index  - Introduction  - Conclusion - The Truth -  Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - The Living World - Creation of Quantum World  - Origin of Life and Matter - &nnbsp; Fundamental Design and Principle Secret of Biological Information  Dynamic Information Reinventing Uniform Motion - System Design of Origin - Evolution and Involution - Truth that Liberates - Cause of Natural Catastrophes - Solar Flare - Quantum Philosophy - <Vital Conclusions - Vital Implications Review of Creation - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof - Tsunami and System Design - Asian Tsunami and solar-flare Katrina Catastrophes ahead   Miracle Cures  - Embryo genesis and time - The truth of time -   Beyond Genes - Genesis - The Law - Intelligent designphysics of soulenergy - prophesy - God and man - An Humble Appeal - Ultimate Answers Quantum Dance Dark Energy - What is Time Physics of BreathThe gravastar - Reality of Nature - Instantaneous communication - Secret of Quantum Action Is Earth a Heart - Contact

New Global Warming and climate Change - The Cause and Solution

New God's Warriors - A Critical analysis of Cause and Emerging End

New Future Technologies

New Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken

New  E=m=I 

A Conceptual thinking opening the door to New Reality of Nature and Surviving 2012

 New  E=mc^2 

A Review opening the Door to New Reality of Nature

New The Divine Secret

New The Logic of Information, Control and health in Life

New Is Centrioles or Centromere the Center of Consciousness?

New - Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence - A blue print for developing Intelligent Machines and Possible Step towards Creating Life  Part -1

Part- 2 - Human Consciousness and its relation to Universal Consciousness and Intelligence - The Significance of 2012

The Physics of Soul, Consciousness and Intelligence Beyond Genes

New Christ's Consciousness and 2012

New The Structure of Conscious Mind

The Structure of Consciousness and Intelligence -The Quantum Dance and Physics of Creation

An humble but open challenge to all the Temples of Science and Spirituality

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Twelve Thoughts to Secret of Nature

Creation, Evolution and Existence - The Secret of

 Christ's Consciousness and 2012

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Thought One - The Perception


Thought Two - Analysis


Thought Three - A Vital Observation


Thought Four - A Vital Conclusion


Thought Five -  The Basal Quantum Thought


Thought Six - Assessing


Thought Seven – The Enlightenment and Transformation


Thought Eight  - The Fix in Communication


Thought Nine – Creation, Death and Recreation


Thought Ten - Locating the Particle of Life


Thought Eleven - The Turning Point.


Thought Twelve - The Time Change,  Second Coming and 2012

Thought One - The perception

1] There is something wrong in our understanding of biological system. Information is not the ultimate reality of life but there should exist “some thing” that is unique and perceives the change in the energy state of the environment and initiates the action to survive. Information in biological system is dynamic that is constantly changing through a process of unfolding and enfolding that involves exchange between the left and right and creation. This unfolding and enfolding is a chain of process that initiates at some point in the information chain and in this point that “some thing” that is the root of life should exist. This root has a unique identity in space and time.

The information, the processes of life and the whole structure we see and deal with, appear as the product of this “inner thing” and its instinct to survive. What is the “inner thing” that perceives and is struggling to survive? The information in biological system is assumed as quantitative and the whole of biotechnology is built on it. This does not account for the qualitative state that is so evident in nature.  In other words, how do we account for the uniqueness of individual biological systems? This prompted to us to look to the origin of modern biological thinking.

See article – Beyond Genes

Thought two - Analysis

As we trace the background of biology, we note that biological knowledge is subservient to physical knowledge and its thinking. It prompts us to search the basic concept on which physical science is constructed. The physical science is built on the comprehension of a single force – the gravitational [Let us not bother about other forces that were discovered later]. Gravity is a centripetal force and the motion in solar system earth and sun and its rotation are built on this concept. This fundamental and founding knowledge about force and motion on which science rest is laid by assuming

·      A non equilibrium – this was a necessity other  wise a circular and natural motion where one objects revolves around another cannot be pictured

·      The picture of oneness now necessitates existence of huge system around which everything rotates by virtue of its non-equilibrium relation – Which is this system around which everything revolves?

