working in nature, I could only see minds that speak of money and material wealth, even much of the research we do is motivated by such objectives.


I lived in an interior village, that had no current, no transport, no communication, but there was warmth of humanity, life and little corruption, and in time, I saw corruption growing. Our education seems to inculcate the art of corruption, our politicians, government and   society promotes it, the whole nature seemed to speak corruption. All that we term bad is growing and the Good is increasingly confined to the four walls of Church, Temples and Mosques. They appeared as places where people wash their laundry, to go ahead further in their journey to darkness. I see the whole institution called religion surviving in the name of God but never practicing it.


In such situation, I seemed a misfit, a feeling that made me think very often to stop my search for truth and divert my energy and intelligence to grow in this world and top it. The path to under world came begging, but I could not hold on to such idea. The moment I close my eyes and try to gain energy to return, Mother Nature would reveal another page of her book of reality and that would light my energy the opposite way and keep me going against all odds.  For an enquirer groping in darkness, there is no happiness more than seeing the rays of light. All the light and energy I was receiving was temporary. When the sun sets and the darkness covers, my mind was in confusion to where should my mind and intelligence fixate it self. I was not in an intellectual environment to keep up the goal; there was no one around me to support the path I was traversing.  


Eventually Mother Nature led me to Her Master - the Spirit. It was a Retreat Center where lot of Miracle Cure occurs.  I went there not to pray but as an observer. From a broader perspective, I had already sketched a possible scientific phenomenon going on in prayer meetings where miracle cure occurs. I wanted to evaluate my theory. However, in a moment of intuition something in me reminded me “John you know, the observer is inferior to participant”. I decided to participate. After 3 powerful and penetrative classes on Love of God by the director of the prayer center one FR. GEORGE PANNAKKAL, I began to feel something stir in me, I began to feel that, what I observed in nature and what nature communicated with me, has so many similarities with Bible.


I have read Bible, Bhagavad-Gita, transcripts of Vedas, Upanishad, Koran and many more such scriptures that describe the existence of God, with a casual touch. They never touched me and I could not figure out the Controller and Controlling mechanism, which I am searching. I know from deep within me that a controller and mechanism exists but I am failing to comprehend it. In a moment of Supreme Glory, when I stood in total submission without any condition, speaking to the Unknown “Lord my mind cannot comprehend you, I am tired trying to seek the truth, I only see hands of destruction and no hope, I see the years I spent rooting my mind in consciousness to seek truth as a waste”. Suddenly, I experienced an energy flowing into me, and I heard a voice “come down and seek with the mind of the heart”.  The pages of knowledge that nature reveled collapsed into order. I began to perceive the beauty of ancient knowledge systems and the secret of living universe in the Secret of Calvary.


It is against the backdrop this experience that my vision of universe in a cell completed it self. With the revelation came the realization of the duty to which I called for. With it began the next torrid phase of my life that is to rewind the communication with nature, bring back the arguments and counter arguments, that went on relentlessly, through work and sleep, which led me to visualize nature as living one and put them into sensible order. There was marked difference between the past and the present state. In the newfound spiritual state, my mind was at ease. I would sit up and write spontaneously I am not worried about my life, its health and its success. A decade has gone since then. I keep writing and rewriting the fundamentals and communicating it occasionally. In 2000 when the internet came to the city near to my village, I decided to keep it on the net.


The problem with the modern temples of science is that they seek the truth from with in the walls that imprison them. They function from retreated state with prefixed objective. They exist in caves, occasionally peeping and stepping out, with a mind in fear and lack of trust. Way back in1992, I happen to send some of these ideas [then in a raw form] to almost all reputed temples of science around the world, hoping to discuss it. One researcher from a reputed institute, [IIT – India where the director, instead of throwing it into dustbin put it on the notice board], contacted  me and it culminated me going to his institute; we had a prolonged discussion, that lasted many sessions, being a biologist I had to defend my self virtually twisting and turning my hands. In the end, at some point, the researcher exploded and ran out of the room shouting “NO, NO it is not possible” An hour later he returned to tell me that I must continue my research and try to present it in a logical manner. With it, communication broke down. The fact that he understood and perceived some figure I wrote in the article tells that his mind did grasp some thing out of it. His mind probably was already working at it with some difference. At some point of our discussion, my thinking probably appeared superior and breaking his own thought which probably led him to violent reaction. Recently I had a MIT researcher [ Manchester Institute of Technology USA], showing interest in what I wrote and advised me not to write and keep the applied aspect on the net. We had an opportunity to meet personally; lot of hope rested on this meeting, for my ideas flowing from his pen would catch the attention of the world. However, the meeting broke down. He seemed to be searching for some specific technologies, and spoke about designing technologies, that does not reveal the foundation knowledge but its applied aspect could be put forth to society in packages for use. I differed very much on this, for ignorance is the basis of all problems in the society. No technologies we develop have any value if our social structure is collapsing. If there is anything that can bring down disordered state and increasing friction then it is the light, knowledge and truth of nature. The problems with we humans is that we are not ready to come out of our shell and look at nature and the Lord with out Fear. Every one associated with an institute approaches knowledge with a attitude of commercialization. My long journey and communication is peppered with, many simple ideas, that could be commercialized, but I have not been able divert my mind/energy into it. I can only do it when the underlying knowledge that has potentials to stabilize the society we live in first spreads.


