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index  - Introduction  - Conclusion - The Truth -  Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - < The Living World - Creation of Quantum World  - Origin of Life and Matter - Fundamental Design and Principle Secret of Biological Information  Dynamic Information Reinventing Uniform Motion - System Design of Origin - Evolution and Involution - Truth that Liberates - Cause of Natural Catastrophes - Solar Flare - Quantum Philosophy - >Vital Conclusions - Vital Implications Review of Creation - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof - Tsunami and System Design - Asian Tsunami and solar-flare Katrina Catastrophes ahead   Miracle Cures  - Embryo genesis and time - The truth of time -   Beyond Genes - Genesis - The Law - Intelligent designphysics of soulenergy - prophesy - God and man - An Humble Appeal - Ultimate Answers Quantum Dance Dark Energy - What is Time Physics of BreathThe gravastar - Reality of Nature - Instantaneous communication - Secret of Quantum Action Is Earth a Heart - Contact


New  - Must Read Article-

Endangered World - Prediction to 2012 - Solutions to Survive

New - Knowledge to Save Earth

New - The Science of Speaking Creation into Existence

 Modern Genetics and Designer Babies - are we on the Right Path

  New -Two Steps to over come Global warming and Climate Change

 Divine Design

The key to Kingdom of God - Awakening to Truth

 Theory of Creation and Jesus Role

America, Will You Open Your Eyes? - Let not another California Burning Emerge on this Planet

 Bible Secret and Creation Science

 Global Warming and climate Change - The Cause and Solution

 God's Warriors - A Critical analysis of Cause and Emerging End

 Future Technologies

 Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken


A Conceptual thinking opening the door to New Reality of Nature and Surviving 2012


A Review opening the Door to New Reality of Nature

New The Divine Secret

 The Logic of Information, Control and health in Life

 Is Centrioles or Centromere the Center of Consciousness?

 Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence - A blue print for developing Intelligent Machines and Possible Step towards Creating Life  Part -1

Part- 2 - Human Consciousness and its relation to Universal Consciousness and Intelligence - The Significance of 2012

The Physics of Soul, Consciousness and Intelligence Beyond Genes

 Christ's Consciousness and 2012

 The Structure of Conscious Mind

The Structure of Consciousness and Intelligence -The Quantum Dance and Physics of Creation

An humble but open challenge to all the Temples of Science and Spirituality

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Chapter -5


The Beginning - The Big Bang





Understanding the process of Origin of Force and Creation 

An imaginary exercise that lays the foundation to understand Nature  


A brief summary - The universe is understood to originate from a unique particle in space [ something like Higgs Boson Particle] that comprises of two living particle a male and female in the ratio 4:3, one in space and time and takes the central position. It exist in two phases expanding and contracting. The universe is living and present and has all the living characteristics - It has a origin, end and perpetuation tthrough conception and birth.


1] The Cause and Necessity - The Conception

2] The First Moment of Origin

3] The Second Moment of Origin

4] The Third Moment of Origin

5] Fourth Fifth and Sixth Moment of Origin

6] Seventh, Eighth and Ninth moment  - The Birth of the Universe

7[ Christ , End time and Earths Magnetic Pole Shift


In the previous pages we discovered the fundamental particle, sensibly visualized the possible origin of the fundamental properties such as gravity, mass charge, energy that is associated with it, we reinvented force and explored new dimensions of force, differentiated light matter and atomic matter, understood the origin of uncertainty, visualized formation of living matter and understood the basics of living system or dynamic information unit that pulsates and sustains. However we noted that this basic information unit alone cannot account for every thing that we witness in nature. It does not tell us an important aspect of nature, that is the origin and direction of time and evolution. 


4.1] The Cause and Necessity

To understand the beginning and to know creation it is important that we sketch the force of non-equilibrium acting within this information system. The information unit we visualized has an outer cover of matter made out of 8 matter particles covering an inner particle that is distinct and is opposing the matter particle. We called it living particle.  To understand the cause of origin of force and creation we must sketch non-equilibrium force acting in the components of the whole system, that is in the information unit and the two living particle the male and female 



4.2] Non equilibrium in the material or the information unit:  


We noted earlier that absolute system is a dead system and thus does not exist in reality. This means the material system we speak of should exist in first order of non equilibrium. In a material system in the first order of non equilibrium 3/4 of the equilibrium of the individual material system is directed to their own center, that means away from the center of the whole system. 1/4 is directed to the center of the whole system. We must note here that because of the non-equilibrium [4:3]  the center depicts an area that  covers 1/4th  of the  whole system. 