·      All motion involves flow and exchange of energy and it is accompanied by action and reaction. Some energy is lost in the process, which adds as heat to the environment. What this means is that in time the system looses its identity to merge with field in which it exists. Does this field [energy] form the system around which everything rotates?  It should be noted that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity presents us a reference frame called space-time. It is visualized as 4 dimensional net. The objects in it creates a depression, into this depression other objects near by are tugged resulting in circular motion.

·      Science and its language might have over looked a field or medium, but in all sensible approach to understand nature, a field emerges as a requirement. Here temperature it self becomes the field. All systems are formed from this field and dissolve in it only to form again.  There is universal direction to material nature it is towards increasing temperature or disorder and eventual collapse. The concept of gravitational collapse, big bang origin and other scientific theories are related to this basic thinking from different angles. They all end up without any answer to what caused the origin and what drives the existence. Einstein probably was aware of this aspect and thus he tried to introduce a second force Anti-gravity that stabilizes the universe. He introduced it once and retracted probably not able to comprehend a source of such force.   It should be noted the ancient  the Vedic  seers searching for  secrets of nature in “self”  had similar conclusion. They wrote that there exist a  Universal Consciousness field. All human being are but the individuated spark emerging form this field, which dissolves back into originate again and again in Time Cycles. They said this whole cycle is under the control of the supreme ultimate BRAHMAN or  SPIRIT.   It is understood as the warmth [heat] that gives life and order.  Their discovery comes not exploring the material world but observing the living world where man takes an important role. Is there two forms of heat that exist in nature? Vedas say so. Bible says so. ---

Thought Three - A Vital Observation

As one observes nature from a point of freedom, one astonishing fact that stands out is that some how life is anti-gravitational in its property and it sustains nature by opposing the material tendency. This opposing reality is proved when the second law of thermodynamics is applied to living world and material world. In life, we discover the opposing force to gravity that Einstein was desperately seeking.

Thought Four - A Vital Conclusion

The next step of thought was - if gravity is based on non- equilibrium, then anti- gravity should be based on some form of equilibrium. The whole process of origin  and perpetuation of biological system does reflect a struggle to maintain something [order] – Could it be possible that there exist a particle behind life that has some form of symmetry  and equilibrium in space and this particle is struggling to maintain its symmetry through  millions of years has manifested into  life we observe?

Thought Five -  The Basal Quantum Thought

The interaction of whole living system and the environment thus becomes important. A basic fact that becomes evident in nature and all its constituents systems is an instinct to balance it self. Nature seem to present a universal quantum design and energy flow in its day and night cycle. The one nature appeared permanently twisted to form two. When west awakes to light and expands, the east sleeps to darkness and act as a basin for energy flow and vice-versa. When the light peaks in the west, it gives way to darkness, simultaneously the east peaks in darkness and it gives way to light and vice-versa. This means nature is designed with an instantaneous communication as well as time bound communication. The time bound communication has 24 quantum steps. That could be grouped into 8 units of 3, 4 units of 6 and two units of 12 [cycles of day and night]. The earth in the above process works as a heart [double pump] receiving and pumping energy into the universe! The quantum universal design here has two parts, left and right, formed from the twisting of the one.  The basal unit in energy transfer is number 3. This has emerged so from various experiments in the mechanical era, but failed to catch human attention.  See article - 3 and time.

The above Cycle represent the Quantum Secret of Energy Transfer. It is fixed for every system. There can be fluctuation in the  24 unit cycle. But the cycle is fixed. If there is uncertainty in one 12 component cycle an opposite reaction in the other cycle balances it. Systems are designed for such balancing process. Every system has a relative position by birth and it unfolds and enfolds into the basal time cycle that is enfolding and unfolding.

All life and matter is enclosed in this perpetual day and night cycle of time/energy flow and they adhere to dance one with it. A hydrogen atom thus perceives the change in the environment and changes accordingly. It should open up or unwind to give out energy and receive energy to balance it self on the left and right. It is in a new state in relation to every New day and night cycle.

Life similarly  unwinds and acts as a siphon that takes up gravitational force from nature, converts it into anti-gravitational force and give back to nature and in the process it  balances it self  and supports the universal system. There is inherent instantaneous communication between the two. They seem to interact consciously and are aware of changes in the environment. All Life seems to be aware of even small changes in the energy state instantaneously and act accordingly. They seem to respect the energy cycle.