My wait and struggle thus continues. I dearly wish the intellectual world and its rulers understand its foundation first, before seeking applied potentials. I am sure there will be a point in time when truth reveals I need not twist and corrupt it to fit the people living in particular cages.

Note - Internet is a huge source all forms of knowledge, yet for those who wish to have a quick precise view into creation views, I am pasting some matter taken from the net.


Creation and end as the spiritual scientist speaks

The most of the spiritual sciences speaks essentially the same fact in different manner. I will restrict myself those, which have shown cyclical picture. Here the Hindu philosophies stand in front. At depth, it has similarities with Biblical Creation.


The Hindu philosophy of creation


In Hindu philosophy, the existence of the universe is governed by the Trimurti  [Three entities which are one] of Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Sustainer) and Shiva (the Destroyer).

 The Rig Veda's view of the cosmos also sees one true divine principle self-projecting as the divine word, Vaak, 'birthing' the cosmos that we know, from the monistic Hiranyagarbha or Golden Womb. or by Prajapati who was born from the Hiranyagarbha (here interpreted as 'the golden womb'). Prajapati was later identified with the puranic Brahma, the creator who was in turn created by God, or as God [Brahman or the Spirit himself]. Other gods are credited with acts of creation, primarily the act of propping apart the sky and the Earth - gods who are said to have done this include Vishnu. Indra and Varuna.

Another myth which began in late Rig-Vedic times with the Purusha Sukta hymn was the story of the creation of the universe from the remains of the primaeval cosmic male Purusha, who had sacrificed himself or been sacrificed by other primaeval beings (not the most popular Vedic gods because they were said to have been born from Purusha after the sacrifice) at the Purushamedha yajna. According to Hindu mythology creation happened gradually. The universe in primitive form was made up of Ishwar Tattva, the Ishwar Tattva primarily spread homogeneously throughout the universe. Sarveshaktiman and Sarvevyapak, were some other names of ISHWAR TATTVA. PURUSHA and PRAKRITI identifies as energy and matter, mixing of these two in different ratios resulted in SATTVA, RAJAS and TAMAS. SATTVA having great amount of energy and little matter, TAMAS having less energy and big matter, RAJAS being in between, are basic building blocks of our Universe. Presently they can be interpreted as Electron, Proton and Neutron. These three basic Gunas in different ratio made five elements, named as Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These five elements present in the universe can be observed directly by our Ten INDRIYAS, five Gyanendriyans and five Karmendriyans.

The later puranic view asserts that the universe is created, destroyed, and re-created in an eternally repetitive series of cycles. In Hindu cosmology, a universe endures for about 4,320,000,000 years (one day of Brahma, the creator or kalpa) and is then destroyed by fire or water elements. At this point, Brahma rests for one night, just as long as the day. This process, named pralaya (Cataclysm), repeats for 100 Brahma years (311 trillion human years) that represents Brahma's lifespan. It must be noted that Brahma is the creator but not necessarily regarded as God in Hinduism. He is mostly regarded as a creation of God / Brahman.

We are currently believed to be in the 51st year of the present Brahma and so about 155 trillion years have elapsed since He was born as Brahma. After Brahma's "death", it is necessary that another 100 Brahma years pass until he is reborn and the whole creation begins anew. This process is repeated again and again, forever.

Brahma's life is divided in one thousand cycles (Maha Yuga, or the Great Year). Maha Yuga, during which life, including the human race appears and then disappears, has 71 divisions, each made of 14 Manvantara (1000) years. Each Maha Yuga lasts for 4,320,000 years. Manvantara is Manu's cycle, the one who gives birth and governs the human race.

