index  - Introduction  - Conclusion - The Truth -  Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - The Living World - Creation of Quantum World  - Origin of Life and Matter - &nnbsp; Fundamental Design and Principle Secret of Biological Information  Dynamic Information Reinventing Uniform Motion - System Design of Origin - Evolution and Involution - Truth that Liberates - Cause of Natural Catastrophes - Solar Flare - Quantum Philosophy - <Vital Conclusions - Vital Implications Review of Creation - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof - Tsunami and System Design - Asian Tsunami and solar-flare Katrina Catastrophes ahead   Miracle Cures  - Embryo genesis and time - The truth of time -   Beyond Genes - Genesis - The Law - Intelligent designphysics of soulenergy - prophesy - God and man - An Humble Appeal - Ultimate Answers Quantum Dance Dark Energy - What is Time Physics of BreathThe gravastar - Reality of Nature - Instantaneous communication - Secret of Quantum Action Is Earth a Heart - Contact

New God's Warriors - A Critical analysis of Cause and Emerging End

New Future Technologies

New Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken

New  E=m=I 

A Conceptual thinking opening the door to New Reality of Nature and Surviving 2012

 New  E=mc^2 

A Review opening the Door to New Reality of Nature

New The Divine Secret

New The Logic of Information, Control and health in Life

New Is Centrioles or Centromere the Center of Consciousness?

New - Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence - A blue print for developing Intelligent Machines and Possible Step towards Creating Life  Part -1

Part- 2 - Human Consciousness and its relation to Universal Consciousness and Intelligence - The Significance of 2012

The Physics of Soul, Consciousness and Intelligence Beyond Genes

New Christ's Consciousness and 2012

New The Structure of Conscious Mind

The Structure of Consciousness and Intelligence -The Quantum Dance and Physics of Creation

An humble but open challenge to all the Temples of Science and Spirituality

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Tsunami and System Design

The way to Alleviate Natural Disasters

System design that speaks of the fundamental principle, design, the interrelationship and oneness of nature tells us that nature is a living system, which struggles to maintain her equilibrium. It tells us that all natural catastrophes are the means by which nature releases the accumulated stress. These stresses are caused by increased human intervention [both in terms magnitude and number] on nature with conquering and corrupt motive. In short all natural catastrophes has direct relationship with human ignorance of interrelationship and oneness of nature.

 Just as a human body works to correct it self in deep sleep, Mother Nature works to neutralize the stresses induced on her. However when humanity fails to differentiate light and darkness or the two phases of nature active and passive and fails to give enough time to neutralize, then the stresses accumulate to burst out in huge magnitude during critical climatic changes. See for more details natural catastrophes. Although system design doest not predict it does tells us the systems working and the direction to which it is tending. From the premises of this knowledge, I have been warning increasing disasters striking humanity. I expected some great disasters after the great solar flare 2003 November. Now we have Asian Tsunami

In the absence of knowledge of interrelationship and oneness of nature, combined with the fact that human ability to exploit material force and spiritual force is doubling with every passing moment, the danger to humanity is  many fold. Humanity is heading for great disasters. If there is destruction by forced winding of earth accompanied by water, then in time there should emerge in the cycle one more great disaster by unwinding stress that manifest as fire and is helped by wind. The law of nature states that for every down there should be a up and vice-versa.

The reality that nature is tending to great disaster, was brought repeatedly to the attention of all great temples of science, religion and power that is determining our fate. They have failed to listen and perceive. I am sure the day will come when the foundation of all these temples will get ripped apart and they stand naked in front of nature crying to the higher self to save.

That could be the day when the world realizes the fundamental principle, design and basic inter relationship and oneness of nature. Sept 11 should have opened human eyes but it failed, I just Hope and pray 26th December will make humanity sit up and think without self and know the truth of nature to find peace and order.

Asian Tsunami – Is it a sign of Greater Destruction Coming our way? - Danger! Danger! Danger! 

Index  - Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - The Living World - Creation of Quantum World - Origin of Life and Matter - Fundamental Principle and Design - Secret of Biological Information  - Dynamic Information   Reinventing Uniform Motion -  Intelligent Design of Origin -  Evolution and Involution Viital Conclusions - Vital Implications - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof-  Tsunami and System Design - 2012Katrina   - Beyond Genes  The truth of time  -  Cycle of GenesisIntelligent design Physics of Soul  prophesy - Energy - Ultimate Answers - An humble appealQuantum Dance Gravastar  - instantaneous communicationContact

 New The Divine Secret

New Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken

New Christ's Consciousness and 2012 New The Structure of Conscious Mind  New The Conscious Creation and End New The Secret of Life

Grace New Age Research

The matter in the site gives the gist of a New Science. Its potential for application and its capacity to reinvent ancient knowledge system in relation to the present scientific knowledge to influence all the fields of human interest positively is unlimited. If His will permits, I hope to take them up one by one. You are welcome to interact. Your help in the struggle is welcome

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