The picture of the world that emerges is a random and stable one, where earth takes an important role as the heart of a Living Universe and the sun takes the role of the mind that responds to the life and its conscious needs.  All biological systems appear to support the universal flow of energy and work in unison with the nature instinctively and nature can hold life abundantly. The question remains how to comprehend the time direction in the above perpetual cycle? What creates it and what drives it to the limit what happens at the limit or is time direction simply an illusion? Looking at nature one can conclude very clearly that there is a direction to nature. This is so evident in the modern times where the heat content of the system is increasing by every second through reckless exploitation of fossil fuels and other human intervention into nature in the name of economy. Nature is fighting relentlessly against this tendency to maintain her balance and this is manifesting as increased natural catastrophes and global climate change 

Thought Six - Assessing

Thus, observation of human activity both externally and internally reveals that Human being is an important element in creation of time direction. Human beings seem to function not on their consciousness and instinct but from the faculty of the mind. They appear separated from their conscious and natural communication with nature. In this respect, they stand apart from other living systems. There appears a draw back in human system, which forces them to depend largely on the faculty of mind to survive in nature. What is this difference? The faculty of the mind fails to find the first hand information or truth. Therefore, humanity struggles to gain information to survive against the external forces. What drive their quest for information are fear [negativity] and this manifest as conquering motive and corruption leading to war and friction. In fact, by his ignorance he creates a vortex and is caught in it perpetually. The more he fights the stronger it grows. This growth of the vortex towards destruction lies in the ignorance of truth – the basic interrelationship and oneness of nature. The path he takes appears a product of some design that makes humanity ordinarily incapable of communicating with forces governing nature and its existence. What is the design that makes him fail to perceive the reality that the cause of all problems exists with in him?  [See article - Secret of Consciousness and Physics of Soul] Knowledge out to have brought order, the modern knowledge has produced opposite results clearly stating that some thing is wrong in the foundation. It forces us to soften our attitude to religion/culture and the ancient wisdom. Personally, this became the beginning point of journey to Calvary and its Secret

Thought Seven – The Enlightenment and Transformation

Knowledge is a huge tree. Our minds are trained to fit into one or the other branch. We exist in this branch adding to the growth of the tree. However, the truth of the tree does not come from the branch or parts. The first prerequisite is to attain freedom from the branch so that one can move along the branch and the roots and explore the whole. Plato was aware of this requirement when he described "chair of science at the mouth of the Cave". The ancient spiritualists were aware of it so they detached from the material world to seek the truth. the ancient education system taught the art of attaining freedom. This free approach to truth brings us to the knowledge of the quantum force that manifests as a wave and binds the whole into one. Here one becomes a cell flowing in the sap and moving in the whole tree. However, it does not give any clues to the creation and its perpetuation in time cycles. Here our mind reaches a dead end. Any further advancement to know the realm of wave necessitates break down and submission to the wave supporting the tree. One needs to submit to universal wave to get that enlightened experience and glimpse of the truth that creates and supports the universal life and ensures its perpetual existence. One cannot do this act with the faculty of the mind one needs faith and belief in the Father and Controller. Here one enters the seed that has future time cycle embedded init.

Note – I understand the scientific world has little respect to personal experience and a style of writing that involves “I”. Yet I am tempted to write my enlightenment experience.  My mind searching for truth basing it self in consciousness and freedom led to a form of communication with nature. The nature revealed the pages her book. She revealed several simple facts of nature and showed the flaws in the foundation of science that has great significance to humanity. It also kindled my interest in ancient spiritual knowledge systems. I began to realize that just as there exist “some thing” in life that perceives and initiates unfolding and enfolding in life, there should exist a control point [Universal Controller], who perceives creates and perpetuates.  However, I was unable to comprehend the origin and existence universal time cycle. Then I happened to take part in a Prayer meeting where many miracle cures occurs. I was there to ratify an explanation I developed for the same. There instead of being an observer I decided to become a participator. Then in a fine moment, I stood in total unconditional submission to the  Force – The Christ’s Spirit. Then the wave within me collapsed, merging with the universal wave, only to be initialized again. The process revealed the truth that exists beyond the mind in the conscious field. I was taken from the realm of brain/mind to heart and soul field where the secret exists. I realized that human mind is the culprit. No win that we record with material and mind power is eternal. In time, it only grows to make bigger war and destruction and the victory is short lived. The Christ the Lord showed the use of weapon of Love to conquer the opposite.  It is a unique approach for it creates win without friction and thus does not propel time. On the contrary, it conquers time.  He revealed the force and action that does not produce friction but does the opposite - Gives Life.  Until then I was a cell freely moving in the sap of a living tree knowing different branch from a point of freedom. At that great moment, I became a part of the wave that supports and perpetuates the existence. Here I was transformed to be a part of the seed that survives the time. I was exposed to the biological secret of the universe. I understood that the Universal time cycle is a biological process.