[ If the reader can grasp at this point-  Within this center several points exist through which force moves in quantum manner and gets concentrated. This would be dealt in detail later as we visualize various matter system forming from a fundamental particle. For your curiosity let me give the picture of the fundamental particle


All the system in nature is formed from the collision of the above fundamental particle 4:3 ratio in space such that it maintains the fundamental requirement - the flow and motion.

Since the space has eight components see figure below. The systems are formed by the collision of particles in the same plane and complementary plane


For example a system can be formed by the collision two particles on A and C one left winding the other right winding. In order to account for the flow and motion the two particles should exist in 4:3 ratio. This means it has an overall twist as left or right. AC then can pair with another similar pair BD with opposite twist. Here again the AC should exist  in a 4:3 ratio with BD. This means the system has an over all twist.  This system can form a third level of pairing with EGFH. Here ACBD and EGFH should again exist in 4:3 ratio. This means the whole system in space also has overall twist as left or tight winded. The over all twist is determined by the dominant. This gives the system three level stability in space. The whole picture gives a winding path to the center and away from it. Since each particle has three points in space around which it exist, the center of the system in space,  now should contain 24 points, 8 of which are major points existing a descending or ascending manner [ one dominant the other recessive and six forming intermediate] in which the force moves in spiral manner.  These ideas are relevant to biology for example the triplet code, double helical and so on. Later on we will discover that the dominant forms the point of  development of brain and the the recessive forms the point of development  of heart] 


4.3] Non-equilibrium in the living system:

¼ non-equilibrium force of the living system is directed to the outside that is against the material force. The system has 2/4th matter as neutral and directed to its own center; it also has ¼ non-equilibrium force directed towards the center of the whole system.

4.4] Non equilibrium in the whole system and the 
Big-Bang Origin:  
Moment Zero: - The male [dominant] and female [recessive] system has a relative existence. Their structural disposition in space gives scope for attraction between them. They tend to wind towards each other in search of increased stability. This attraction invariably means the ratio of the material systems that surround the living particle tends to a non-equilibrium state of  3:1. Here one part is contributed by the external material system directed to the center, one part is contributed by the structure of the living particles [The instinctive attraction between male and female or the instinct to reach higher state of equilibrium or we can also simply put it as contribution from design] and the third is contributed by the superiority of the male component.  At this ratio [3:1], the whole system winds to the third critical state and breaks down and inverses. In the process left turns right and vice-versa. The whole process is compression and expansion- it is the first Pulse of a Living Universe- the Big-Bang origin of Macrocosm. It is similar to the first pulse of a living system created by the union of male and female gamete [Microcosm]. The mind of the universe is constructed on this pulse. Mind thus is a created product. If we sketch the change of the fundamental ratio 4:3, we note that under the compressive force it shifts to 3:2, then to 2:1 and then to 1:0. Here the female submits to the male and facilitates the change of direction left to right or vice versa.    
What we are visualizing here is fusion of two system male and female in the ratio 4:3. Each of these system has a central living particle covered with 8 material systems that forms the dynamic information system. See Living Particle


The above process is accompanied by a huge explosion, because the three step winding would have taken the external material system to the third type of critical winding we saw previously [sub heading - 2:5 in the previous page]. The explosion is not the type which originate from a point but resembles the Inflation Theory of Origin


Let us note some important points before we go further  

1] The structure of living particle makes it a 8-tier system. [For the system with male and female considered together it is 16 tier ] Each tier having a dominant and passive component. The outer most being the highest and the inner most being the lowest the other six forming the intermediate. The system is stable when the energy flows in the six intermediate and collapses when it touches the outer or the inner limit

There is enough reason here for biologist to break down one gene one-enzyme hypothesis and construct a dynamic gene relation ship. Six pair of gene forming an immediate group. It is linked to other group with two more genes. [Bio-Technologist’s please note this] We will explore it in detail later on  


2] The male and female system [Creator System] when it reaches the critical 3:1 ratio, because of the non-equilibrium exist not at the geometrical center but away from it, in proportion to the non-equilibrium.


3] The explosion occurs from 16 systems, which are spatially distributed  around the male and female system. [The birth thus involves 18 systems, 16 material and 2 living systems]. 


The explosion or the Big bang throws up matter into space as we visualized in the third type of action and reaction. [See sub-heading 2.3 in the previous page]. This results in the spinning and spiral displacing motion of the individual system. This motion of individual system is relative to the other systems.