Each Maha Yuga consists of a series of four shorter yugas, or ages. The yugas get progressively worse from a moral point of view as one proceeds from one yuga to another. As a result each yuga is of shorter duration than the age that preceded it. The current Kali Yuga (Iron Age) began at midnight 17 February / 18 February in 3102 BC in the proleptic Julian calendar

Note - One of the most important aspect of Hindu philosophy is that it speaks creation in terms of knowledge of light emerging and deteriorating and its existing cycles of light and darkness. It introduces the term called universal consciousness and universal intelligence, and the expresses  creation as the brooding of intelligence or spirit over the consciousness. Another expression is of higher and Lower knowledge, the higher knowledge being of the spirit obtained from the inner mind as a Grace of the higher mind, the lower being of material obtained from the outer mind. Even Vedas here is called as inferior and the realm of higher is said to be beyond teacher and teaching, the superior is the act of being touched by the spirit or light.and it is His Will.

The Christian Philosophy


Christian philosophy, like Hindu Philosophy, presents a Unity of Trinity, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and in the deeper realm speaks the same.

The opening of Genesis tells the biblical story of creation. The first verse of Genesis 1 begins with a description of how God (Hebrew: Elohim) created Heaven and Earth. The text thus begins by establishing a series of dualisms (heaven and earth, dark and light, day and night etc) by which the created order is progressively established, with God creating by means of the movement of his "spirit" (Hebrew: ruach) moving across the deeps (Hebrew: tehom). Creation is established both by speaking (e.g. "Let there be light") and actively working ("dividing the light from the darkness") over a period of six days.

Among those who consider Genesis an historical account, some believe creation took place over six literal 24 hour periods (Young Earth creation view), while others contend that each creative "day" represents a period or age of indeterminate length (Day-Age creation view). Others believe the Genesis creation story should be interpreted allegorically, and some Christians have treated it allegorically rather than as an historical description since long before the development of modern science. Saint Augustine (5th century) argued on theological grounds that everything in the universe was created by God in the same instant, not in six calendar days; instead:

The main Judeo-Christian religious text, the Bible, details the story of creation. The first chapter of the Old Testament book known as Genesis, describes the creation of light and darkness, the establishment of Heaven and Earth, and the creation of all creatures, including the first man and woman, by God. The Bible indicates that each act of creation occurred on 6 successive "days", and that on the 7th day God rested. Note that a "Genesis day" is most probably to signify a prolonged period of time -- up to millions of years -- provided that the Sun, Moon and the rest of the stars (and thus time itself) were not created until the 4th day (See Gen 1:14-19).

According to the book of Genesis, God eternally pre-existed the created order. As Genesis' first recorded act in reference to the world we know today, "God created" (Gen. 1:1). All the created order, from the luminaries of the sky to the fish of the sea, to the mingling of dust and divine breath that is humankind (Heb. adam, covering both male and female humankind), were created by God to embrace and enjoy the optimal living environment that is earth. Man and woman were made to reflect God's authority, love and good government into the world as stewards, and to offer up the praises of creation back to God.

Unique in all the created order, humanity, male and female, are the sole bearers of the imago Dei, the image (Heb. tselem - as in a child in the image of a parent) of God among animate and inanimate creation. As image-bearers, human beings have a mandate to walk in community with God, community and care for one another, and as caretakers of this good world. Resisting the invitation to the "We" of community with God and one another, human beings chose to live in the "I" of individualism and self-actualization.

At this point in the Genesis origins narrative, human beings became, as Francis Schaeffer put it, "indisputably bent." This self-made isolation moves the human soul toward self-preservation and self-absorption. This "falling into shadow," has unleashed destructive patterns within and without the human race, and the need for a redemptive adam to choose to live a human life in community with God, thereby reversing the effects of the fall, was exposed.

In Christian belief, Jesus, the Christ of God, was the new adam sent to us "at the fullness of time." Humanity's search to return to the Eden of our origin will culminate in a new and amplified Eden in the age to come, manifest in a new heaven and a new earth.

Philosophy of Buddism and Jainism- they reflect them selves from Hindu philosophy, yet I quote them briefly.

In Buddhism, the universe comes into existence dependent upon the actions (karma) of its inhabitants. Buddhists posit neither an ultimate beginning or final end to the universe, but see the universe as something in flux, passing in and out of existence, parallel to an infinite number of other universes doing the same thing.

According to Jain beliefs, the universe was never created, nor will it ever cease to exist. It is eternal but not unchangeable, because it passes through an endless series of cycles. Each of these upward or downward cycles is divided into six world ages (yugas). The present world age is the fifth age of one of these "cycles", which is in a downward movement.

In Jain thought, the shape of the inhabited universe has been described as that of the figure 8 or a man standing akimbo. The dimension from the top to bottom has been described as 14 Rajjus. At the top and at the middle point it is 1 Rajju wide but the width of the bulges varies from 5 to 8 Rajjus. Thus the distance between the two ends of the middle world is approximately 5.2 billion light years.