The enlightening experience gives insight to a new realm beyond the mind and from this realm the ancient knowledge systems, specially the spiritual ones takes great importance. Let us take the case of "Creation with a law" - The first law imposed on the Adam and Eve. It was restricting the humans created in His image from conquering the opposite and upsetting the balance. In terms of energy/time cycle, it was restricting humans created in his image from tampering into day and night cycle and energy flow. It amounts to the one whole cell divided to form multitude of cells and the whole living being. The Central One that divided wishes and commands for the good of both [ the cells and the whole] to stay to the side you are created and work in faith with the Central Invisible one that hold life together. However, the journey of time is inevitable. Death is an inevitable consequence of birth and vice-versa. Why it so discussed under - Thought 9

Thought Eight  - The Fix in Communication

With the spiritual initialization, one is called to execute certain duty. The duty that came was to lead science into higher realm – the realm of consciousness and the Era of knowledge of basic interrelationship and oneness. The task turned more difficult than the whole exercise that led to discovering the truth. The search conducted was random and had no motive than simply knowing the truth. It was a search for simplicity behind the complexity. In the process, led enquirer out of the tree into the seed that exist disconnected from the tree. The mind in such situation fails to travel back into complexity to sketch the path. The problem at hand becomes peculiar. One is forced to speak about a Center to the minds that are limited and trained to exist perched to various branches of tree [both shoot and root] and work to move away form the same Center. The situation was calling to create a new vortex that is opposite to the one that is growing at an enormous rate to its dead end and collapse. [I hope the reader understand the meaning of it]. The best way in such situation that Lord showed was to work on the foundation of science, show its flaws and bring a twist in it and leave it for exploration.

Thought Nine – Creation, Death and Recreation

The attempt to reach out to the world started with focusing attention to the matter discussed under thought 3 and 4 above. Investigation was done on the Fundamental Design and Principle governing nature. The mind began to explore symmetry in space, asymmetry in space, equilibrium and non-equilibrium and the basal difference between life and matter, between human and other lives. In short, it led to the investigation of the cause of gravity and anti-gravity.

The principle design is non-equilibrium [4:3 ratio of twisted design], the principle instinct is to attain equilibrium, but by design and the law of quantum energy transfer, it is impossible to attain equilibrium. However, during the flow of quantum energy there is period of minimum non-equilibrium. The instinct of the system wishes to stay oscillating around this minimum state of non-equilibrium between two limits, a law is enforced for the same. Biblical secret of Creation can thus be seen in a fundamental particle. see figure

Biblical Creation tells us after Adam and Eve was created they were given the rule over the world. However it was associated with a law not to seek from the tree at the center. It was restricting the humans created in His image from conquering the opposite in the process stressing HIM and upsetting the balance of creation. In terms of energy/time cycle, it was restricting humans created in His image from tampering into day and night cycle and energy flow. It amounts to the one whole cell divided to form multitude of cells and the whole living being. The central one that divided wishes and commands for the good of both [ the cells and the whole] to stay to the side you are created and work in faith with the Central Invisible One that hold life together.