This motion shows up as two waves one moving left to right, the other right to left. One of them is dominant, the other recessive.  Both these waves in turn has a passive wave component which is opposite on the same plane. The angle between these two waves decides the characteristics of the wave See Fig below 




Earlier we noted that the emitted matter or charge unwinds in space in a stepwise manner. The angle between the two arms dominant and recessive changes in quantum steps. Let me write the figure again for you. See fig –37 





In our above visualization of explosion, we can conceive possible collision of light matter expelled. Fundamentally, two types of collision can occur here

1] When two matter particles are in the first state of unwinding. 

2] When two particles are in second state of unwinding.  

In the former case, it results in the formation of non-equilibrium system, which emits light matter in to space. [Formation of radiating systems] In the latter case, it results in to relative equilibrium system. [Material systems] Nature is so designed that all these collision occurs between two particles that have a ratio 4:3.

3] The third state of unwinding simply adds or negates to the external flux


4.5] The First Moment of Origin or Creation 


The Formation of the Mind


The process that precedes the first moment

We saw a situation where the act of life the male and female souls or particles leading to three step winding of the whole system to a critical state at which the system collapses and begins a unwinding process.  Let us now try to visualize the unwinding process.


Because the 4:3 non equilibrium between the male and female, the whole system has a chosen twist the male and female particle particle would come lie at 1/4th distance away from the center. See figure 



The first moment of the explosion throws up 16 light matter particles to the center in curved winding manner and 16 to the outside in an unwinding manner. Out of this, eight are dominant and the other eight are recessive. The 16 light particles, which are thrown to the center, results in a collision in the first order of unwinding [see fig above] and this results in a unique system, which is stable in space but emits charge to the outside in response to winding or unwinding stress acting on it.   In other words, this system opposes any winding or unwinding force acting on it.  It is the source of stability to the whole system. It has a twist in opposite direction to the creator system. It is capable of emitting light matter all around in spiral manner in respect to both left winding and right winding forces acting on it. The system formed could be viewed as the Sun or the Mind of the universe


We must note that the first moment of explosion also throws 16 light particles to the outside. They collide in the first order to form an outer ring of non-equilibrium system emitting light matter in to space.  [ The stellar system] Thus, we end in two layers - Inner and outer radiating layer  for the universe. The dominant particle in the center in the process of this winding would have gone recessive to the recessive. This could be compared to male going into the egg cell to conceive a new world.


Important point to note is that, fallowing first moment the twist of the creator particle changes and the flow is reversed.  This means the twist of the whole system begins to change.  A change in direction of time is caused. This is equivalent how living system conquers time. It is the BIG BANG ORIGIN. The following series of figures explains the cycle of TIME  








The figure is quite explanatory.  The earth probably lies off centered so too the sun. The actual center lies between the two. Within certain limits the whole system is stable see figure below.



However a direction of time [that the site relates to Human mind its conquering motive and corruption] winds the wholes pushing the system to certain critical limit at which the collapse becomes inevitable. The left turns right and an inversion takes place see fig - 3 above. At this point the time direction  changes from center to the periphery. In other words  the system begins to expand through an unwinding phase. This unwinding phase under human conquering motive and corruption also leads to a critical point leading to a Big Collapse where left turns right and vice-versa and time again changes it direction see figure -5 above. One must note this configuration Dec 21st 2012 celestial configuration that is so much spoken in Mayan Calendar



Few important points to be noted are that 

1] The inner radiating system has a structure similar to the parental system except that its twist is opposite to the parental twist. The opposing nature of Creator [soul] and inner Radiating system [Mind] gives stability to the system. They form the two basic elements around which life is constructed - The Mind and Heart. It also forms two points between which the system oscillates. But the Power that controls the whole is the one that goes Recessive to the the recessive to cause the expansion and which emerges from the recessive causing the change in direction.