Chinese Philosophy

Tao is the nameless void, the mother of the Ten Thousand Things. Tao is considered by Laozi to be that which eternally gives without being depleted, and eternally receives without being filled. That which does not exist for its own sake is able to endure.[1]

Scientific Theories

Just as spiritual science and in parallel, Science has many theories, most important being Big bang Theory, which states that universe originated from point in a big bang, but does not tells us what caused the big bang, what caused a big collapse. Others include Steady State Theory, Inflation Theory, and Many Universe Theory. Most of these theories are linear. There is another theory that is based on non- linear science, which state that universe tend from order to disorder and out of  this disorder a great attractor  emerges around which it collapses into a new order. This theory however needs initial pulse which it advocators have failed to perceive from physical thinking.

Note – Most of ancient knowledge system have their root in Vedic Literature, Which by it self is a science than a religion. Religion creates boundaries and restricts freedom, but a Vedic teacher, teaches you the art of liberation from bondages, the supreme teacher who came across to teach the art of liberation is undoubtedly – the God Himself Jesus Christ. It should be noted that, Jain philosophy tell us that the shape of inhabited universe is number 8 or man standing akimbo. This is what the picture or shape of a non-equilibrium particle we visualized in Part-1, [ Fig -1]

Help Spread the Good News

At depth, the fundamental aspect discussed can be extended and expanded to bring out the beauty and truth of Spiritual Knowledge. This is essential for modern society which tending towards self-destruction. This however could be energy consuming and needs help and cooperation.

Index  - Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - The Living World - Creation of Quantum World - Origin of Life and Matter - >Fundamental Principle and Design - Secret of Biological Information  - Dynamic Information   Reinventing Uniform Motion -  Intelligent Design of Origin -  Evolution and Involution >Vital Conclusions - Vital Implications - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof-  Tsunami and System Design - 2012Katrina   - Beyond Genes  The truth of time  -  Cycle of GenesisIntelligent design Physics of Soul  prophesy - Energy - Ultimate Answers - An humble appealQuantum Dance Gravastar  - instantaneous communicationContact

 New The Divine Secret

New Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken

New Christ's Consciousness and 2012 New The Structure of Conscious Mind  New The Conscious Creation and End New The Secret of Life

From the eyes of a Scientist, Me and the Light of the Lord in Me

Scientist in me [what society taught me] tells me nature is Gravity and is a centripetal force

Second law of thermodynamics applied to it tells me that the system should collapse to a center point and die

But when I look through the window and see a grass grow I see nature as Anti-Gravity and centrifugal

Second law thermodynamics applied to it, tells me nature should collapse and die in a boundary

When I submit to the spirit and light within in me it tells me I am the mover between the two death points follow me you will never die

We can reinvent our nonsensical Big Bang theory involving the observer. Calvary is the point of big bang origin, what is exploding is intelligence and Living Light. You cannot see this Light unless you come down from the realm of mind to the realm of consciousness and submit to the inner Light. You have to reduce form observer and become participator. You should be able to sacrifice and be ready to burn in totality. If you carry any self then the intelligence will be that much reduced to perceive the Truth. I must admit it is impossible without His Grace even to think of it, for “self” our mind and its intelligence is essential reality over which we lived for centuries protecting ourselves and evolving. The importance here is the understanding that there are two “self ’s”  within a human, one of the Master who rules [ superior] and the other of you [ inferior]. One should learn to die to the Master, every moment, such that the Master takes guard of you. Every religious cultures, practices done is simply a distorted version of pleasing the “Master". The true and complete pleasing was done by Christ to arrest Time and conquer death

Human body consist to three parts, the soul, mind and body. Time direction and death is related to human mind that fails to perceive Truth and thus breaks the law. The conquering of time and death and its initialization should come from transformation and illumination of human mind. Mind is the secondary part of the living system, the first being the soul. This means Lord has to transform and initialize the human souls first by His soul and Spirit, before transforming and initializing human mind by His Mind. Only completion of these two essential facts will lead to transformation and initialization of the body. This is the Secret of Christ. This is the Secret of Calvary Sacrifice and His promise of Second Coming. It is the Divine Plan and Divine Design.  Christ soul is acting as template to transform the souls of humans. beyond some point, Mind of God will reveal to initialize human mind thus causing order to the body


Grace New Age Research

The matter in the site gives the gist of a New Science. Its potential for application and its capacity to reinvent ancient knowledge system in relation to the present scientific knowledge to influence all the fields of human interest positively is unlimited. If His will permits, I hope to take them up one by one. You are welcome to interact. Your help in the struggle is welcome

I would appreciate your help to spread  the knowledge