The question arises what causes the time direction that leads to critical point and collapse [ death]. Answer should exist in design. The time is inherent and ever flowing says Vedas and ancient scripture. Can we find cause for it in the fundamental picture. To understand let us take the first division of embryo that creates two out of one. The state of embryo is a important fleeting moment in the biological cycle that conquers time. We have come to understand that two equal cells are created in the process. It is not true. There should exist some non-equilibrium, because equal  and opposite forces cancels out. Here we are visualizing two cells born in the image of the whole that has some quantum non-equilibrium. The "Original Cause" or the "Causeless Cause"  now exist in the middle as an invisible entity. The material nature of the two cells  fail to perceive the Center, leads to gravitational or centripetal force. This now forces the Creator to initiate further division and disperse force acting towards it into space.   The two cells formed thus divide. The force of gravity now is directed between the four cells formed and not directly directed to the center. However, in time the force is directed to the center, forcing the center to divide again leading to 8-celled state. This eight-celled state is a crucial step.  Here it fills the eight component of space and thus attains the first level of stability. [Read article - Fundamental Particle to know the space and its components or cut an apple into eight equal paerts]. Here the system attains two-dimensional stability. The next two divisions lead to 16 celled and 32-celled states. This gives it 3 dimensional and 4 dimensional stability respectively. At the 64-celled state, the time is locked and it attains total stability in space-time. [Reader will understand this statement from the article - Secret of Consciousness]. The seed now is differentiated in space-time ready for further growth into complete system. The center that vanished with the first division now manifests as inner space–time that carries the vital sap [blood] that gives life. The spirit exist in it. It supplies energy and carries impurities and causes the renewal process. It forms the blood vessel system, which connects primal center -the heart, with all the cells of the body. It forms the medium of instantaneous communication. The Creator force exists in this medium as subtle force giving life to the system. It should be noted that this system works 24 hours. It works to  remove the impurities, vitalize and works to repair the damage done by the mind and its negative action. It does so when the mind sleeps.

The division of two cells formed from one similarly creates two more channels. They form the nervous system and communicating medium binding the system into one. This communication medium is characterized by left and right.  Time bound communication takes place in this realm. I hope the reader is perceiving the fact that we are exploring the primitive source of two important communicating systems that holds life, one that carries the instantaneous communication and the other time bound communication. The particulate structure that differentiate plant, animal, human system and how consciousness and intelligence manifest is discussed in a fundamental way in the article – “Secret of Consciousness”. The law not to seek the center and opposite holds good at micro and macro level.  It is a resistive factor against the flight of inevitable Time cycle. This secret is the basis of Biblical Creation – Not to seek from the tree at the center and the First Sin. 

However, the journey of time is inevitable. Death is an inevitable consequence of birth and vice-versa. This means the  Creator or watchmaker has to intervene repeatedly to create New Time Cycles. How does he do it? All biologist  know that all life does conquer time and initializes it self by a process of reduction where Fathers essence enters the womb of the Mother to create a new  body out of the old and thus perpetuate life. Could this process be happening at the universal level? 

Creation has four distinct phase, the conception and formation in the darkness [ womb], birth to maturity, Maturity and the declining phase to death. Before the death sets in the life creates new copies and thus survives. How can one extend this  conquering of time and time initialization to one Universal Living System. When we take the whole Universal System there is no second system into which Fathers essence can move to Create and perpetuate it self. The only other possibility is  to give up its position and enter the body to create new out of the old before the collapse occurs.  There should be a state in which God exist one with the world in a Embryo State creating new out of the old by division and separation and deliver it before the whole reaches the collapse such that it perpetuates. Death comes here because, the left and right fails to perceive the center and their material force manifest as a centripetal force leading it to a Gravitational Collapse. When this Center point disappears leaves the center and enters the body the force acting towards the center crisscross each other, creates friction and directs to the out side causing an expansion. As this leads to a critical limit what was conceived delivers and separates. The one now divides into two.

Philosophy of creation spoken in the Bible,  the Philosophy of Christ, the Calvary and Second Coming, emerges here as  most appropriate line that explains the secret of the Universal Existence. In addition, this truth at the deeper level seem to fall in order with the all the great ancient knowledge systems, the Vedas, Mayans and so on. The Vedas very clearly write that the universe was created with the self-sacrifice of the . Christ philosophy stand apart from all other philosophy, by virtue of its potential to reduce friction and thus the flight of time. It is true that Law and Justice is fundamental to nature and every one has to abide. The great mythological wars of the ancient are fought to maintain Law and Justice. But this justice has no meaning when not one is left in the side of Justice. Now the Judge himself should act to Recreate. And this cannot be done with out total Love and Forgiveness. This is the Great act of Creation that took place in Calvary 2000 years ago.