2] We must note that the whole system has a chosen twist to the left or the right determined by the Creator system. The outer layer of the radiating system favors this twist direction by ¾ and opposes it by ¼. The central system opposes this twist by ¾ and favors it by ¼. The middle field by virtue of the twist is oppositely directed to the creator system in the beginning is now directed to the twist of the parent system by3/4 and opposes by ¼.  The equation is 7/12 in favor of the parent system and 5/12 opposite to the parent system. This means that there is resistance and friction yet there is direction to the whole system. This direction is directed back to the creator system [Male and female], which goes passive and receptive after the first moment. In other words, the creator system becomes the recipient of the reaction and the direction of evolution of the whole system. The act of the male and female creates a center [a son] around which the whole exists 2] We must note that the whole system has a chosen twist to the left or the right determined by the Creator system. The outer layer of the radiating system favors this twist direction by ¾ and opposes it by ¼. The central system opposes this twist by ¾ and favors it by ¼. The middle field by virtue of the twist is oppositely directed to the creator system in the beginning is now directed to the twist of the parent system by3/4 and opposes by ¼.  The equation is 7/12 in favor of the parent system and 5/12 opposite to the parent system. This means that there is resistance and friction yet there is direction to the whole system. This direction is directed back to the creator system [Male and female], which goes passive and receptive after the first moment. In other words, the creator system becomes the recipient of the reaction and the direction of evolution of the whole system. The act of the male and female creates a center [a son] around which the whole exists

 We must note that the whole system has a chosen twist to the left or the right determined by the Creator system. 

3] The three layers differentiated exist in certain ratio. The inner or central comprises of ¼ of the total material matter, the outer contains ¼ of the total material matter and the middle contains the other ½. [Note I am speaking of material matter]. The interaction between these three layers of radiating system is typical of system, which lives, evolves and involutes.   



4] Since the emitted charges from the system always exist in the ratio 4:3 the system moves in a curved manner that culminates in cyclic path 


5] Further cause for motion in the system originates from the ring of external radiating system, which instantaneously precipitates action from the central radiating system. The whole system at the end of first moment has developed an outer environment or body that creates the cause for further action, a Middle soul and Central Mind around which the whole system exist  5] Further cause for motion in the system originates from the ring of external radiating system, which instantaneously precipitates action from the central radiating system. The whole system at the end of first moment has developed an outer environment or body that creates the cause for further action, a Middle soul and Central Mind around which the whole system exist 


At the end of first moment 




4.6] The Second Moment

 The second moment of big-bang results in the emission of 16 particles from the center to the outside. Simultaneously 16 particles of equal magnitude are twitched from the middle field because of the sucking force originated in the light emitting system at the center.  Eight of the light particles originating from the middle and central radiating system collide in a directly opposite manner in the second order of unwinding to form eight relative equilibrium systems or matter systems. The other eight particles unwind to the third critical state to form another layer of field.  


Similarly 16 light particles are also emitted from the outer layer to the inside, which is accompanied by twitching and sucking 16 light particles of similar magnitude from the basal field. Eight pairs of them collide in directly opposite manner in the first order of unwinding to form eight more light emitting systems. The others unwind and go to the formation of a field around the system.  Thus at the end of second moment we are left with an inner radiating system, outer layer of radiating systems [16 in number]. In between these two radiating layers there is a middle field, which contains the parental system surrounded by 8-matter system. Thus we see the origin of an information unit and the system reaching relative equilibrium state.

The end of second moment thus gives a structure of one whole living system. There is a central radiating system [mind], an off centered soul surrounded by eight material systems with three layers of field covering it. They together form the information system flexible in all the four dimensions of space. The whole thing is enclosed in the outer ring of radiating systems, which form the environment in which it survives.      

We must note few important points


1] The creator system has more than ½ of the matter of the universe [4/7]. Thus, the system we are imagining is quite stable

2] The end of second moment the whole system is unwound by 1/2.  

3] The outer radiating system is winding in its characteristics and thus is directed to the center and the space available for it decreases. In contrast to this the inner radiating system is unwinding in its response and thus is directed away from the center and the space available for it increases.


4.7] Third Moment of Origin  

With the completion of second moment, the system is unwound to the second critical state. In other words, they are unwound completely and exist in relative equilibrium state. The outer layer of radiating system continue to emit light matter producing a winding force, instantaneously the central radiating system unwinds to balance the system. An important thing to be noted here is that, at the end of the second moment the matter is distributed evenly to the outside and to the inside from the middle layer. In other words, the space inside and outside from where the matter gets distributed equals. Since the radiating system continuously emits matter, and since these two radiating layers produces opposite winding pressure. This space available for expansion becomes limited and the 8 relative material systems in the middle is compressed and collapses by winding matter to its center on to the second plane. Thus, certain proportion of matter is rendered passive and flow begins towards the off centered real center. [Recall matter being wound under external force]. This winding maintains the space in which the matter is distributed. It also begins to stress the dominant part that went recessive in the first moment to unwind.