Calvary is the Knowledge Supreme that gives life. The faculty of mind of humanity failed to comprehend this Truth. So they gradually hid the Truth between the walls of the Temple and began to rule in its Name. Science emerged challenging the rule of Church and this in turn has evolved to break its own foundation. The material quest in turn has created great disorder forcing mankind to review religion, seeking order in spiritual truth. The new order is bound to emerge through the union of science and religion. As the Knowledge Supreme reveals the world initializes into truth and marches  into Kingdom of God

The conclusion that came up was that humankind was created in Knowledge and Light – Thus in the beginning was  Knowledge Era or the Era of Light, where humankind respected law and lived one with nature and its energy cycle dancing one with God. However, in time he broke the law, moved away from his conscious field and began to work from his mind field. This gave a direction to time and a journey to the center. This phase is the onset of darkness. Human kind began to fight darkness and in the process creating more darkness and is engaged in fruitless exercise of fighting darkness with material power. The phase is a journey to gravitational collapse. The God had to intervene to perpetuate the cycle and restore the balance and law. At the peak of the darkness, he needs to conceive to create new out of the old to perpetuate. This is Calvary where the flight of time was conquered and the birth and initialization into the Kingdom of God or Knowledge Era is ensured. This means we are heading to New Time Cycle and this New Time Cycle is revelation of True knowledge – The knowledge that speaks the interrelationship and oneness. The New Time Cycle is the return to the conscious state as the Mayan culture clearly tells us. Bible tells us that everything will be reveled to humanity. [See Mathew: 10. 26.]. Only such revelation can make humanity turn around from the path he is traveling. Hos:4.6 tells My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”

The truth of nature is knowledge or light cycle – the unfolding and enfolding of it. The Christ and His action at Calvary is the Supreme knowledge of conquering of death or time and creation

Thought Ten - Locating the Particle of Life

A system like atom, elements is formed by the instinct of the energy particle [ figure above] to reach higher state of equilibrium through pairing in space. These pairing helps them increasingly resist motion attain higher degree of equilibrium and stability in space. [ This is discussed in the site]. The inert element here calls for attention because they have some form of symmetry in space. These systems embedded in material world that has non-equilibrium design works to maintain their symmetry and thus gives rise to living system. [See article Beyond Genes, Physics of Soul, Secret of Consciousness ] In short, the site makes a vital conclusion that the inert elements are the foundation stone of living system. the whole living system  is the manifestation of this particle to survive against time and its evolution. The evolution of time has an unfolding phase and enfolding phase.

The problem with science is that it has found method to quantitize force and predict action of force. However, it has failed to understand  how force comes into being and how it acts, why the motion occurs, how instantaneous communication exist, how creativity comes into being and so on. We do not have a wholesome picture of the universe we live in.  Our attempt to understand nature in an material way has failed. The site now presents the biological vision of nature that brings the unity religion and science. 

Thought Eleven - The Turning Point.

The beauty of the quantum secret of day and night cycle and energy flow is written in Revelation:22 – The River of life. What science over looked forced by Michelson Morley experiment needs to be reviewed and reinvented as the biggest body around which every thing rotates. Every system both life and matter is embedded and exist related to this field body that exist fluctuating between two limits. Every thing in it, both life and matter has a unique space-time position.

Calvary is the point of big bang origin, it turned out to be the small initial pulse of the non linear world, that took birth within the old that was heading to collapse. The wave is still living and lives forever. This wave is being driven to another limit where it should act to save the collapse of the tree by revealing it self and turning its direction. Calvary was the supreme knowledge or light that was conceived in the womb and it is due to emerge to support the humanity as a whole. It will break the boundaries of religion and unite them; it will unite various branches of science into one, taking human life in the right path

Thought Twelve - The Time Change,  Second Coming and 2012

From our understanding of time, it has two phases one that is directed to the center  and time directed away from the center.  From day and night time cycle one can understand it as light cycle and dark cycle. It forms the pulse or breath of life and Living Universe.  Each has four quantum components. As long as the the breath oscillates between the middle component between two limits it is stable. The system begins to collapse into the universal field when its is pushed to the critical limit.  Beyond the critical limit it takes a journey to transition state where the direction of time needs to be conquered.  The qualitative aspect of quantum world explored in the site tells us that when the system touches the third critical state it begins to collapse and when it touches the fourth critical point the reversal takes place. 