We can now assume that a living cell or universe is formed that has a time direction. Here the soul is represented by the parental living particle and the central radiating system represents the mind. The whole system has now developed a dynamic information system consisting of eight material systems surrounding the off centered central living particle to form a double helix. The mind now takes the central point of this information unit  [I call this the basic unit of information in a dynamic system {Living and Evolving}]. 


Important Note: -

The whole creation thus enacts the structure of the family. The union of the Father the dominant and the Mother the recessive to give rise to a Son, which becomes the principal center of the family.  The structure of the family is protected by the information that is developed in the process.


[An important point one should note about the origin in the ratio and its changes. The collapse leading to creation originates from 3:1 non-equilibrium directed to the center. The first moment of origin is propelled by a ratio 4:3 directed away from the center. The second moment it reaches a 3:3 ratio. The third moment when the matter is wound in to passive state in the eight material particle formed the ratio 4:3 are directed to the center. Thus, the creator after the act of creation goes into passive recipient state.]


4.8] Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Moment of Origin - Formation of Fields:

With the next three moments, the system begins to build up the body. The charges expelled from the outer radiating layer keeps adding certain definite proportion of radiating systems and fields. The central layer in contrast adds only fields. Successive fields added are increasingly wound in opposite direction to the winding of the creator system.  This formation of the field begins to cause an unwinding force on the parental system.

4.9] Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Moment - The Birth of

 the Living Universe:

The seventh eight and ninth moment adds three more fields around the system, winding the creator system to another critical point and the system overcomes the stress by changing its left and right.  The dominant turns recessive and the recessive turns dominant in the process, it expels the force acted on it, back to nature.  It spins and moves in the process. The whole process is compression and expansion of the creator system.  It is the second pulse that completes the cycle. The Father who had gone recessive now turns dominant and the cycle goes on.


Christ, End time and the Significance of date 21 Dec 2012 of Mayan Calendar


The big bang and big collapse created a form of fear in me for it was evident that we are in the boundary or end time. The realization that we are in end time did not come only from Return of Christ or Mayan Calendar and such prediction but it was most evident factor one finds when one observes nature from a point of freedom.  Human conquering motive and corruption is multiplying every minute and this combined with power over matter that science has given humanity with out the knowledge of interrelationship and oneness, meant that humanity can upset the balance of the nature and invite a catastrophe any time.


This fear vanished when I got initialized in the realm of spirituality and moved from the realm of mind to the realm of the heart. The whole site came out of observation life specially human being. Here the mind of humanity and its intervention on nature molding its destiny became the principal concern. The primal conclusion on which whole exercise was built is the realization that humanity is exploiting nature without knowing the interrelationship and oneness of nature. As early as 1992 I developed the foundation for the inter relationship and oneness of nature but I could note complete the universal time cycle in a sensible manner. 


This cycle emerged  spontaneously when I stood in submission to the higher mind that created everything. I was not a believer, I always felt that religion is the invention of the intelligent to rule the ignorant. I took to research with a small goal of contributing  something to humanity. Religion became a subject of my observation when I found that science stands on a broken base and absolute ignorance of nature. The spontaneous revelation was a jump from the realm of mind and intelligence to the realm of the heart and it is beyond it that I discovered the Mind of God. Here the big bang and big collapse just came down as a small passing event,  fully under the control of the universal consciousness and intelligence the father and mother. It is understood as the manifestation of LOVE  of the Father and the Mother towards their Children.  I discovered Calvary as the Big Bang  origin or the conception of the Universe and the Second Coming the Birth of the Universe. It is point of initialization by revelation of truth - The Absolute Knowledge.  I just tuurned out be a vehicle.


The transformation  process that leads to initialization is on the way. The tell tales signs of it has been discovered by many scientist. A great Russian scientist Alexey N. Dmitriev has very clearly called the attention to the fact that our solar system is under going irreversible transformations [ read the article in the site  also read Divine Cosmos

It is important  that we note the Mayan Calendar speaks  Dec 21 2012, as end of time and the beginning new time. Scientist now notices a magnetic pole shift in earth, many sites and scientist have predicted this poles shift might coincide with the great prediction of Mayan Calendar. [ see on Pole shift] I am tempted to uphold it because the system design also shows such configuration in the cycle of time see figure  below




How the Pole shift affects the Living Beings


It is known that all matter, life and the whole is a electro-magnetic system that is interrelated to form one. This means all system are relative to one another and is related to the whole. So the Pole shift in earth will have its effect on all system. The system design makes an important note that all systems both material and living in nature except humans shifts naturally with universal shift. Human being with a conquering  and corrupt mind are the originators of time direction to nature and the very cause of initiation of pole shift. Human mind with a "self" is great barrier between truth and untruth. If Mankind does not understand truth and initialize, it would mean a great catastrophe as the time ends. It could mean virtual destruction of Humanity. This means a transformation process in human consciousness should precede and peak before the time changes. This transformation process  is happening in the spiritual realm. So called Second Birth, that Christianity is speaking, the Moksha that Hindu religion calls far, Nirvana that the  Buddhist  seeks, are all related with it. I believe that before the time reversal comes every one would get initialized that is my faith in God. The time reversal therefore would come only after the Absolute Knowledge is known  to humanity. This absolute Knowledge is the secret of the Sacrifice at Calvary. 


This transformation will be accompanied by great catastrophes striking humanity making him stand naked in front to nature virtually crying helplessly.  To day humankind on the partial knowledge of matter revealed to him stands up to nature and his own brothers with arrogance, thinking that he can control his destiny by Knowledge of matter. 2005 and 2006 could be critical to Humanity see article - Quantum Universal Wave Collapse


Go to  - You, Me and Creation


Index  - Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - < The Living World - Creation of Quantum World - Origin of Life and Matter - <Fundamental Principle and Design - Secret of Biological Information  - Dynamic Information   Reinventing Uniform Motion -  Intelligent Design of Origin -  Evolution and Involution VVital Conclusions - Vital Implications - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof-  Tsunami and System Design - 2012Katrina   - Beyond Genes  The truth of time  -  Cycle of GenesisIntelligent design Physics of Soul  prophesy - Energy - Ultimate Answers - An humble appealQuantum Dance Gravastar  - instantaneous communicationContact

 New The Divine Secret

New Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken

New Christ's Consciousness and 2012 New The Structure of Conscious Mind  New The Conscious Creation and End New The Secret of Life

From the eyes of a Scientist, Me and the Light of the Lord in Me

Scientist in me [what society taught me] tells me nature is Gravity and is a centripetal force

Second law of thermodynamics applied to it tells me that the system should collapse to a center point and die

But when I look through the window and see a grass grow I see nature as Anti-Gravity and centrifugal

Second law thermodynamics applied to it, tells me nature should collapse and die in a boundary

When I submit to the spirit and light within in me it tells me I am the mover between the two death points follow me you will never die

We can reinvent our nonsensical Big Bang theory involving the observer. Calvary is the point of big bang origin, what is exploding is intelligence and Living Light. You cannot see this Light unless you come down from the realm of mind to the realm of consciousness and submit to the inner Light. You have to reduce form observer and become participator. You should be able to sacrifice and be ready to burn in totality. If you carry any self then the intelligence will be that much reduced to perceive the Truth. I must admit it is impossible without His Grace even to think of it, for “self” our mind and its intelligence is essential reality over which we lived for centuries protecting ourselves and evolving. The importance here is the understanding that there are two “self ’s”  within a human, one of the Master who rules [ superior] and the other of you [ inferior]. One should learn to die to the Master, every moment, such that the Master takes guard of you. Every religious cultures, practices done is simply a distorted version of pleasing the “Master". The true and complete pleasing was done by Christ to arrest Time and conquer death

Human body consist to three parts, the soul, mind and body. Time direction and death is related to human mind that fails to perceive Truth and thus breaks the law. The conquering of time and death and its initialization should come from transformation and illumination of human mind. Mind is the secondary part of the living system, the first being the soul. This means Lord has to transform and initialize the human souls first by His soul and Spirit, before transforming and initializing human mind by His Mind. Only completion of these two essential facts will lead to transformation and initialization of the body. This is the Secret of Christ. This is the Secret of Calvary Sacrifice and His promise of Second Coming. It is the Divine Plan and Divine Design.  Christ soul is acting as template to transform the souls of humans. beyond some point, Mind of God will reveal to initialize human mind thus causing order to the body


Grace New Age Research

The matter in the site gives the gist of a New Science. Its potential for application and its capacity to reinvent ancient knowledge system in relation to the present scientific knowledge to influence all the fields of human interest positively is unlimited. If His will permits, I hope to take them up one by one. You are welcome to interact. Your help in the struggle is welcome

I would appreciate your help to spread  the knowledge