From the biological vision of Universal System the third Critical point, should be when the Universe Conceives. This is Calvary. Following it deterioration and Creation goes simultaneously. The human kind is given the Free Will to chose. Here again every one chooses the wrong. Humankind gets occupied with matter and his spiritual reality becomes side lined. But the spirit grows within the womb by the Karmic forces  generated by humanity. Without the "Center" and Free will these Karmic forces bloom and crisscross each other exploiting matter releasing heat and causing an expansion. When this expansion facilitates the growth of the  womb. When it reaches the limit then what is in the womb [ The Spirit of the Creator ] shows the sings of liberation and initialization. The Bible very clearly relates the Second Coming to a pregnant woman undergoing the pains of delivery.  The Vedas and other ancient  knowledge system also makes such reference. Vedas clearly  tells us the modern era is the era of darkness [Kali Yuga], where humanity is in the grip of material world and justice is at its minimum. This reality  is there for every one to see. The Mayans who are considered the masters of time, have charted the change of time cycle to 2012. We are near to the great period of transition. I am not great student of Mayan culture and its mathematics. Even peripheral look shows  many parallels supporting  the Great Truth. The experts of Mayan culture view it as the revival of human Consciousness and emergence of Cosmic Consciousness. The scholars of Christian view these years as years of "Tribulation" before  the way opens for the Kingdom of God or Satya-Yuga                              

The last one century has seen the height of material quest of humanity.  However this advancement was achieved virtually breaking  foundation of science and the reality over which it was built. The quantum science has reduced the rift between science and religion.  We saw a sudden revival of religious flame in the last few decades. The Good News that  happened 2000 years is being spread to the world, more and more people are experiencing the spirit of Christ.  We are going through a period where what was distant and is with in reach. What was availed through years of rigorous quest  and sacrifices by few in the past, is available for the common man in a moment.  Christ and His spirit is for the whole humanity. It is open river from where every one can drink.  Not one will be left behind. The child in the making in the womb has enough space for the whole mother to manifest. We are in the short phase of the cell cycle or the biological cycle where creation occurs

The nature is going through a process of karmic cleansing so that it takes a new mantle. So is the humanity. The site deduces the whole process as Light Emerging and the entry in to True Knowledge Era and initialization of humanity into Satya Yuga or Entry into the Kingdom of God. The light will Emerge before the Time changes such that every one gets initialized. It depicts the Love of God manifesting a second time, for humanity by design is incapable of perceiving truth of God and he needs a Mediator -  Design factor of such drawback and the need is exposed in explored in fundamental way in the article “Secret of Consciousness Part 1 and 2

Index  - Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - The Living World - Creation of Quantum World - Origin of Life and Matter - Fundamental Principle and Design - Secret of Biological Information  - Dynamic Information   Reinventing Uniform Motion -  Intelligent Design of Origin -  Evolution and Involution Viital Conclusions - Vital Implications - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof-  Tsunami and System Design - 2012Katrina   - Beyond Genes  The truth of time  -  Cycle of GenesisIntelligent design Physics of Soul  prophesy - Energy - Ultimate Answers - An humble appealQuantum Dance Gravastar  - instantaneous communicationContact

 New The Divine Secret

New Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken

New Christ's Consciousness and 2012 New The Structure of Conscious Mind  New The Conscious Creation and End New The Secret of Life

From the eyes of a Scientist, Me and the Light of the Lord in Me

Scientist in me [what society taught me] tells me nature is Gravity and is a centripetal force

Second law of thermodynamics applied to it tells me that the system should collapse to a center point and die

But when I look through the window and see a grass grow I see nature as Anti-Gravity and centrifugal

Second law thermodynamics applied to it, tells me nature should collapse and die in a boundary

When I submit to the spirit and light within in me it tells me I am the mover between the two death points follow me you will never die


Grace New Age Research

The matter in the site gives the gist of a New Science. Its potential for application and its capacity to reinvent ancient knowledge system in relation to the present scientific knowledge to influence all the fields of human interest positively is unlimited. If His will permits, I hope to take them up one by one. You are welcome to interact. Your help in the struggle is welcome

I would appreciate your help to spread  the knowledge